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Dumb Question Alert - Determining Temperature in small batches of wax

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Ok I feel silly asking this but here goes.... I use a presto pot and only melt 8 oz batches of wax at a time. My question has to do with finding the most accurate method to determine the true temperature of the wax. I set the temp on the presto at what looks to be about 185-190ish (not sure since it only has indicators of warm, 200, 250 and so on). The only way for me to be sure my wax is the correct temperature is by dipping a thermometer (obviously). But with such a small amount of melted wax there is less than an inch of melted wax. I have an infrared thermometer but my understanding is that the temp is skewed when aimed at a shiny dark surface so that is out. That leaves my candy thermometer or the digital style w/metal probe. In either case because there is such a small amount of liquid wax, I feel that I am getting the temperature of the presto pot as opposed to the wax itself, unless I tilt the presto so that I have a deep enough pool to check the temperature without hitting the bottom or sides of the pot. I am probably over thinking this, but I am mainly want to make sure I am getting an accurate temperatue. Sorry for the lamo question.

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That is what I started out using but I hated standing at the stove watching and waiting, so I switched to the presto. I do make several batches in a day, they are just always in 8oz increments and I make 1 batch after the other. Maybe I should consider melting larger quantities of wax at once and then ladeling out 8oz once the wax gets to the right temperature. So if I go with that method, once the wax in the presto reaches 185 will it maintain that temp, or does the wax temp get progressively higher the longer it sits in the pot? If it is the latter, then I guess I would need to get more pour pots and have my FO ready in each one and then ladel, weigh out 8oz and then pour into the pour pots.

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Unless you are switching wax types between batches, you can very easily fill your presto pot and then remove the quantities you need over time. One of the best ways I've found to do this is to have a second pouring pot available to pour the wax into, then have your main pouring pot on the scale and slowly pour the wax in. You can control it very easily that way and get it to the quantity you need at a time. The thermostat on your presto pot will keep the wax hovering at the temperature you set it at. It won't continually spike higher. And I would suggest adding your FO and colorant to the wax after you have it measured, that way if you have too much in the pot on accident, you can put it back into the larger batch without worrying about cross contamination. If you are working in a cold environment, your double boiler system will work fine to keep the wax at the correct temperature that way, and since you would be working there anyway, it's not like you'd be leaving it unattended.

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Maybe I should consider melting larger quantities of wax at once and then ladeling out 8oz once the wax gets to the right temperature.
:thumbsup: That is the way to go if you are using the same wax with all those "mini" pours. It might keep you from ripping your hair out.
So if I go with that method, once the wax in the presto reaches 185 will it maintain that temp, or does the wax temp get progressively higher the longer it sits in the pot?

Not sure about anyone else's but mine pretty much stays put. Just keep an eye on the temp until you have a good idea of what your pot will do. If it starts to creep up then just turn it off if you need more time in between "pours". :2cents:

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Yep. more wax in pot, set temp so that the pot stay at 185-ish (check from time to time) and use a pouring pot . Place pot on scale, weight out the wax needed, place pot in double boiler or hot plate (not exposed element kind), add color and other additives, heat to 185 and add FO. Stir and pour. Leave extra wax in Presto Pot until next time.

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One thing I have done before when wanting just a small amount of wax, pour the desired wax pellets into my pouring pot then use my heat gun to melt it until it reaches the correct temp to add my FO's. Now, this is usually about 3 oz though when I am wanting to just test a few melts with a new scent so not sure if 8 oz would work or not this way.

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Ok I had to go to bed so I didnt get back to put in the rest of my answer, but I see everyone beat me to it LOL

One thing I do though. Find out the high temp of your wax. I have adjusted my temp in my Presto, to not go over that high temp, BUT I do have it about 10 to 15 degrees hotter than what I want to pour at. Reason being is, I take mine from the Presto, put it in another measuring cup on the scale, or the mix pot, sometimes its transferred between two vessles so each time it does that, it cools down a little more each time. If I keep the temp in the pour pot a little higher, by the time I've done all the transferring, put in my dye ( if Im using any ), get that right, then put in my FO at a high enough temp to incorporate it, then stir til it reaches pour temp....

example :

When Im doing the dipped tps, I do various shades, so .... I ladle the wax out and use the scales to measure it. Then I add my color, mix, and check the color .. sometimes I have to play with the color two or three times to get it where I want it that particular time. Then I check the temp. I add my fo if its around 170 to 180 depending on the fragrance.... stir stir stir til it reaches pour temp ( u have to be careful because sometimes adding the fo will lower the temp faster than yould think), then I dip my tps.

If Im doing melts, I can have the Presto temp a little lower, because I do not add dyes to my melts, so I dont have a couple of minutes between mix and pour , so it goes faster.

I know what Im trying to say, hope that made sense to yall lol

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Buy a digital oven thermometer, which has a long silver cord attached to a probe. The probe will lay flat on the bottom of the presto and give you accurare readings. Plus you can set it for amount of time to stir fo and color. You can find them at wally world forabout $20.00 or so and they last forever . Hth


Edited by chuck_35550
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Buy a digital oven thermometer, which has a long silver cord attached to a probe. The probe will lay flat on the bottom of the presto and give you accurare readings. Plus you can set it for amount of time to stir fo and color. You can find them at wally world forabout $20.00 or so and they lastfirever. Hth


I love mine! Beeps when it reaches the correct temps I need. They sell them on eBay also.post-13614-139458493244_thumb.jpg

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Thanks to everyone for all the input (and for not making me feel like a ding dong)

I have the digital thermometer with the metal probe on the long silver cord, so I will try lying it on the bottom of the presto. I just assumed that would be picking up on the temp of the presto pot itself as opposed to the wax, but I guess the temps of the two would probably be the same, right?

I think I will try this:

Place the probe in the bottom of the presto :), melt large quantities of wax, heat to about 190-195ish, tare my glass pyrex cup, ladel and weigh out 8oz of wax, add color and then FO. I think if I keep my pyrex on one of those little candle warmer hot plates to keep it warm, and between the time it takes to weigh wax and add color, that should give me enough wiggle room so the wax will drop to about 185. If I want to make several batches at once, then I will invest in more pour pots and a larger hot plate to keep 3-4 pots warm at once. For now I will try it with my handy dandy pyrex and see how it goes.

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