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I am going to try my hand at them, they look like a fun project, probably won't sell them but looks like a fun project to do with scap wax and wick trimmings.

I think I would do two sheets of wax about 1/4" wide and sandwich the wicks between them after I twist them all together with some wax that is creamy (like frosting) to hold it all together. I would probably only burn it outside too, I have a feeling it could end up being a huge inferno piece.


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Those have been around for years. There is a video somewhere of one burning. Its about 15 minutes long but its pretty cool to watch. BTW-- they really burn nicely without a bonfire effect. I love watching the wick burn down to an intersection and the wicks split and burn seperately. Its very interesting to watch.

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Sorry-- don't know what you call those nor do I remember if they even have a name. I just remember the first one I saw was on an 'artsy' type website in Italy or someplace in Europe. The link to the video is posted somewhere on this forum but you have to search several years back. Every now and then someone posts this candle but its really been around for some time.

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Here is the video of the large 200 dollar one

I know they have been around for a while but I don't think they were posted here, I was just going through my favorites to clean them out and found the toxel post about them, and other cool candles, most I have seen before but that one is just too cool

Here is the toxel post I was referring to.


Those five minute candles reminded me of a video I saw of a person lighting a crayon for a nice 15 minute emergency candle

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I had not seen these either @001. You are braver than I... I can't begin to imagine how I'd work out where the wicks needed to go... the distances in between & how fast they'd burn etc etc ETC!!! Mine would definitely end up an "inferno piece" !!! Let me know if you have a go... Good Luck!

Thanks so much for posting the video. Took AGES to load my end, so be patient anyone who wants to have a look. Totally worth it though!

LOVE this!

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I am also curious. I was searching for this video some time ago and was not able to find it, so great that someone has reposted it again.

Let us know how you go with your experiment, as I am also very curious to try this, although it would be with feather palm which should make it even more challenging.



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I know they have been around for a while but I don't think they were posted here..

Actually, the link to the Bravit candle and the video of it burning was posted here a while back. There was a lively discussion about it too. Even some good speculation about how it was done if you care to search and find the thread.

Edited by Candybee
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I had not seen these either @001. You are braver than I... I can't begin to imagine how I'd work out where the wicks needed to go... the distances in between & how fast they'd burn etc etc ETC!!! Mine would definitely end up an "inferno piece" !!! Let me know if you have a go... Good Luck!

Thanks so much for posting the video. Took AGES to load my end, so be patient anyone who wants to have a look. Totally worth it though!

LOVE this!

I'm not going to try it, since I'm too new to candle making to attempt something like this; but if I did ever try it, I would buy one of their candles and try to copy how they did it as a way to learn.

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I wasn't thinking of doing it for anything but giggles. I'm sure they use the same wax they use for tapers and its not a wax I have, I'll probably just use a sheet pan and pour it with some scrap pb I have lying around and just weave together some cd4 wax trimmings and then light it up. Based on the pictures and everything I have seen about them they seem to be made in a mold that is very thin, the wicks are woven together and then dropped into the mold which is just wider than the wicks. They would have to be cooled very slowly, if not they would crack. I plan on cooling mine in the oven. I'll probably try it out this weekend when I'm pouring again. I'll take pics. I bet mine will drip and just flare up. We'll see though. I have to find a pattern I think will work. I'm leaning towards the caffeine symbol and it seems like the ch3 would be a logal place to light.


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