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Credit card fraud - again!


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Check your credit cards - Just got a phone call from my business credit card company, someone got my number online AGAIN.

My Paypal account is fine and I only use this credit card online for supplies.

Yesterday afternoon I made a purchase at Nashville Wraps. It is the only place I have used it recently since I pay everything with Paypal.

Edited by annie123
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I have had this happen to me twice personally. The first time the spent a few hundred but after fighting and some time I got it back, the second time they spent almost $1000 but they were still in the approval stages when I caught it. Thank goodness none went through. If it were not for a phone call I got asking if I made this purchase I would have been too late to stop some of them. These poeple use programs to find peoples numbers. The sda part is they know your name and home address also then buy stuff but have it shipped to another address.... Sorry you have to go through this. I check my banking daily to make sure nothing off is going on.

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We've had 6 shipments in the last 3 months from Nashville Wraps all placed on credit cards and have no problems with any of those card accounts.

If this hacking thing continually happens to you, you may want to check your internal processes of how your handling your credit card information, what your doing with hard copy credit card bills, what information your sending through your computer etc. Are you putting something in the garbage that someone else is picking out??? Especially if your changing card numbers all the time and that info is being stolen.

Please remember that many times card numbers are stolen then held for weeks or months at a time, before a hacker will use them, so it's hard to pinpoint where the problem may have occured.

Holiday season is just around the corner,,, I would imagine the hacking schemes will be in full force then.

Sorry you're dealing with this headache already,,, hopefully one day this hacking thing will come to an end.


Edited by SherriLynn
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I can assure you that I am extremely careful, I shred everything before putting it in the trash, I have security on my computer, no one has access to my credit card info but me, I don't answer junk e-mail.

I had to replace this credit card early this year for the same problem, since then I have used it only online at Nashville Wrap, e-Clamshell and SKS because they do not take Paypal.

I have ordered from Nashville Wrap many times before an never had problems but I just find it funny that I placed an order with them yesterday afternoon and over the night my card was charged 13 times?

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What do you mean again??

This has happened before. I can't remember if it was last year or earlier this year, but it seemed like too much of a coincidence that so many posters on this board had had their credit cards compromised at around the same time. :angry2: It seemed to point to a supplier that we had all bought from at some point, but I don't think an etailer that we all had in common was ever identified.

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they aren't necessarily hacking any supplier. there are ways to generate the info, or steal it farther upstream.

use your credit card company's virtual credit card numbers - if you don't know how to do that, call them and they will help you through the process.

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