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(?) Candlewarmers.com


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I've ordered wholesale from Jackel before and a few other companies but never from candlewarmers.com. I was wondering if anyone here could tell me what their minimum order is. And do you pay the price in their catalog or once you sign up wholesale if its a cheaper price.


This is one of the warmers I like and its priced $14.99 online catalog


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Thanks Girlie!!! They sound like they do business like Jackel. I can handle that as long as I don't have to place a $300 order, lol.

I miss talking to you!!! I'm finished with my academic classes right now and waiting to sign up for nursing spring semester. I thought I would try to fill some request.

Boy has the candle world changed!!! :shocked2:

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Isn't this the one that has the weird pricey light bulbs that you can't get anywhere but from them ?

According to the company, you can use replacement bulbs from anywhere, but, the bulbs may not be as strong because the light is not centered on the bulb, like theirs are.

I find their warmers to be a lot fancier than other companies...

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I believe it is $100 min. Some are min 6 and some are min 12; but mix and match. Wholesale is roughly half. Keep in mind Meijer now sells them. Check which ones in your store and pricing. Illumination sell for $12 in my store. They don't carry all colors though.

Thank you for the info. We don't have a Meijer store anywhere around here.

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Thanks for posting this. I had forgotten I have a wholesale account with them and I loved the picture you posted. I have been making melts for gifts and I have quite a stockpile so I might as well sell along with my soap. So I ordered a couple dozen warmers and a replacement bulb for each.

I paid $35 for a scentsy one just because it was "ARMY" for a gift. Don't think they are worth $35.

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Question for those of you that have done business with them before.... do they figure out the shipping after you place the order and then add on? I was looking around on their site and wanted to place a small order but nowhere does it give me even a shipping quote. I looked around the site and can't find anything that states how they do the shipping charges. I'd like to know or have a general idea of what my shipping is going to be so I can see if that will outprice them for me (as far as resale goes). I have a Meijer right down the road and if they can sell them for 12.00 I need to make sure I can compete with that. Thanks!!

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It bugs me too that they don't have the shipping amount available. Shipping is kind of high for me so I just add it on to the final price. I add about $2 to the price of each warmer's wholesale cost when estimating the shipping price for ordering. There's no way I could sell them for $12 and make a decent profit. I try to compare my prices to Scentsy since I think that is the biggest competition warmer wise.

I don't know if they do this with everyone but for me, they take the money out with an estimated shipping and then put the money back in, and then take it out again with the actual amount. It us usually a couple dollars less than the estimated one. It's kind of annoying, but I love their warmers.

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They have minimums of how many but you can mix colors/designs to meet the minimum. On this one its a minimum of 6 and they are $7.50 each. Their quality is great and shipping is fast.

I wouldn't count on the shippng being fast! Many, many times I have waited weeks to get my order. Things can get backordered and shipping is high because they ship in the boxes they come in like a case pack, so they don't combine boxes. I do like their warmers though.

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I wouldn't count on the shippng being fast! Many, many times I have waited weeks to get my order. Things can get backordered and shipping is high because they ship in the boxes they come in like a case pack, so they don't combine boxes. I do like their warmers though.

That is a big downer. If something is on back order, I think it is reasonable that you would be notified either during checkout, or shortly after your order is placed. Clearly, planning orders early is the best route, but to expect something and not receive it... FRUSTRATING!!

Their prices are a teeeny bit higher, but compared to other companies, they have such fancy stuff! Seems more comparable to the Scentsy warmers IMO...

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I have found that by calling in your order they will tell you if there is a delay on an item you want. By calling them when the delay is supposed to have been over motivates them a bit...sometimes a couple calls.

Last year when the snowman and jack 0 arrived in August, they were already backlogged with orders placed before they were officially available. Apparantly customers could preorder. Hopefully they have the correct estimate this year to order enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ordered on Sept 2 and received an automated email confirmation. Have never found out what the shipping is and my shipment is in transit as of yesterday, Sept 14. I have not been billed yet either so I still do not know what the shipping is. Strange way to do business. My account history on their site says my order is complete and it lists shipping as $ 0.00. I am sure that is not right.

Anxious to get the warmers though. I need them for a show in another week. This will be perfect timing.

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I ordered on the 2nd as well and mine will be here Tuesday. I can't wait to get them!! Don't know what the shipping is but I ordered 315.00 so if they indeed cap the freight at 13% (if you order $300 +) shouldn't be too bad. I'll post what the shipping was once I know. I'm sure I could check my cc transaction to find out but my account history on their site was like yours (with no shipping costs).

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Finally got billed for the candlewarmers. Unless i am not getting everything I ordered, they only charged $8.00 for shipping and i know that isn't right. weight is less than what the 18 warmers should have weighed also so i am sure something isn't in the box. they are in Texas and should arrive on Monday.

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Were your charges for the products less than what you originally paid when you ordered? That's one way to find out if they didn't include something. $8.00 shipping... what did they ship one warmer??? Let us know what arrives Monday, mine will be here Tuesday. I've got 6 boxes coming so I assume all my warmers are coming..we'll see.

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