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FO Suppliers !


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Good Lord !!!! It seems like every time I read a new (and tons of old) thread here I see yet another awesome scent I want to try that's recommended from yet another FO supplier. I have a list a MILE long of scents and suppliers I want to try. I will never ever make it through the list ... unless I win the lottery and get rich. LOL


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Good Lord !!!! It seems like every time I read a new (and tons of old) thread here I see yet another awesome scent I want to try that's recommended from yet another FO supplier. I have a list a MILE long of scents and suppliers I want to try. I will never ever make it through the list ... unless I win the lottery and get rich. LOL


Fortunately, about half of them have gone out of business by now. lol

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I have to go along with Horsescents. To many suppliers are going out of business.I need to replace alot of my fragrance with the same or a dupe.It worries me because the suppliers I have purchased from had good scents and now my customers will be upset not to be able to get some.I am doing a search on those I got from Bert and AWE. This will take alot of work.


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I have to go along with Horsescents. To many suppliers are going out of business.I need to replace alot of my fragrance with the same or a dupe.It worries me because the suppliers I have purchased from had good scents and now my customers will be upset not to be able to get some.I am doing a search on those I got from Bert and AWE. This will take alot of work.


Can you contact your old suppliers, who have gone out of business, and get them to tell you where to find that particular FO? It seems like the least they could do is tell you which manufacturer they bought their FOs from.

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The only problem with going direct to where our suppliers got the fo is that we would probably have to buy a minimum of 25# of a scent. I tried to do it with the company General Wax uses when they discontinued one of my favorites and the manufacturer said they would make it for me but normally 50# is the min batch, but would do a 25# batch for me...way too much for me all at once.

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