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D*m websites stealing pictures


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I'm wondering if her whole website it a shame. If she is stealing pics, then she is probably not making these products. People who place orders from her may not ever get their purchases. Not sure how to find out, but I would be very leery of this website. JMHO

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This really made me angry so before I settled down I also sent her off a message telling her what I thought of her theifery (is that a word?). Also, where is her own self satisfaction of making her own creations, own pics and own description? Apparently, non-existent. This makes me wonder too if people who buy the copied products are going to ever receive them and if so apparently they aren't quality or she would of used her own pics.

Now I'm off to Etsy to try to report her there.

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Here are 3 that I found.

http://thecountrycottageboutique.com/item_165/Cotton-Candy-Cup-Candle.htm Country cottages Picture

http://www.shininglightcandles.com/store/Default.asp Shining Lights Site

http://www.critterblessings.com/ (Scroll down for giraffe picture)

http://www.shininglightcandles.com/store/WsDefault.asp?One=334 Shining Lights Site

http://www.bluerosecandles.com/catalog.php?item=192 Blue rose cadandles Flower Melts

http://www.shininglightcandles.com/store/WsDefault.asp?One=309 Shining light has same picute!!

Maybe you can contact the other chandlers and all go after her.

How does she possibly make these for customers if she is stealing the pictures!!

Can you imagine what the finished product looks like??

Here's more....!! Seems there are 3 I have found from blue rose..







Edited by islandgirl
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I have been ripped off so many times that I have lost count. I had one disaster that literally cost me time and money. Because of this, on my website I state that all photos and descriptions are my property, etc... I have this info indicated at the bottom of every page of my site. This little printed statement has been great for me over the years. I have received at least a dozen tips from good customers letting me know that my photos and descriptions have been stolen. In every case, the thief has removed my property from their site. Twice, I threatened to post their link on my site while indicating that they had stolen my stuff. (NATURALLY, I would not do this because this is my rep and because it is immature.) Posts like yours REALLY DO get around quickly. This is going to be so damaging to her business. I am very sorry that you have been hit by such garbage.

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Here's a link on how to protect your images from being downloaded. Since I work in IT for my day job I figured I would put it to use.. :cheesy2:


I would look at item #5 which talks about using Javascript to disable the ability for anyone to right click on your website. Thus eliminating the ability to Save Image As.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the right click script written into my website but that won't stop people from copying pics. But it does do a couple of things; let others know its your copyright material and makes them think twice about copying it.

I also have similar text on my website as Noodle-- I have copyright info listed at the bottom of each webpage so that people know that text, photos, etc are my copyright.

I also take photos of each of my products with the labels showing my company name. Its pretty difficult to copy a photo with another company's name and logo on it and claim its yours.

The more you protect yourself the more you make people aware you are taking measures. That in itself may not stop them but will make them think twice before they do. I find its a great deterrent and gives you leverage if it ever goes to court.

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I hate when people do this.I have raised pomeranians for 13 years.I have people steal pictures of my babies to advertise as their own! Of course I contact my lawyer who contacts them.I even had a lady copy my entire 'about me' page word for word as if it were her story.Needless to say I get angry when this happens. I just sent Shining light a message telling her to get off her dead ass and do her own work.I said a few more things but I really shouldnt repeat them on here ;) Hopefully she will get tired of catching hell and take the pics off but I have a feeling that would be her entire website...I hate lazyass people like this! (Oh I did mention that to her in her email as well..lol)

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WOW... I would be FURIOUS!!!! I'm so sorry this has happened to you =(

BUT... I have the same news as @jackbenimble... just clicked on a couple of links & got the same message as he did, so perhaps you are ok now.

NOT that they are excused in any way!

I hope it never happens to you again... hope it never happens to ANY of us AT ALL.

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I meant to get back on here and tell everyone that she did leave me a voice message on my home phone - not a polite one I might add! Said she has surgery and that is why she didn't get back to me right away. anyhow she said when she had ordered 2 of the items from me ( back beginning of summer ) she assummed she had the right to use my pictures. Uh no - you still need to ask. but she at least took them off.

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That is the lamest excuse ever... and probably not true. I've learned as an ebay seller for many years, being in the hospital or having had surgery is one of the favorite excuses for why people can't pay or didn't pay for the item they won. It's pretty much tied with death in the family.

And why on earth would she think buying your item would give her the right to steal your work?

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ok, so she ordered them from you so she thinks she can use your pictures....BUT one of the prior posts said she was underselling you. Either she is good with losing $$ or she is duping the item she ordered and selling the dupes (which I am sure are not nearly as good as yours based on the quality of the embeds I have purchased from you....the best I have seen!!!) So either she is not so bright (losing $ reselling) or she is passing your work off as her own and sending her customer something a bit different than advertised. IT makes you wonder if she can't take the time to take her own pictures, what other short cuts is she taking in making the candles, if she does at all. Either way...not so good business practices. It's candle makers like her that burn customers & make it so difficult to sell good quality candles at shows here in MA. Ticks me off!!!

Sorry this is happening to you!

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Wow that's almost as good as "My friend who helps me design my site found your pics and said they were not copyrighted" or "you should feel honored they were good enough to copy"

Had both of those statements said to me when I caught people stealing, baffled! LOL

Wonder if the "surgery" was the removal of your foot from her ass. Glad your pics are safe now.

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Her excuses are a load of bull! She knew what she was doing. I still think you should have had your lawyer send her a C&D letter. That would have made her crap in her pants, take your pics down pronto, and apologize to you with sincerity. Instead, she tried to make you feel bad and didn't take your pics down until several people started innundating her with strongly worded complaints. I think they are the reason she finally took them down. Then she retaliated by trying to make you feel bad by saying she was having 'surgery'. This person is a real jerk.

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Over the years I have had people buy my bakery candles and list them on their web sites - I don't know what the customers got because we all have our own style and let's face it some of us are more talented than others and yes, there are some pretty ugly candles out there.

I had many people copy my designs and call them their original creations. I even had one woman made exact replicas of my bakery candles and even copied the backgrounds to confuse my customers.

And my pictures were stolen many times of course when confronted these women are real B******. I have heard every kind of excuses, bottom line it is wrong!

I have learn that there is an HTLM code you can put on you web pages that will prevent people from sealing your pictures and text.

I always put my name or logo on the pictures.

As for the famous C&D letter save your money it is only good if you really intend to take the person to court and it doesn't always deter that kind of people. Many of them have done this before and know that there is nothing you can do unless you are willing to spend a truck load of money.

I have also learn that these people come and go because they don't want to do the hard work it take to get establish with customers and because in many cases their candles turn out to be crap (can I say crap here?) - One of my long time customer bought from the woman who was making replicas of my candles, I guess she wasn't duplicating the quality because that customer came back to me and bought over $100.00 worth of candles.

Edited by annie123
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