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Funny thing happened at the market today

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I know at markets you get all kinds. I'm usually good at blowing them off but I had this lady today pick up one of my candles and talk about how amazing it smelled. It was an all soy candle. She must have seen that on my label then proceeded to have a rant about how she has a problem with soy candles "don't get her started" I was with another customer so I didn't let it bother me. Then she starts conversing with the customer who was already buying some of my products about why she doesn't like soy candles. Ok, now I start paying attention. She's saying the flame drowns out, they put out so much soot, they never last as long as they say....blah blah blah. She said she personally watches the clock to time them. :rolleyes2 Come on, I believe that. I normally don't get stern with customers, I feel either they like what you have or they don't. I couldn't stand it any longer. I told her, her experiences were with someone else's candles. I didn't know who's candles she'd tried but mine didn't have any of the issues she had explained. She was seriously bashing my candles only based on her experiences with others. After she went on and on still about all the brands she'd tried I went back to the other customer. Then the ranting woman actually bought a candle. I was shocked and a little scared. This could turn out good or bad, hmmmm.

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Yup, either a competitor, or someone fishing for a freebie. Sounds like you handled it very well.

I was doing a market last weekend and one of my early customers was opening my glass container candles to sniff since I hadn't set out the testers yet. He somehow managed to break not one, but TWO of my large containers, lol. I haven't done a lot of markets... maybe 20, but I've never had a customer break a container, let alone two in the same minute. He apologized, and I excused it as a bad batch of glass, and he bought something else. But the thought definitely crossed my mind if he was someone from the only other candle seller at that market, hehe.

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Perhaps she honestly has had bad experiences with soy candles. Maybe she purchased from a seller in the past who made lousy candles. I know that I have. She was totally wrong for ranting at your booth- particularly with another customer right there. That was beyond rude. You handled the situation very well.

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The way I took it was she probably did have a very bad experience with a bad soy candle and when she realised yours were soy she vented cause she was still angry about it. Doesn't make it appropriate but I can understand it as there are a ton of overnite soy candle makers that haven't a clue. Unfortunately their bad candles leave a bad and lasting impression with customers.

I think you may have just made a new customer. Once she tries your well made candle and realises how good a soy candle can be she will be sold on yours!

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Sounds like you did a great job of handling it. When I was in sales, I was trained to respond to disgruntled customers who bashed my product like this: "Customer A, I know just what you mean, I completely understand what you're saying. In fact, Customer B felt exactly the same way you feel about soy candles until he tried one of MY soy candles, & now he's hooked on my candles & just can't get over how amazingly good they are." :) I'm so glad I'm not in sales any more. LOL

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Pretty sure she wasn't a competitor, and I totally agree that she could have gotten some bad soy candles, but I really think it was more that she was a nut. I forgot to add another part of the story. When I told her my soaps were in a particular store, she didn't even let me finish which location but responded that she had seen them there a few months ago and really like them. I just stood there not knowing at all what to say cuz the only location of this store where my soaps are in just opened last week. I'm sure I had a weird look on my face but said "glad you liked them", knowing she didn't know what the heck she was talking about at all.

It seems weird to have that many bad candles. But if she actually is burning them correctly, then all should be well and I may have a devoted customer - weird customer - but devoted.

Horsescents - I actually like that! I hope I can remember to turn the situation around like your training taught you in the future. With her I could barely get any words out without talking over her.

In the end I took her down to my friends who sell local honey cuz she started a rant about that. She insisted their honey wasn't really local - OMG what a nut. Apparently she bought something from them too cuz they gave me some fruit for sending her to them. Imagine going through life with that attitude.

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Yup, either a competitor, or someone fishing for a freebie. Sounds like you handled it very well.

I was doing a market last weekend and one of my early customers was opening my glass container candles to sniff since I hadn't set out the testers yet. He somehow managed to break not one, but TWO of my large containers, lol. I haven't done a lot of markets... maybe 20, but I've never had a customer break a container, let alone two in the same minute. He apologized, and I excused it as a bad batch of glass, and he bought something else. But the thought definitely crossed my mind if he was someone from the only other candle seller at that market, hehe.

Jonsie, that stinks. I wonder how he broke them. I've opened MANY containers in my day and never once broke one. I've never had a customer break anything, but I've always wondered what to do if they did. BTW I just noticed your location, I was an American in Perth too many years ago. :)

Edited by Jeana
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It seems weird to have that many bad candles.

There are far more bad ones than good ones. I have never made candles, just soap and body products. I have only been a candle consumer. I will say this, I purchased three candles from three different vendors a couple of years ago. All three were just terrible. The first candle had a pool of wax that formed every couple of minutes and the flame just kept burning out. The second candle had virtually no scent though the seller had boasted that I will "adore the strong tropical aroma". The third candle should have been banned because it was a fire hazard because the flame was like a torch. I called the organizer of the show and told them about this dangerous torch and that this seller evidently did not know what she was doing. He mailed me a refund right away, not the seller. But who knows, maybe he charged her? I never saw this candle seller again. So you can see, I totally understand customers who are pissed off.

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