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She's on a roll (no pun intended)


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Did you cut many rings of differents size, right?

Hi Sabrina, the rings are all the same size. They are some I had leftover from making another swirl pillar ages ago. It would work better to have some smaller rings though, that way the top and bottom of the ball would swirl too. And cutting out rings is 100% easier than cutting out letters of the alphabet like you do so I can't imagine how you can call yourself lazy. LOL :DMozz

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ahhhgghhhh nooo letters and cutout nooooo that's why I've become lazy, I can't take it anymore of those!!!!!!


the real problem is that I have to do many rings, and I don't have enough cookie sheets to do it, because rings are large and they take a lot of space, I can't make two rings at a time when I need almost a dozen (I'm talking about a pillar).

So just because I'm lazy I don't go at the market to buy cookie sheets or cookie pan I don't know how to call them!

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From memory I can do about 9 rings from one cookie sheet and I have 3 so that I can do 2 in similar colours and 1 in the same colour as my overfill. That seems to give me enough rings for any not-too-tall pillar (or ball) that is not less than 7.5cm (3") in diameter. If you're only able to do a couple of rings at a time you'll go mad trying to get enough to do any sort of swirl pillar. Ask your DH to buy you some more cookie trays for Christmas. :grin2:

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ok Mozzie, I'll follow your advice!

But just because I'm lazy I was thinking of making two rings at a time, while I watch TV or play with my cats, then maybe in march I will be ready to try my first swirl pillar!!!

Bye for now, I'm shutting down my pc and going home!

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