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Your thoughts - someone wants to make a review of my candles

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I sell many of my palm wax candles by word-of-mouth, but I also have a site on Etsy. I was contacted by someone (who I don't know) today who wrote:

I was looking through your site and saw your page on Etsy. I wanted to know if I could get a few items sent to me to review on youtube, telling them about your page, your candles, etc. Would you be interested?

I have not responded back yet...

Couple thoughts running through my head are:

-They could be someone who is just looking at getting a couple free candles.

-Would having a review on youtube be good, bad or wouldn't make any difference

-Other things I haven't thought about yet...

I'm curious what others would do in this situation, or if you have been in this situation and what you have done. Many thanks!

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At the very least, did the person who contacted you give you a link to any of their past reviews?:confused: If not, I'd say they were trying to get some free product.

I've never bit on any of these offers. Anyone that wanted to review my products, purchased them. Within the past six months, I've had one product reviewed on the WeddingBee(from a customer that posted in the gallery), and another featured on Iheartdaily(not a customer but loved the look and provided a link to the product), without solicitation. I got beaucoup sales from those reviews.

Your candles are gorgeous...you shouldn't have to give them away to have someone come along and review them. Just my opinion.:tiptoe:

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My first thought is this is a newer way for someone to get free stuff. Whose to say that they are going to really do any reviews, and whether or not they'd give you good reviews. You could have some of the best stuff out there and they could possibly give you false bad reviews in attempts for you to keep giving them free stuff to change their opinion. Anyone who has a youtube account can post stuff on there, so if you're really looking for honest reviews why not ask a friend, family member, co worker or whoever that actually uses your products to do a review. You could make your own youtube post for reviews and have actual customers give their honest reviews if you're really interested in having youtube reviews. Honestly when I'm on youtube I'm not looking for things like that so whose to say if it would make any difference for you as far as new sales.

Was this person from a legit company that provides honest, unbiased reviews or just someone whose looking to get some freebies? My opinion (if it were me) would be they're just out for freebies. Also are they going to expect some kind of payment for doing this service for you? Why would a complete stranger want to review products they've not used and post about them without there being some kind of motive or incentive? Seems rather fishy to me. Just my 2 cents worth.

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I get so many requests like that on Etsy. I just ignore them. This isn't with candle stuff but my hair accessories. I don't send anything for free to anyone unless I know them or they are a reputable business. I wouldn't count on youtube as a good way to advertise.

There are so many other ways to get the word out about your business. You have amazing candles that look like they sell themselves!

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My first thought is this is a newer way for someone to get free stuff.

That is exactly what they are trying to do. There are people who just babble on about products they get for free.

I typed in candle reviews on youtube and hundreds of reviews came up. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=youtube+candle+reviews&aq=f

If you click on on of the reviewers, you will see some have hundreds of posts.

I would not waste your time giving away free stuff for a possible review. It's a Scam.. IMO

Your customers who LOVE your product will give you the best reviews!!! Stick with them!!

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Thanks for the feedback - I think that you all hit it right on target! As soon as I posted the question, I came to the same conclusion that you had stated in your responses. I wasn't given any more information except for what I copied and pasted into the original post. I will stick with my own customers and reputable sources if someone wants to review a candle (after they've purchased it). SuzyK - I'm glad to hear that you get those types of requests through Etsy too....I assume this is just the first of more to follow.

Many thanks!!

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Thanks for the feedback - I think that you all hit it right on target! As soon as I posted the question, I came to the same conclusion that you had stated in your responses. I wasn't given any more information except for what I copied and pasted into the original post. I will stick with my own customers and reputable sources if someone wants to review a candle (after they've purchased it). SuzyK - I'm glad to hear that you get those types of requests through Etsy too....I assume this is just the first of more to follow.

Many thanks!!

Like SuzyK we get this type of "request" all the time for our candles too. Let's just say, beware and do your homework if your considering doing it.....

Not that we have ever giving any freebies like this away, but we did consider it a few times. First things first, report this convo to Etsy admins at http://www.etsy.com/help/contact , pick the "Help with disputes, harassment or a suspicious convo" option and just paste in the convo in the box there. Make sure you include the Etsian's name so Etsy can track them down. This is against Etsy's TOU and should not be done... It's spam and someone trying to "mooch" free stuff..... UGH I despise people like this!

Now with that said, if your still interested, do some research....get their link and see how many "followers" their Youtube page has....We had one before that had over 1500 followers (not bad) but even with a ton of followers, that could just mean its a bunch of their friends?? Who knows... What we did was contacted one of the folks they did a "review" for and asked them how it turned out. Found out they got NADA, ZIP, ZERO leads, no sales and not a dang thing except the same person sending them the same exact message 2 months later, asking for more "freebies"!

Now on the point of Youtube being used to "promote" your business....Personally, its a great idea! I mean, why not? It's free to upload a video and its a great way to display your products and all that....I would think if you did something like a "how to pour a jar candle" Or "How to make clamshell tarts" you would get a much better response (lots of folks look for info-videos). I know we have a vid of our glassware up on Youtube and while at last check we only had 17 views (posted last week) we did actually get a convo in regards to a wedding set for a customer =) So all in all it does work if you try, and when it's FREE....why not try =)

Hope this insight helps you some and be sure to report that person...Etsy isn't the same with 1000's of them spamming everyone....everyday!

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As long as you make and sell candles especially on the internet you will continue seeing this kind of scam again and again. The dead give away: they don't identify themselves or offer any credentials.

A real reviewer identifies themselves and the company they are working for. They also purchase the samples they want to test to review. So always ask for their name, credentials, address & ph info, references (who have they reviewed in the past), and samples of their reviews. Scammers will disappear if you ask them for any of this.

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The legit places either #1, have US begging them to review US... or #2, PAY for the product they review, then contact to see if you would like to do a giveaway.

I get these messages everyday, I kid you not. Unless they have 500+ followers and an ACTIVE base, meaning people comment (so they are actually reading) I wouldnt even consider it. Think about it this way... for every 100 people who read it, maybe half will click through to the link. Of those, how many will buy? You really have to weigh the cost versus benefit.

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PS.. I have had reviewers purchase my items before. they dont even tell you until AFTER they have made the purchase, and sometimes until after they have made the review. That is legit.. and if they've spent money with me I'm much more receptive to the idea of a giveaway.

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Yes, most completely unbiased reviews purchase their items without notifying the business owner. Then they use them as any consumer would, and report on their findings...

Any beauty/fashion magazine nowadays has products given to them for free and EVERY SINGLE ONE of the products have glowing reviews. Rarely do you ever see bad reviews when items are given for free.

Still, just because someone wants to review your items does not mean they should not pay for them, time and money was still spent on producing the items and you should be compensated. Just my 2 cents...

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Any beauty/fashion magazine nowadays has products given to them for free and EVERY SINGLE ONE of the products have glowing reviews. Rarely do you ever see bad reviews when items are given for free.

The magazines get free product because the maker makes the decision to send their stuff to solicit a review. These magazines get tons of stuff from lots of people hoping to get their stuff reviewed. This is by choice and not in the same ballpark as having a stranger come to you in an anonymous email asking for free product to do a review.

Rarely do you ever see bad reviews when items are given for free.

Really? Just because someone gives away free product for a review does not guarantee they even get a review let alone a good one. I've seen plenty of both good and bad reviews but unless they state the product was free how do you know that it was?

Not trying to be mean here its just that you made a broad statement that can be interpreted in different ways. I would hate to see newbies think its okay to send product to total strangers because they will get that "good review."

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The magazines get free product because the maker makes the decision to send their stuff to solicit a review. These magazines get tons of stuff from lots of people hoping to get their stuff reviewed. This is by choice and not in the same ballpark as having a stranger come to you in an anonymous email asking for free product to do a review.

Really? Just because someone gives away free product for a review does not guarantee they even get a review let alone a good one. I've seen plenty of both good and bad reviews but unless they state the product was free how do you know that it was?

Not trying to be mean here its just that you made a broad statement that can be interpreted in different ways. I would hate to see newbies think its okay to send product to total strangers because they will get that "good review."

I know a few people in publising/magazines who have free stuff thrown at them on a regular. I understand that this is in a different ballpark than having a stranger solicit you for free products. Unless they are at an established company or business where they can justify based on reader following or experience- I would not consider this as a valid source (my personal opinion) ...

No, it does not guarantee that they get a review at all. I looked at my last post and I guess my intentions were not clear. I merely was saying that if someone has to ask you out of the blue for free product to review it, that they are not likely that experienced because that is not usually how things work.

Consumer Reports, for example, purchases all of their items without notifying anyone until their review is completed. The product/service you get from someone who knows you are reviewing a product can be different that the product/service you get from someone who thinks you are just another regular customer.

I do not think that giving product away for a possible review is a good marketing strategy. Can it be? Yes. Not likely though. You may get a review but it may not reach many people at all. There are some very popular reviewers on YouTube (Koren/EnKore for example) with a huge following- but you do not see him emailing for products... Hope this post wasn't confusing lol

Edited by EnvyCandles
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Thanks for the clarification Envycandles. Looks like we share the same thoughts giving out free product. There are a lot more scammers out there than legit reviewers and I just want newbies and guests who read these pages not to be fooled into giving out free product to a scam artist.

Edited by Candybee
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We are actually on the list for these guys O_o Last email they said they were around 4 months out before the review =) Can't wait for it! =)

Are you talking about Candlefind? If so I hope you share the review with us. They give nice reviews. I would be curious to see if their reviews in fact generate revenue.

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Are you talking about Candlefind? If so I hope you share the review with us. They give nice reviews. I would be curious to see if their reviews in fact generate revenue.

Yuppers, and trust we will let you guys know how it goes =)

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Thanks for the clarification Envycandles. Looks like we share the same thoughts giving out free product. There are a lot more scammers out there than legit reviewers and I just want newbies and guests who read these pages not to be fooled into giving out free product to a scam artist.

Yes, Candybee- I am not down with giving free products to 'reviewers'... in 99.9% of the cases it is not going to provide business...!

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I agree. I get those emails at least 4x a week. I used to respond with a standard email saying no thanks but I just delete them now. 99.9% of the time it's a scam or someone with an audience that would never buy your stuff anyway. I've seen review pages on facebook and most of them are a joke but I would totally send your products to candlefind. They are awesome and tactful regardless of their opinion good or bad. When I was reviewed years ago I didn't even know about it and the reviewers ALWAYS pay for their products which is the way it should be.

I got an email a year or 2 ago with some chick almost threatening me if I didn't respond to her send me freebies email that would go in her review- as customer service is always a top priority. LOL Okay, you would have to make a purchase to be a customer but whatever.:laugh2:

Another one that stands out is the lady in Canada that wanted a FREE full sized sample tarts in every scent (350) plus a burner so she could melt them and wanted me to ship it all to her. I think the gonads on these people, really are they on drugs?

What I would really like to do is ask them what makes them think they don't have to pay for things? I have to, you guys do are they special in some way or exempt somehow?

If you're a new business and don't know yet, never send anything to anyone for free. Samples of your choice if you want with paid orders only. Oprah is the only exception. Everyone has a youtube channel,facebook account and free blog now a days it means nothing.

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Oprah is the only exception.

Ok, I got a hell of a kick out of this statement! =) Funniest part of it was last weekend we had a customer tell us she is going to write her about us and our business =) *crosses fingers* Who knows...maybe you will see us on OWN =) WOOT WOOT!!

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I got an email a year or 2 ago with some chick almost threatening me if I didn't respond to her send me freebies email that would go in her review- as customer service is always a top priority. LOL Okay, you would have to make a purchase to be a customer but whatever.:laugh2:

I remember that. Unbelievable what some will do to get a freebie!

Another one that stands out is the lady in Canada that wanted a FREE full sized sample tarts in every scent (350) plus a burner so she could melt them and wanted me to ship it all to her. I think the gonads on these people, really are they on drugs?

What I would really like to do is ask them what makes them think they don't have to pay for things? I have to, you guys do are they special in some way or exempt somehow?

Did you ask her if she wanted fries with that?:laugh2:

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