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Laundry Soap; Power or Gel? Hard-soft H2o?


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I am going to give laundry soap a try this weekend. I've got the ingredients for both Powder and Gel type recipes. But I have a couple of questions...

I have hard water so use a salt tank/softener. With this in mind, I'll be doing vinegar in my rinse.

1. I want to try 100% CO. For the grated soap recipes: Do you wait for a full cure (4weeks) on the soap you use for laundry?

2. What's the advantage of Powered over Gel/Liquid? I've never really noted any difference in the store bought, so I'm not sure about this either.


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I went with the powder.. doing a load right now to test :) We have mildly hard water here so I also did vinegar in the rinse.

Did mine with 2 parts grated 0 SF soap, 1 part borax and 1 part Washing Soda (got it in the Pool section of our ACO store)

Lorrie, my understanding is that the "homemade" laundry soap will do a great job on soiled clothes. Most info Ive found says 1 T for large, mild soiled and 2 T for grimy. The main thing I'm reading is that homemade, because it doesn't contain the detergents is not as "whitening" as store bought. (which is why some use Bluing or add oxi-clean type additives).

Maybe others have more experience/info on the cleaning power?

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My son works in a mechanics shop and comes home very dirty. 2 T of my laundry soap works just as well as Tide. I have an HE and will usually run them through the rinse cycle with a regular degreaser before the laundry cycle. Nothing takes out the grease stains tho, his work clothes stay work clothes.

I mix bluing with vinegar in a bottle and use that in the rinse dispenser for whites. I have been using this for about 3 months and haven't noticed a difference in whiteness. I always used Tide for my whites before making my own.

My suggestion would be, if you're leary about this stuff, to test it on towels, darks, etc. first. It will definitely cut down your grocery bill.

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I use the powder now and we have hard water also. I've gotten blood out with it and just yesterday a ink cartridge hubby refilled squirted all over me and it took it right out. I put baking soda & washing soda in mine. Adding orange eo's helps degrease too!

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I have a front loader (older Maytag workhorse, not necessarily HE). Powdered versions don't work well for me. I find clumps of it undissolved. This happened with powdered commercial brands too :(

I now make liquid 1% sf CO using KOH. Love it. No snotty texture. Easy to dispense. Great way to re-use old detergent bottles and fool DH into using home-made detergent! Works well at the sink for dishes too.

I still do a vinegar rinse with whatever EO/FO makes me smile that day because I love the feel and hate fabric softeners.

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Does this work in cold water? I try to use as little electricity as possible in our lives. Does anyone know if it has an effect on eczema? Since all the washing powder/liquids have gone super duper concentrate they all flare my sons eczema :angry2:. Thanks


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