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Everything posted by fuzled

  1. I learned this the hard way... I have 20lbs of soap that I made (several batches ) that I made with non-deodorized... never thought the scent would pull through my FO's.. and now I have what we refer in the house as the "chocolate incident" .. months and months later, the soap has a strong chocolate smell.. and it doesn't mix well with the FO scents.. Uhg.. live and learn
  2. I went with the powder.. doing a load right now to test We have mildly hard water here so I also did vinegar in the rinse. Did mine with 2 parts grated 0 SF soap, 1 part borax and 1 part Washing Soda (got it in the Pool section of our ACO store) Lorrie, my understanding is that the "homemade" laundry soap will do a great job on soiled clothes. Most info Ive found says 1 T for large, mild soiled and 2 T for grimy. The main thing I'm reading is that homemade, because it doesn't contain the detergents is not as "whitening" as store bought. (which is why some use Bluing or add oxi-clean type additives). Maybe others have more experience/info on the cleaning power?
  3. thanks both!! I think that's what I'll do, the powder... I've seen the gel and it does look Snotty (it's why I usually don't like liquid soap) Happy Soaping..)
  4. I am going to give laundry soap a try this weekend. I've got the ingredients for both Powder and Gel type recipes. But I have a couple of questions... I have hard water so use a salt tank/softener. With this in mind, I'll be doing vinegar in my rinse. 1. I want to try 100% CO. For the grated soap recipes: Do you wait for a full cure (4weeks) on the soap you use for laundry? 2. What's the advantage of Powered over Gel/Liquid? I've never really noted any difference in the store bought, so I'm not sure about this either. thanks
  5. Interesting. As a new soaper, I have been gathering recipes to tweak and experiment with. I too see lots of recipes with Avocado and wanted to try it as it's toted to be so nice. It's good to hear about others experiences/opinions!
  6. I tried out the Sage and Tumeric and doesn't seem to smell with the FO I used, but I wonder if it's blending with the FO (if the FO would smell differently without the spices added.) Thanks for the replies with your experiences!!
  7. If I use natural colorants in my CP soap making will they scent the soap? My plan is to add as a swirl after the main batch is poured (1tsp per cup). I want to try: Cocoa powder Sage Cucumber Tumeric Carrot Tomato Coffee But was hoping some one that's used them before could tell me if the scent carries over to the finished soap
  8. Same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago, it was my first massive acceleration. I swear it was applesauce before I blinked. I had put my FO into the oils first, then it accelerated as I put in my lye mix. I had all of a couple of seconds to mix it. Scooped it into the mold. It was meat soap, I name it boiled Spam. had large white globs in it after I unmolded it. REALLY Ugly, put it passed the Zap test and is has actually darkened up to be acceptable. I think you'll just have to wait and see,if it passes testing.
  9. Thanks!! I'm just going to have to be patient and wait, lol! I like the idea of testing it with my thumb.. and cutting it to see the insides.. didn't think of that!
  10. I've made only a couple of batches of soap, and I'm now realizing how agonizing it is to wait for it to cure fully. My oldest bar is now the gentle age of 14 days old. The newest 7 days. I have lovingly been turning them to cure evenly, and the 14 day old soap is pretty hard. (it's tallow based). But I'm starting to wonder what fully hardened soap feels like. The only other experience I really have is with commercial soaps. I know when I cut my CP soap from the mold it's sorta like cutting cheese.. But can anyone describe how hard the soap will eventually get? Anything I can compare it to? Thanks! edit for poor spelling!
  11. Great advice, thank you. Next time it happens I'll be much more prepared! btw, I just cut the soap, it looks like burnt spam, lol. I did the ZAP test and all seems well. It's just ugly.. hehe
  12. I'm new to CP soap making.. and I had my first acceleration happen. I'm pretty sure it happened because of the FO I used. I have done lots of searching on acceleration, and I find lots of info on what causes it and how to prevent it.. However, I'm looking to figure out what to do when it's actually happening! Pouring lye into oils...Stick blending... batter immediately turns into applesauce. What do you do then? Do you keep mixing? Do immediately pour your applesauce soap into the mold? Do you stop and throw it out? I just can't find any info on what to do when you're in the middle of acceleration. thoughts/suggestions? Thank you!
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