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Ever change your mind on a scent you hated?


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I have to eat my words about LoveSpell...I had grown to hate the versions I was pouring from a couple suppliers over the past few years ... even tho others loved it ... to me it began to smell like citrusy celery. Been trying some from a different supplier lately & I really enjoy it. Go figure. Or, maybe my hormones are changing & that's the real reason. :confused:

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Well I don't know about hated . . . but I definately change my mind about things I'm ambivalent toward. Cucumber is my latest "OMG why didn't I realise this was awesome" scent. There's also a couple of scents I have to remind myself that I only hate on my skin. I will think I hate musks, but then I have this memory of the first time I decided to buy my Mom perfume for Chistmas. I had the sales lady try on almost every scent in the store & I thought most of them were too flowery/powdery/soapy and finally decided on a musk scent, so I can't hate musk completely.

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There was a nag champa (about which I made some unflattering comments) that mellowed so nicely I had to eat the words I'd written about it.

I check every now and then to see if I still get barfy when I smell a certain cinnamon balsam - OMG that stuff is offensive. I plan to use the votives left from that as firestarters - outside - in the BIG burn pile. Nasty.

I haven't warmed up to Lovespell at all. I tried, but while customers raved about it, I gagged while pouring.

I did warm up to neroli. At first, it seemed so sickeningly sweet and floral, I couldn't stand it. So I tried backing down on the amount I was using and found it is VERY pleasing. Now it's a favorite.

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Mine would have to be Clove.I never had any desire to try the scent till I got a order.I liked it and understood why it was a seller for this wholesaler.BUT now I hate it.My senses are changing in the last year.So NOW I can't stand the scent.

So NOT SURE if I would like it, Then liked it and now back to realizing I will never burn that candle again. Takes my breath away!!!!!!:shocked2:


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Oh I forgot about patch and nag champa. I remember I absolutely hated these when I first smelled them. But now they are a part of a line I sell exclusively to a local mystical incense shop and I love them now along with witches brew and dragons blood. I guess it takes the right blend or maybe just an acquired taste.

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Oh I forgot about patch and nag champa. I remember I absolutely hated these when I first smelled them. But now they are a part of a line I sell exclusively to a local mystical incense shop and I love them now along with witches brew and dragons blood. I guess it takes the right blend or maybe just an acquired taste.

I'm not being mean (playing with you here lol) ... it takes a matured palate :D or the release of your inner hippie :D

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