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News from Tradewinds


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For those of you like me who had no idea why Tradewinds was out of stock all the time and had order issues the owner, Robert, has posted an explanation on the home page http://www.tradewindsfragrance.net/

Had no idea he was battling cancer and bedridden for so long. :(

Sounds like the new TWFC will be as good as it used to be and better. Time will tell of course but I really, really, really want to get some of their fabulous oils. The oils they carried were the best.

BTW-- they have the site set up so you can now start buying the Select Shades. Haven't used them before but I know some chandlers swear by them.

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I had no idea that this was going on, but it explains so much. I wish Robert all of the best.

That said, TW is one of my all time favorite company for oils and colors. I adore Select Shades and it is pretty much all that I use in the way of colors.

Their oils have been some of my very best sellers and I am so very anxious to buy from them again. Some of their oils were beyond compare. I have NEVER loved a lily of the valley oil the way that I have loved theirs. In fact, I have a few ounces left that I use for personal use. My favorite scents of TWs include:

Blackberry Sage

Lily of the Valley




Country Spice

Grandma's Kitchen

Black Cherry

Lemon Grass

I am sure that I am missing a few...

Anyway, I will be one of the first in line to purchase when all is settled. I hope that their oils are as amazing as they were in the past.

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Just read the home page. Glad you posted this candybee.

WOOHOO...Dan is back. I just loved him. We posted on another board...a private one...that was eventually closed down several years ago. I knew he left but lost touch with him after that.

I heard SO much good things about the Select Shades and never tried them. I just ordered m&p goatsmilk base and I have quite a few pounds of shea butter base and I don't know what all else because I quit making m&p soaps a couple of years ago. I have been using the micas from Kangaroo Blue and some liquids that I bought from various suppliers. But...now I really want to get soaping again and have a great excuse to spend more money...I mean order the Select Shades.

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Would you all say their FOs are complex and unique?

Absolutely. I never buy blends other than seasonal scents. I prefer one note scents because this gives me the freedom to blend the way that I choose to. Over the years, I have found that many companies "one note" scents are not one note at all. There is always something added to it that screws up the whole scent.

The best example that I can give is TW Black Cherry. Not only do I smell the cherry, I smell the skin, and the green of the leaves. It is complex, even though it is a one note scent- BLACK CHERRY.


I have tried many scents from this company. The only one that I did not care for was the wisteria. Wisteria is one of my favorite scents and this was a miss. This was the only bad one, which is okay with me given the number of scents that I have tried.

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Tradewinds - Didn't they carry Melekalikimaka ? I have been making my own blend these last few years ( it is coconut - pineapple - pine all things native to Hawaii) because I couldn't find it anymore.

Yes they did...and I remember it being so popular. I bought a sample and never poured it...lol. Now I have another excuse...pour the sample and test and if throws well for me...more to order. :yay:

IMO they had the best cucumber melon...and I always loved the Whispering Angel that Dan had mixed especially for his mom...a breast cancer survivor. There are more but since they have been closed for so long I've kind of put them out of mind...and what I had left of any oils I put to the back of my FO storage shelves.

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My favs from them are Cucumber Melon, Lavender Flowers, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Emerald Sea, Coconut Cream Pie, Chocolate Brownies, Cinnamon Red Hots, Hard Candy Christmas. I know there are more but can't think of them offhand.

Their Cucumber Melon and Lavender Flowers were the best. I fell in love with these and still have not found replacements as good as them. They also carried an Herbal Ecstasy that was really good but I never got around to trying that but now I want to try it in my M&P. That and the Honeysuckle Rose.

I am concerned that they may stop carrying some of our favorite oils or reformulate them.

Now I can't wait for them to open again.

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Select Shades is good for candles too?

Sorry Scented, unfortunately there is a small print disclaimer saying they are not for use in candles.

I thought so, but thought another mentioned other chandlers using it so thought I would ask if something had changed.

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That was me. My bad. Never used them but remembered them getting rave reviews and assumed (wrongly) that they were for candles.

Nope, Select Shades are water based, so cannot be used in candles.

I'm glad TW is back, though, because I have used SS in soaps for a long time and was dreading having to re-do all my colors once I ran out (I'm down to dregs).

I really really hope (th)ey can follow through on the plans presented - I am loathe to invest in stuff I don't have continued access to. But I'll give the benefit of the doubt and see how it goes!

Edited by CareBear
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I have never ordered from Tradewinds, seemed like people were already having problems by the time I started playing with B&B stuff. So, am not familiar with Select Shades.

How does these compare to the Pops and other micas from TKB? Are the SS easier to work with since they are liquid? Just a different type colorant? Trying to figure out why you might prefer one over the other.



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Has anyone used the SS colors in M&P? Do they bleed? The next sets of colors I buy I want them to not bleed when doing color combos or embeds, etc. I know TKB has the liquid non-bleed colors but just wondering if the SS from TW are as good as or better quality. Thanks.

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I never knew that SS can bleed in MP. I have used them for years in MP and have never had bleeding occur. It is good to know this though.

On another note, I would be destroyed if I could not purchase their Electric Kiwi color again. It is the most amazing color!

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