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I made two batches of soap a couple weeks ago. The first was my regular recipe with mica color and cocoa powder swirls. It was beautiful but I forgot FO. I just left it on the counter for about 16 hours, I was disgusted. Beautiful soap, no FO. The next day it was white on top with ash.

I made another batch the next day, same colors, same swirl but this time I added TN Love Spell. I put this batch in a 170* oven that I had just turned off but left the light on. I left it in the oven overnight and then unmolded at 24 hours. No ash.

I have no idea what causes ash. I can gel some soaps and get horrible ash, others ash with no gel but there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason. I hope you figure it out, when you do, let me know, please.

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I read somewhere where the soap may not meet the full trace but who knows. I have had that problem in this cold weather. I started spritzing the top of my soap before putting the lid on and it helped. Don't know if it was the alcohol spritzing or the temperature was better or the trace was better, lol, but I don't vary from the way I make soap so I am thinking the alcohol helped.

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This is my own experience, but I find my soaps only ash if they change temperature too quickly.

For example, if I insulate my molds let's say with saran wrap and towels, and I take the wrap/towels off when they are still real warm, it'll ash, bad. So I usually will take the towels off about 8-12 hours later, then an hour or two later the wrap.

If I've NOT gelled them I usually put them in a cool room or even a fridge/freezer depending on the scent. I'll turn the temp up in the fridge/freezer for awhile, then take them out, put them in a cool room, then finally in a room temp room.

Every since I've been doing this, I've not gotten ash. This is just my experience, but I thought it was worth posting.

So if you are popping your soap out of the molds while they are still warm, try letting them totally cool down before hand and see if that helps. :)

Edited by inherowndominion
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I used to get some thick, I mean thick, ash on my favorite formula.

The only thing that has completely eliminated any ash is 91% alcohol. Once in the mold and the texture is how I want it (especially textured tops), I spritz with a fine mist sprayer until the whole top is wet. I may have to do it twice if I miss a spot. I never get ash any more and my tops are shiny as can be.

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