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Oakmoss and Amber...


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Candle Science has another new one

Oakmoss and Amber-Many candle fragrances can be classified as only masculine or feminine. Oakmoss and Amber isn't one of them. It has universal appeal with rich woody and musk base notes - yet has an enchanting fusion of herbs and amber that give it a feminine touch too. This complex fragrance is at home in a high-end or natural candle line.

Sounds sooo good and I don't think the hubby will let me buy anymore oils right now.. If anybody gives this one a go, please let me know if you like it.:smiley2:

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Guest Expressive

I have held off purchasing from CS for that same reason. At one point, I ordered 1 of almost every single FO they had except for 2 as I already tried them and was not a huge fan.

I contacted them about the 99 cent sales and I am waiting to hear back on that.

If they don't offer the sale anymore, then I will be making a small order anyways with a sample size Oakmoss and Amber.

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Guest Expressive

UPDATE - Candle Science will have their sale as scheduled. Below is a response from Diane:

"We have our 99 cent sale twice a year - Spring and Fall. Our Fall sale was in October and the Spring sale will be in a couple of months. As you probably know we don't announce the sale days until the Newsletter comes out listing the dates and any new fragrances. Perhaps the people who are questioning this missed the Fall sale and thought we didn't do it this year.

We're testing fragrances now to add at the time of the Spring sale. It will go on as usual.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Thank you,

Diane M.

Customer Service Manager"

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My order should be here on Friday. I'll try to get this in some M&P and candles and post my thoughts. Thinking it might do nice in incense too. Will try to do as soon as I can but I'm recovering from surgery and not supposed to really do anything for a couple of weeks. Will have to sneak it in while DH is at work... ;)

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Got my CS delivery at lunch. My first thought of Oakmoss and Amber OOB is a bit medicinal. Not horrible. I've learned from MW Witches Brew and some other fragrances not to judge strictly OOB.

I put some on a fragrance strip. Dry down is much better. The woodsy mossy smell of the Oakmoss definitely comes through. Haven't decided if it overpowers the Amber or enhances it. I'm still not very good and discerning scents.

Made a little warmer oil and have that burning. The fragrance is growing on me. Reminds me more of a men's cologne than a unisex fragrance. Going to try and get it into some M&P before DH gets home.

I'm thinking it might be one of those scents you either love it or hate it. But, I could be wrong. Hopefully, someone else will chime in with their thoughts.

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Ok, got it some M&P and a bit undecided. Now, I did use a goat's milk base and that may not have helped. Also, don't think I used enough FO. It smells pretty strong OOB, so was afraid to go crazy in the soap.

The fragrance is nice, woodsy, bit of a mossy/earth scent. It did turn out nice in the soap. For me, I'm thinking it needs just a little something sweet and it will be amazing. Might be a good blending FO. Will have to get some to my testers, see what they think.

I tried to do a swirl but had too much of the colored soap. So I got clouds. :smiley2:


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Honestly, I really think it does. But, I might not be able to tell the different notes. I love White Lily and Amber from Peaks and Sweet Amber Musk from AH which is why I don't think that Amber note is really coming through. Wish I could Wonkavision you a bar to get your opinion.

'Course I've had a bad case of bronchitis and probably candle nose so I could be out in left field.... :cheesy2:

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I decided to add a bit of Sweet Amber Musk to the Oakmoss and Amber, just to see what I got. Did a 2:1, Oakmoss and Amber to Sweet Amber Musk. Set the test strip down and saw the other strip from Friday afternoon.

Maybe this FO needs a little more time to cure so both the notes have a chance to settle down and not fight each other. The Oakmoss is subtle, the Amber rounds it out and it smells wonderful. A clean fragrance, a little woodsy, a little masculine. One of those scents you kinda wonder what's in it. If my M&P smells anything like that tomorrow, I will probably be in love with this scent.

So, thinking the Sweet Amber Musk will spoil the fragrance. Will have to wait and see.

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This is mellowing out in the soap very nicely. Not quite the same as the scent on the test strip, but getting there. I would love to try this in an after shave lotion/balm to see what it does. Need a couple of more ingredients for that.

I am pleasantly surprised by the Oakmoss and Amber/Sweet Amber Musk test strip. That actually turned out very nice. Sweet Amber Musk is a strong fragrance and that is definitely what you smell. But, the Oakmoss and Amber tones down the sweetness and adds some depth. Going to have to try that in soap as well.

So, anybody else had a chance to use this FO? What are your thoughts? I would also be interested on how it performs for someone in CP or HP.

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I haven't tried it yet (did not do my weekly CS order this week), but realy want to try it. Of course, I just do candles and tarts. A thought occured to me, don't know why as I haven't even smelled it yet. Do you think it would be good mixed with Baby Powder FO? Again, don't know why the thought came to me.



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