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Oakmoss and Amber...


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Got mine over the weekend and I am not good at describing scents at all but I do really like it- It reminds me alot like the bath and body works "noir" spray for men or some of the AXE body sprays

I dont smell to much Amber OOB but I am getting alot of woody notes with a touch of pine or green smell

It smells very masculine earthy to me and I dont make soap but will throw it in wax (I use soy) and make melts- I think I am going to love it- the woods/earthy smells are my favorite!:cheesy2:

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marcuset, thank you so much for the compliment! When I see all the beautiful soap everyone does in the B&B Gallery, I think to myself 'I'll just take my soap and go sit over here, thank you'. Some very talented people on this board.

Steve, baby powder isn't actually all that strange. I LOVE Peaks Black Canyon which reminds me sometimes of baby powder. I still have some CS Baby Powder left. I'll try to blend some on a test strip when I have a chance, let you know how it turns out. I'm really liking what it did with the Sweet Amber Musk. Strip smells every better today. This might turn out to be a versatile oil.

moonshine, let us know how it turns out in the wax for you. Not sure when I might get to that.

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Well Steve, not sure about the Baby Powder mixed with this. Right now the only thing that comes to mind when I smell the scent is Desitin. Maybe something for a baby's room?

eta: Btw, I did a 1:1 ratio

Well that doesn't sound good, LOL. I think I had Baby Powder in my head because I had been pouring Mayan Musk (NG) and now that I sniff it, there is a definate Baby Powder component there. As soon as I need to order from CS, I am going to get a bit of this and give it a try. Right now I am on a musk/oakmoss/patchouli kinda kick, looking for spa-but-not-spa sort of scents, if you can understand that. BTW, just poured Honey Vanilla Love Dust (NG), hated it OOB, but love it in wax. I know, way off topic, but just wanted to share.



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Now that it's had a little more time to develop, it's not all that bad. Doesn't evoke thoughts of changing diapers anymore. Still think the Baby Powder is still too strong and that surprises me. Would have thought the Oakmoss and Amber would be stronger. So, probably need to cut back a bit on the Baby Powder. Might try a 2:1, see what it does. Not sure if it will be a spa scent or not. What's on the strip now would be good for a baby product, like a shampoo or mild soap.

You might get what you're looking for with the FO straight if it settles down in the wax. It is very, very nice on the strip. But, even in the warmer oil the Oakmoss seemed to overpower the Amber. Maybe the wax will help mellow it out.

I'm there with ya, love Musk, or Amber or Patchouli blends.

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Oakmoss and Amber in soy wax melts is beautiful! I really do like it- there is not too much amber in it though but when I stepped into our office with this going and a dozen test candles at the the same time- all you could smell was the oakmoss. It is a very masculine scent that reminds me of stepping into the mens cologne section at the department store- love it!:cheesy2:

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Thanks moonshine for the update! Hopefully, I can get this into some wax this weekend. Broke down and ordered yet more stuff from Lotioncrafters. Really want to try this in an aftershave. Maybe I'll try a lotion bar this weekend, too.

I'm really liking this oil.

Edited by ProudMarineMom
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Thanks moonshine for the update! Hopefully, I can get this into some wax this weekend. Broke down and ordered yet more stuff from Lotioncrafters. Really want to try this in an aftershave. Maybe I'll try a lotion bar this weekend, too.

I'm really liking this oil.

Oakmoss in an aftershave would rock!! That sounds amazing- alot of happy men there will be out there! LOL

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