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Anyone else swamped for Xmas?


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Just wondering? =) Don't get me wrong, its a great thing but man... Seems like we get 7 orders out and 12 more are coming in =) Totally ran out of our packing peanuts so had to shell out double what we normally pay from a different supplier (ours was out till the new year), but anyways... Anyone else feeling the holiday rush?? =)

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Yup..... we just finished up a gift basket order of 180 baskets.. we accepted orders until Dec. 15th. I'm sending my last boxes out today,,, Last of the baskets will be picked up this afternoon,,, so finally I can get my cards in the mail and some baking done,, before Christmas day.

It's been a wild and crazy ... chaching, chaching!!! Listening to those coins drop in my piggy bank...

Silly season is almost over.... whewwwww!!

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its been pretty steady.. mostly though I'm kicking myself a little for doing too many custom orders/large trades. I'm trading candles and soap for 100 shaving brushes and WHEW im glad for the trade but its a rush to get it done!! Of course she wanted scents and jars I didnt have in stock, but its worth it.

Oh doesn't it always work that way too!! They can NEVER ask for what you have back stock of LOL

We finally got all our orders out today for the holidays =) I can't remember the last time I had that many boxes going to the post office =) Looks like we might have a large rush order they emailed us about today too =)

Candle making..... It's a love / hate thing =) lol :laugh2:

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I only take custom orders until a certain point and after that they must order what is in stock. I have learned over time what most of my customers like and what most customers order when they don't know someone's likes/dislikes so I load up pouring those in September. In spite of all that, I have been steady busy this year and alot of last minutes requests to drop by and browse!

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I didn't do as many shows this year because of a family issue but in the last week I have had quite a few people contact me to see what I have left in stock for last minute gifts because they weren't able to stop by at the show I did do in there area for some reason. At this point I usually have a bag/bin of products coming in and out of my truck with me every day. Working for me....I've sold enough in the last few days that it was more than I would have made at the show I decided not to do this weekend just by having people either stop by my office just after work to "shop" what I had, stop by my office for orders that I had already put together the night before or stop by the house (friends & family only) to shop my stock shelves. I have also been restocking the 2 stores I have products in on a weekly basis because I have been sending people I can't connect with to those. Works for me....a few days before Christmas and I am almost out of stock!

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Yes we have been pretty flat out this year. Last markets prior to Christmas and a couple of parties booked at the last minute.

Not to mention the shops we supply stocking up for the Christmas period. We have had quite a few of our customers call us at home to either come by and see what we have, or to order something specific that they would like to give as a gift.

Just to make this time of the year even more interesting, there just happens to be no palm wax of any kind whatsoever available in Australia until the 1st week of January, so we have been rationing our last box and have to say have done quite well with that overall. I think we have a couple of lbs left now, but have no plans to pour again until the new year now, apart from stuff we are currently testing for the new year.

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"Swamped" is relevant. I remember some time ago a lady was "swamped" with tart orders. Come to find out, she had 3 small orders of about 6 tarts each, but she felt swamped.

I rarely take special orders and when I do, they're done on my time within my schedule. Cuts down on a lot of "swampiness". Time management skills help, too. I simply don't let myself get "swamped".

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I agree with Sliver, I think its all relative to your circumstance. I feel swamped and have done quite a few shows this year and I'm exhausted. But when I put it into perspective I feel that way because I also put in 50hrs a week at the day job, if I were just doing the shows I think I wouldn't have overwhelmed!

But whatever, swamped is swamped and if that is how you are feeling then that is how it is...lol :2cents:

Edited by lsbennis
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I agree with sliverofwax. I have a lot of orders but I feel like I am organized this year. I am keeping up with my website and post "out of stock" the minute I sell out of something to eliminate having to make something quickly. And no, so sorry, I do not have a 2 oz bottle of blah blah lotion but I have plenty of this or that. No special orders at this time of the year.

I also made sure I had adequate boxes from the post office of all sizes this year and plenty of packing tape. Used my last medium flat rate this morning but I also received one in the mail Saturday so I can recycle if need be.

I do not sell candles though. Just bath and body.

Have had a great Christmas season this year. Way up from last year and I thought I did well last year especially with the economy woes.

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since we agree that "swamped" is relative...I would say that I have been busier than usual...busier than last Christmas, but like Abbie, I am done with custom orders now. Just selling stock and pouring up my own gifts to other people. It's been a good season for me.

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I agree. I feel "swamped" ....did less shows but definitely more orders coming in- especially last minute basket orders! I usually spend this week wrapping gifts for family/friends, but now I'm (other than me posting on CT!) spending most of this week with last minute orders! It's great business but also takes away time from family.

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Just sent out 4 boxes of out-of-town orders ~ kinda late but their orders came in late so they realize there was no Christmas guarantee. Two more boxes for mailing tomorrow, too.

Two local deliveries left to make; one today and another tomorrow. Final pours done last night to re-stock the store shelves which will also be done tomorrow.

Not feeling too swamped but definitely busier over last year.

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My swamp is over. No more orders for me as of today.

I "deswamp" myself the week before and after Christmas so I can enjoy Christmas with my family.

I did have a swampy year.. Sales were much higher than last year..

Merry Swampmas Everyone. :laugh2:

Eco - Are you swamped with web sales??

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I have been extremely busy, I am organized, but people are going nuts for soap etc this Christmas, I just made 36 lbs of soap yesterday to replace what has sold at the market the last 2 weeks, one more market on Wed, that is it for this year, it is break time, except for making stock.lol it never ends.

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"Swamped" is relevant. I remember some time ago a lady was "swamped" with tart orders. Come to find out, she had 3 small orders of about 6 tarts each, but she felt swamped.

I rarely take special orders and when I do, they're done on my time within my schedule. Cuts down on a lot of "swampiness". Time management skills help, too. I simply don't let myself get "swamped".

Well said, I'm with you 100%.

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