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Help renaming Baby Powder


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OK, now that the Holiday rush is passing I am finally testing some FO's that I did not have time to get around to earlier. Just put CS Baby Powder in Palm. CT and HT are really strong! So anyway, wanted to give some as gifts, but just don't like the name. I am horrible at renaming things! So any suggestions?

Thanks All.


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This is off topic but if you want a cool blend try CS Lavender and Baby Powder blended 50/50%. Its fantastic. The lavender blends so nicely with the powder scent and I like it better than vanilla and lavender. You could call it Lullaby Baby, Lavender Dreams, or Lullaby Lavender.

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Thanks for the suggestion Candybee. Sounds pretty good. You are SO feeding my FO addiction. I believe it was you that made the Vanilla Lace/Buttercream suggestion a few weeks ago? Of course I needed something to do with the Buttercream I had laying around, so...had to add the VL onto my weekly CS order and give it a try. Loved it! Already have it tested out on the 12 oz Status and working on some others (kinda a pain to wick). I am working on the FO addiction, but it is not going well, LOL.



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Yes I did the VL & Buttercream combo. So far its my new fav vanilla and definitely a keeper.

We all have the FO bug so you are in good company.

I use GG and CSN wicks for my candles and had no problem with wicking the vanilla combo. I use a 9 oz straight sided jar and a CSN 11 wick. Worked great. Not sure what wax you use but I had no prob with the GG.

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I use GG and CSN's also. The main problem I was having was slight sooting on the tops of the containers at the end of the burn. Wick down and had hangups. Just need to tweek the amount of FO, I think. Was using it at about 7%, little high on this one. The status jar I went back to 6% (my usual amount) and it worked great with a double wick, less so with a single wick. But HT is good at 6%, so might tweek it a little bit less (5.5% or so), and hopefully that will get rid of the slight sooting. I run a papertowel with cleaner on it around the jar top after burning to see if there is any sooting that is not obvious. Of course I might just be way too anal on my burns, but oh so paranoid about getting the perfect burn.



Edited by Wessex
changing "to" to "too", talk about anal, LOL
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