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... I can't seem to find a way to change that color at all or even the image used for the background... I think its a limitation to the Weebly script??? ...

You're kind of unlimited what you can do with css so it's not a limitation. If you can find this file and are able to edit it - files/main_style.css

As best as I can tell look for this line of code and remove what's bolded here (best to paste it someplace in case it needs to go back) - that should remove the background image.

body { background: url(theme/bodybg.jpg?900662) top center no-repeat; background-color:#000000; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#666666; margin:0; padding:0; }

if you change




it should change the background color to white

for other colors you need to lookup the color code

One thing to keep in mind is that websites tend to be perpetual works in progress. Short of training up on css and html code maybe you know someone that understands this stuff and can decipher the files that make up the template.

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I like the site, I do however agree about the black background, I think it would look nice with a lighter background with the black border, I also had trouble reading the font in different colors on the black, but I liked your pictures and it was refreshing to see a soy site with just the bennefits of soy posted without the soy vs paraffin bashing that some seem to feel they need to sell their product! Keep working on it, it looks good. :smiley2:

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i like your site. Black background doesn't bother me at all. everything looks good. Love your gay friendliness cause i am gay. i just glanced at it but it looks nice. BTW where do you buy your 2 in 1 candle warmers. I've seen a couple of places but was just curious. Happy Holidays!!!

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OH lordie lordie lordie!

So again thanks for the advice and input guys.

Judiee, With Weebly you are able to download you "site" in a zip file, so I did that, found the file you were speaking of and did the thing... took the background out (that worked) and changed the color to: FFFFFF for white (that worked) AWESOME!

Well almost...

So now I'm left with no background and only white, needless to say I need to change the coloring of the text now and did that for the home page, but when I try to go to ANY of the other pages... I get a 404 error now.. can't be found!

Ideas?? Ugh! Now I kinda see that maybe tinkering with the CSS should be done BEFORE you build around it? Or is this just a Weebly thing??

Oh and so you guys know, all of you are awesome! =)

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i like your site. Black background doesn't bother me at all. everything looks good. Love your gay friendliness cause i am gay. i just glanced at it but it looks nice. BTW where do you buy your 2 in 1 candle warmers. I've seen a couple of places but was just curious. Happy Holidays!!!

YAY Family!! =) lol Thanks for the compliments and the 2 in 1 warmers are from OBI Imports btw =)

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Oh Deb, you shush =) I'm just me hun and as you probably tell, very laid back =)

But with that said, I'm about to pull my hair out over this dam site tho LOL I think I lost the entire file structure when I changed the CSS and UGH!!! Now I'm staring at Go Daddy's Website tonight and that Designer 218 too thinking maybe we should just go with one of these....

Either way tho Deb, Thank you =)

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I originally setup my own website at GoDaddy and it wasn't too bad.:cheesy2:

After a couple of years I hired someone to do my website since I just did not have time to learn how to do a shopping cart etc. Finally had to admit I can't do everything.

There are many people that can do a website and host. I just happened to use Gone Country Graphics and have been happy with my site. The country theme works for me since I make goat milk products. The template is easy to use to add product and update my site. This will be my third year with Gone Country.

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I like the site, I think it looks really put together; I have to admit it hurts my eyes - and I am 25 ;), but overall really nice! The only thing that concerns me is that you have 170 scents!!! How do you do it?!! I can't even keep up with the 25 or so that I have! ;)

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adillenal, One day we hope we can get to that point of just hiring someone to do it all for us too =) But then reality sits in and honestly, even if we were able to afford it, I would still do it myself =) Call it the crafter in me or whatever you want, but if I can do it, then I will =)

Am still looking at GoDaddy possibly, but did start doing a bit more "studing" about CSS and its not to bad really =) I did manage to get a better background, on a test site for now, but it gives me encouragement =)

Jenny, Thank you very much and sorry we hurt your eyes =) Were working on fixing that so no ones eyes pop out trying to read everything LOL =)

The 170 scents isn't that big of a deal really, just gotta keep really good inventory =) Oh and being local to a supplier really helps in a pinch too =)

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Ok guys, so what do you think of this background?? We still want to hold to some bit of a "dark" background but thought this adds some color and has meaning for us as well =)


Now that is one nice thing about Weebly tho, we can make up to like 10 different sites with unlimited pages =) Not that we need it but its good for... well something like this =)

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Do you want to be shot now or later?

What I would love for you to do would be to have a bordered background and then your wild art would be fab. Too bad I deleted the bordered background by accident on my site or I'd show you what I'm talking about.

Here's a thought though ... take the orange or lime green on this page, put black text on it till you can play and make something else up or someone can do it for you :P


And while on this site, stay off the rainbow section, but you could click on the marble part and see if something trips you there. Hey, it's better than solid white right?

Honestly though, pick something from the light background and use it with black text on top ... just for the time being.

I know, you want dark ... turn the lights off and be happy that way :laugh2:


Edited by Scented
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Ok partly awake right now so don't mind me =) Well I totally see what you guys are talking about... =) Trying to work with that one background (and yes, you may shoot me.... just not in the... =) ) But that one is a pain to find well.. ANY font/color to work with it.... so here is where we are...

Square 1 =) You know when you get a vision in your head and you say "Yeah that's it" well that's were Troy and I are.. .we do the vision, just need to implement it =) I do agree, need to do something "for the time being" too =)

So on a brighter note tho, we want one of those like pop out menus when you highlight it it gives more options (probably didn't explain that right) so yeah, want one of those and been reading how to make it, then realized ohh after a day of research, Weebly has that feature, just not clearly stated tho =)

Anyways, hope everyone has a great day! Got some running to do to suppliers and such, lots of snow here today so it should be a fun trip =)

Oh, and I promise to work on the site tonight =) lol

*stands blindfolded, "I'm ready to be shot now"

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So now I'm left with no background and only white, needless to say I need to change the coloring of the text now and did that for the home page, but when I try to go to ANY of the other pages... I get a 404 error now.. can't be found!

Ideas?? Ugh! Now I kinda see that maybe tinkering with the CSS should be done BEFORE you build around it? Or is this just a Weebly thing??

Fast css class - right click on the page and select View Source

In the head section of each of your pages you will find this line -

<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/files/main_style.css' title='weebly-theme-css' />

The coding in the file main_style.css determines various layout features for each page that refers to this css file to include font colors, backgrounds, link attributes, borders and just about anything else you want controlled by css.

The part of the "body" code

background: url(theme/bodybg.jpg?900662) top center no-repeat;

tells the page to use the image bodybg.jpg?900662 found in the files/theme folder as a background image - place it centered at the top of the page (top center) and only use the image once (no-repeat).

When you removed that coding you removed the direction to show a background image. This will affect every page that refers to the css file.

When you changed background-color:#000000 to #FFFFFF you went from black to white. If you use #FF0000 it would be red. There are a few hundred different color codes you can use.

font-size:12px; color:#666666; tells a page the font size and color to use so you could probably change that thru the weebly interface or do it manually.

Now why you got 404's on the other pages I can't explain since none of those pages changed. A change in css code would not cause a 404. You may need to "republish" all of the pages.


A simple way to change the background image without changing the css code -

Find an image you want to use and save it as bodybg.jpg?900662 - in other words replace the image the site now uses for the background image (http://www.eccolights.com/files/theme/bodybg.jpg?900662)

Good idea to save the original image somewhere before you replace it.

Edited by Judiee
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Judiee, I may have to start paying you hun LOL

Thanks so much for the css class, I am learning so much about it +) And you know, after tinkering with it, its not too bad =)

With that said, No I didn't change the layout as of yet, Yes it still needs work of course, BUT I did change the background and went through and put all the text to "black" and removed lots of the links on the home page. Again, still working but guys let us know what you think =) It's for surely NOT dark now =) LOL

Oh and if you guys come back with OMG IT TOO BRIGHT I swear I will hijack a plane and fly to your door step LMAO =)

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I have to say eccolights, you are a real trooper and seem like a fun loving type of guy. You have taken everything in stride and been very gracious about it. You are a winner in my book.

Ring, thank you so much =) As said before, were just happy people =) Might be all the drugs NOT ^_^ But seriously, one of my favorite quotes of all time, and lord knows I don't know who said it lol

I am who I am and Ill never be who I am not

We live by this and treat others as we would want to be treated =)

And honestly, even tho over 75% of those who replied to us about the site said lose that black background... Its still black LOL but much better colored and ever for those old folks (or young ones with bad eyes) you will still be able to find your way around =))

I think Troy is getting irritated with me working on this, I swear Ive been a crackhead about it for 3 days now... What? We have candles to make??? Orders to fill??? Naa I NEED this site done LOL =)

It's going to be a journey and were glad to bring you guys along LOL =) xoxo

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As said before, were just happy people =) Might be all the drugs NOT ^_^ But seriously, one of my favorite quotes of all time, and lord knows I don't know who said it lol

I am who I am and Ill never be who I am not

Wasn't that a quote from Popeye.. LOL

And this link to the new background..


OMG - You must be shrooming for sure!!!!

All you need now is some Grateful Dead song playing in the background when people shop...

Seriously - I can't read the black print... If you use a nice soft creamy color background it will accentuate all you lovely products. Your pictures are great and I would love to look at them, but I have to cover my eyes from the psychedelic background. I feel like I am shopping at a head shop!!


If you change the background, I think your site would look 150 % better and more professional.


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I agree, you're a real trooper. We're not here to make you feel bad, we're just giving you our opinions (which you asked for) and try to help you put your best foot forward.

I don't know about you or anyone else, but a "jarring' website (like the one you asked us to check out), that screams all over the place, and that it's difficult to navigate, simply turns me off. A few other things that annoy the crap out of me include flashing boxes/writing, too many colors, music (oh man, do I detest music on a website!:laugh2:)

As it stands, I don't think I'd spend more than 30 seconds on your site; like I said, it's just too "busy". You want to entice potential customers; right now your bounce rate is probably quite high. What's your target audience? Research your target audience and deliver the goods that audience want.

You can do it!:smiley2:

And if Troy shows signs of irritation, just tell him to cool his jet engines, LOL

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