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I was calling around to see about getting in a couple of craft shows in two different towns and was informed that I could not bring my clamshells or warmers because a Scentsy rep was already booked for both shows. Somehow that doesn't seem right that someone who is simply reselling something knock out someone else who is making homemade items in arts/craft shows. Also, I got the feeling that if I had applied before the Scentsy consultant that Scentsy would have still been allowed. Oh well, at least I found an antique store that I can put my products in :)

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I will be in a winter craft show in november and scentsy is there but i am still bringing my oils, oil warmers, tarts and candles there. iwasn't told i couldn't and if i was then i would not go to it. they can't let you not sell your things there too just cause scentsy will be there unless they are friends or something and not wanting the competition.

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yeah its very frustrating. alot of them apply RIGHT AWAY to make sure they get in before another scentsy person, or one of us.

I would speak with the organizer, see if you can work something out, after pointing out that yours are handmade and theirs are quite obviously not.

My mom is chamber president in my hometown and they do an annual show that allows places like scentsy.. but only one booth per company. So there are several Lia Sophias, several pampered chef, several tupperware and so on... They get in HUGE fights when they find out that another scentsy person has already booked it, and they demand to know which one, so they can call and bitch and moan. Its so childish. They'd probably make more money by splitting the booth fee and working together anyways.. thats what the lia sophia/pampered chef ladies did and it worked well for them!

if they are that upset about it they should make their own, lol :laugh2:

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So sad that the organizers of a craft fair consider a commercial product that is being directly marketed by sales reps as a craft.

As far as allowing only one vendor of that type being there ~ that's a joke unless the venue is very small. Imagine only allowing one jewelry maker? Just as there is a variety of styles of jewelry ~ there are a variety of aromas. But then I'm preaching to the chior.

I'm dreaming here, but wouldn't it be wonderful if we could start a letter writing campaign to the organizers educating them to the difference between manufacturers/crafters (us) and sales reps (them.)

Maybe better a letter to the editor about how "Craft Shows" are no longer supporting local crafters - but choose to benefit out-of-state manufacturers. These craft shows are doing absolutely nothing to support their local economy.

I agree; it doesn't seem fair at all!

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I know the Scentsy company themselves will not allow more than one Scentsy per show. The consultants have to check to make sure there isn't any competition before they can sign up...that's what i was told anyway. silly...I am not afraid of a little competition myself.

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You should ask if the show is juried. A juried show requires that all products sold be handmade and will ask for proof, usually in the form of pictures of your products and/or you making the products.

For the most part juried selection works and you should not have problems with commercial vendors like Scentsy. If they do get into a juried show you can complain and they can be kicked out.

I prefer doing only juried shows and don't typically see these people at my shows.

If its not juried anyone can apply; Scentsy, Pampered Chef, Avon, etc.

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My show last Saturday allows party plans. It was about half and half. Attendance way down from what customers told me. No Scentsy person; but I have no problem going up against them. There was Gold Canyon - they sold 1 candle. I sold $120. Not like a few years ago; but enough to not pull my hair out...lol!

Some shows allow and some do not. You just have to inquire. I know one show in this area that started including party plans a couple years ago because craft vendors weren't filling up the booths. And this was a very popular show,


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So sad that the organizers of a craft fair consider a commercial product that is being directly marketed by sales reps as a craft.

As far as allowing only one vendor of that type being there ~ that's a joke unless the venue is very small. Imagine only allowing one jewelry maker? Just as there is a variety of styles of jewelry ~ there are a variety of aromas. But then I'm preaching to the chior.

I'm dreaming here, but wouldn't it be wonderful if we could start a letter writing campaign to the organizers educating them to the difference between manufacturers/crafters (us) and sales reps (them.)

Maybe better a letter to the editor about how "Craft Shows" are no longer supporting local crafters - but choose to benefit out-of-state manufacturers. These craft shows are doing absolutely nothing to support their local economy.

I agree; it doesn't seem fair at all!

Writing a letter to the Chamber of Commerce and sending it for local newspaper publishing is a great idea! You would think that small towns would encourage small businesses instead of out of state big businesses and this will be my first point in the letter :) Maybe we should come up with a good letter and generate it around to small business owners and ourselves to collect signatures?

The second craft show that I am going in told me not to bring my wax products because her best friend sells Scentsy and then proceeded to try to recruit me to sell Tupperware. Lol!

Our shows in the OKC area seem to have a popularity/sorority type atmosphere on getting in them. There are very few that are juried and the juried type want real art and not crafts. Affair of the Heart is our biggest show in Oklahoma and is pretty impossible to get into unless you know the right people but they don't let Scentsy in so I'm going to check out the competition this weekend. :yay:

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I'm helping lay out a local craft fair, not juried, first come-first served. The amount of like-item vendors is trending differently this year than in the past.

Only one painted Americana smalls, a gourd & egg painter, a crafter that does everything Santa, one potter, one mosaic artist, a blacksmith, a photographer, a furniture maker, a furniture painter, a team making lit wine bottles and a leather tooler.

We have 2 or 3 each of veggie dip makers, basket weavers, figural wood cutters, metal artists, plastic canvas weavers, paper crafters making cards, knitters/crocheters and stained glass artists. Oh, and kilned glass - one making wind chimes and the other making pendants.

Five crafters making items on their embroidery machines (1 on-site), and five wood turners making pens and key fobs ... some also offering wine stoppers.

Seven crafters are doing sewing on their sergers ... everything for kidlets from comforters to crayon rolls and bibs ... and others sewing up purses and doll clothes. And an equal number of hair bow makers.

The largest number are the 11 jewelry makers. From hand rolled OOAK clay beads and lampwork, to crystal, reworked vintage and natural stone, magnetic bracelets, and a silversmith. There are 5 others that are selling duals~pottery & jewelry.

Of interest there are only 2 making lip balms, 2 soapers, 2 soy container candle makers, 1 doing soy & paraffin container candles along with incense, melts and dipped critters.

I remember a few years ago there were a ton of candlemakers; and one-stroke painting showed up on every paintable surface! It's a really great mix, I think. Sold out the 125 spaces in a little over a month with no advertisement. 6X7 goes for $85 (table provided) for full Sat and 1/2 day Sun with a Fri night set-up.

Scentsy tried to get in but the application clearly states all items must be hand crafter by the vendor. Just thought I'd pass that along for information ......

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Scentsy is not a threat to me. I am more a threat to them. The only thing I see with them is they do things to get customers to their booth.They were a couple spaces from me.They offered raffles to bring people in but what I have noticed raffles are turned down alot.I know a tupperware lady at one show tried to get people to buy raffle tickets for a few prizes but no one purchased any.That was the last time she was at a show.

Scentsy has moslty melts. In my area that is no problem. I pretty much stay with candles and do my share of selling.I take very few tarts.Of my 60 customers(or more) only 2 brought a couple packs of tarts. Just not worth making a bunch at all.In fact I probably only took

5 different scents and just a few tarts from each scent.

For being turned down since Scensty was there is wrong.You are a crafter and they aren't.Anyway what is wrong with 2 with tarts etc. I was at a show once and someone told me there were 30 candlemakers. Now it is down to probably 6 at that show. I don't really walk around and check.

My last 2 shows were great.I got many many repeat customers.I don't see them for a year though but they come straight to me and say "I` brought these last year and love them, or Hey here is my favorite candle lady.Many nice remarks.One lady said I come back every year for the same scent.Others will buy 3 of one certain scented candle.I always remember what those scents are because they will be gone next year.

Judy, Sounds like you have a great show coming up.Lots of unique things that normally aren't at the shows I do. All those crafters should do great.


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The Affair of the Heart has had Scentsy there before. I know because I bought one of their western style warmers. Maybe they've changed the rules now and won't let them in. I usually just bypass that booth when I see them at craft shows. The Affair of the Heart is nothing like what it used to be. It was all handcrafted items and now half of it is just market items people are trying to re-sell. A friend of mine makes wood crafts and was on the waiting list for several years before she finally got in. She did get into the Tulsa one pretty easy so maybe you can check that one out? It's not as busy or as full as the OKC one.

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Good luck! Hopefully there isn't much of a waiting list. I know the few times I've went to that one, the building wasn't full. There was plenty of room for more booths. I don't know if they just didn't have enough vendors or if that was all they wanted. I don't know where in OK you are but I've heard there is a good sized craft show at the Shawnee Expo center in December. I don't know the name of it or anything. I've never been able to go. I've got a 3 yr old and a 4 month old so I try to make craft shows but it doesn't always work out! LoL....I'd love to be in one someday but that will have to wait a while. :)

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I'm outside the metro OKC and Shawnee is only about an hour drive so will check into it. I know what you mean about not going because of little ones, imagine what a two year could do to a display, lol. We lucked out and have parents that retired early to watch our toddler.

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