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Bathroom Fragrances


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Anyone have ideas as to what makes good bathroom fragrances?

I have two containers. The one on the left is delightful, but I was concerned about the narrow base. My co-workers said I should stick with the scallop jars so I found the one on the right that has a wider base.

Anyway, the local feedback is that the one on the left would make a good bathroom candle. ie, away from pet and the hustle and bustle of the living room, etc.

So, any idea what scents would work for the bathroom?

Also, any feedback on the containers would be appreciated.

Oh, both of these are about 9 oz of wax. The fancy one on the left is about 9.2 oz and the one on the right is about 8.7 oz. Both are listed as 12oz jars but that means water weight to the rim, not wax weight to the fill line that leaves room for the lid.


Edited by EricofAZ
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"Anyway, the local feedback is that the one on the left would make a good bathroom candle. ie, away from pet and the hustle and bustle of the living room, etc."

Sorry Eric, but that bathroom idea isn't really setting well with me. Since candles are not to be left unattended ... and I think it would take quite a while for the melt pool to reach the sides of those jars ... I wouldn't recommend anyone use them in the bathroom unless they are planning on soaking for a couple of hours.

Just wondering if you've test burned the one on the left all the way to the bottom? It looks like it flares quite a bit. I know I would have a hard time just trying to figure out the wicking issue. I'm a straighter-the-container-side-the-better kind of gal. So my vote is for the one on the right - but both are nice!

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Thanks, yes I have test burned to the bottom of both containers. The one on the left needs a tall (9mm) safety tab. It tends to carbonize if I use a 3mm tab.

Yeah, it takes a couple of hours to pool to the edges of the glass, so thanks, that is a point to consider.

I probably will abandon the jar on the left unless there seems to be a use for it. It does work well with a parasoy blend and a CD 14.

Anyone have any thoughts about the narrow base?

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Both jars are pretty. I would suggest you use hang tags instead of labels because of the scallop design all around the jars.

Bathroom scents that come to mind are florals like Lilac, Lavender, Jasmine, Gardenia, etc. And clean scents like Linen, Rain, Clean Cotton, etc. If its a country style home then Cinnamon Apple, Vanilla, etc.

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Grama, I sent you a PM. These were finds at the local 99 cent stores and one store says they can get as many as I want. :yay:

Candybee, thanks, I was going to go with hang tags for the company information and I like the idea of putting everything including scent on the tags. The base has the warning label glued to it.

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EricofAZ, can you pm me too? I live in NJ (maybe we have the same store here) and would like to pick up a few of those jars for Christmas presents.

For my bathroom, I usually make Lavender, White Tea & Ginger, Sage & Citrus ... if I put them in a category, I would say "spa" scents. I also like vanilla scents, not exactly bakery scents for the bathroom, but ones like Warm Vanilla Sugar and Vanilla Lace.

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Ok, I'll probably regret this at some point, but since everyone here has been so generous with your information, I should do the same...

The narrow base one with the fancy shape on the left was at a local 99 cent store. They had a ton for a buck but unfortunately, don't seem to be able to order more. They just have them when they show up. I'm sure someone in management can eventually tell me how to get them.

The one on the right, the straight one with the wide base, was at a "99 Cent Only" store. http://www.99only.com/

The manager has those in boxes of 24 for $26.50 including tax here. He can order as many as I want. It is item #10863 "Ribbed Canister in PDQ" and because I don't pay shipping, I'm glad to give the guy what he is asking for them.

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The interesting thing about this thread are the suggestions. Downy, mist FO's etc.

Eisenhower was president when I was born. We were poor. Oh, not in attitude, just in ability. Dad was retired military (with 99 percent disability).

So I mention this just because it was funny (in a historically sad sort of way) how we survived as a family. We couldn't afford much with 5 of us on $395/mo since $95 went to pay the house mortgage.

Our bathroom scent was au' naturale! Well, all but mom. Mom would grab a book of matches that were give-aways whenever she got the chance and light one after her bathroom usage.

Back then, a match had a very strong sulfur smell, much stronger than today. The smell permeated the bathroom and the house.

Today, a match strike is very much more subdued and doesn't linger half the day. Today, we have downey and oils for a heater, etc, etc.

It is good to live in today's world.

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Speaking of au naturale, I've found that I have to be careful about what scents I burn in the bathroom, because when somebody poops in there, there's a blend of the lingering poop smell (even after the toilet has been flushed) and whatever scent is burning time and time again. Then, when I want to burn that scent later (NOT in the bathroom), I still associate it with the poop smell--does that make sense?

Anyway, I tend to pick scents that aren't my favorites to burn in the bathroom for this reason. Call me crazy, but I just don't want to smell cranberry/orange and think poop--LOL!

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