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OMG possibly the sleaziest candle maker ever

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Well I was shocked when I purchased an Ikea candle...ok so it was only $1.99 and I was curious to see how it would burn and smell. When I burned it, it looked like it had a votive type core, (which I'm assuming was just wax and unscented) and colored, scented wax poured around it to make it look like it was a solid candle. That was probably a good reason why it didnt have much HT! :rolleyes2

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Wow! I cannot believe the nerve of that person to be so rude. I agree that what goes around comes around. And what I find amusing is that she splatters FO when shipping. I thought she was trying to save money on FO yet she has plenty to sprinkle all over her packages? Well good luck with your show and please let us know how it goes. I have no doubt you will do well and apparently the host of the show knows you have quality products as well.

Good luck!

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I mentioned this practice of not scenting the lower end of the candle to some co-workers and got an ear full of stories about how they experienced this same thing, or how they knew a friend that gave up buying candles because they lost the scent half way through.

Apparently BS Candles has been in business for many years and has many franchise affiliates throughout the country.

Soooo, I think I'll include something in marketing that my candles are evenly scented throughout and disclose the actual wax weight and ml of fragrance used.

The weight is necessary because a 12 water ounce jar filled to the rim with water is one thing, filled to a candle fill line with lighter wax is more like 8.5 ounces.

The only downside to disclosing ml is that folks might start to associate ml amount with HT and we all know that isn't necessarily true.

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Well, I got the sleazy candlemaker as my competition. Originally another candlemaker who has been there the last two years was initially slated to be the 2nd candlemaker but I think she pulled herself out. She has however offered to help me so I think she and the sleaze master have a history. I did purchase some fabulous containers and cleaned out my basement closet and found all types if tinware,that I've had for years. I advertised in the newspaper that I was having a porch sale where I sell all of my leftover candles, tarts and soaps. I never do house parties, just 2 special events a year, my porch sale and my January white sale where everything I pour is white....but listen to this...there was a lady who came (believe me, I was so paranoid she would send a mole) but this one lady told me she bought a pillar from the other candlemaker and

when she sniffed the candle and there wasn't much scent the candlemaker told her....are you ready? She said she coats her pillars w/ a lightly scented white wax over pour to, in her words, "seal" in the scent.....stomach hurt I laughed so hard so I gave her a couple of freebies and she's coming over this week with some of her containers for me to fill....seal in the scent....c'mon she's imaginative.

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wow she must have nothing better to do than sit around and think up bs explanations to everything. She certainly does have some imagination going there in her little lala land. Good luck, I hope you kick her butt in sales and maybe you should (when the show is over of course) sprinkle her with some FO and come up with some imaginative explanation as to why you did so ... like you were sealing in her bs scent...:P

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This is happening everywhere in someway or another. Here where I live there's a huge amount of people making candles. God knows what goes on when they make candles. There is no testing at all they use the local FO which colored water almost. The problem is this is promoting very unsafe candle making. I mean this people slap on whatever wick the store is selling which almost everytime is 3 diferent rols and thats it! From the myriad of diferent ones or just preasembled ones. What pisses me off is that I test I do not use cheap FO and still people are always more impressed with some silly s*** that was put together with their eyes closed. Anyway let me shut up cause I feel my chest tightning already.


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I think that this Con Artist will be outed in the end!

I once had a sign next to my wraping area ...

What you are Getting?

Quality scent - Top to Bottom!

Poured with Pride & Guaranteed

Net wax weight & my contact info

is on every candle.

I've seen them come and go in the last 15 years ... but have never seen another one put their guarantee in writing.

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Even though the only other soap seller is always right across from my table we actually share a lot of customers, we watch each other's tables, in fact at my very first craft show, she walked up to me and told me I was facing backwards...lol..so...Jay will be at the entrance w/ my business cards with a 15% off coupon. I'm not dumbing down my prices to compete w/ her. I'm selling clamshells,some gorgeous warmers, aroma bead sachets, make your own smelly jellies area and a brown bag children's make your own candles (there will be crumbled wax,votive wick & stickum along with a votive cup in the bags), I have a dozen electric toaster warmers with toast shaped tarts, I have sooooooo many warmers that ea warmer will have a shaped tart dz to go along...plus, I have 30 of those adorable animal bath poofs, I bought matching molds for all of the soaps that will be packaged with them...excepting a zebra poof....anyone have an idea what kinda shaped soaps would work with a zebra? Sleazy only does tarts and jars

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wow she must have nothing better to do than sit around and think up bs explanations to everything. She certainly does have some imagination going there in her little lala land. Good luck, I hope you kick her butt in sales and maybe you should (when the show is over of course) sprinkle her with some FO and come up with some imaginative explanation as to why you did so ... like you were sealing in her bs scent...:P

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sprinkle her!!!

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That woman is a piece of work! You should send a secret shopper over to see what BS she is spewing during he show and then be sure to counter those at your booth! But I have to say your ideas sound great and your booth is going to be amazing. I can't wait to hear how it all turns out. Best of luck! You will do great!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not yet, November 13th... However, she struck again and now there's .....wait for it....b&tch slapped tarts!!! She took an ad out in the penny saver that she will be at the craft show and....God I love this....she wrote that she uses 5x the amount of oil and that most candle sellers just use 3x the fo...god, it just gets better, she actually said that her tarts have an oily feel to them but that's just because they are scented to the max. Like I said I did buy tarts from her before I knew who she was and don't remember oily tarts....she must be pulling the big guns out for me. See here's the thing, I have a very small presence in my community as far as my business is concerned, 90% of my business is out of state businesses. My business community profile is low. See here's the thing with me...my gps is always set for the high road, but....I'm thinking she's just p$ssing me off now.....so ladies....I need suggestions, maybe a detour to the low road might be called for.

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She is probably spraying or sprinkling oil over the tarts before packaging them. That way she doesn't have to use much in them, but it explains the "oily" feeling. She is a piece of work.

Hard to compete against someone so dishonest. You can just be honest with your customers, mention how you use the correct combinations that won't cause fires with candles or damage warmers. That you have very satisfied customers everywhere and you stand behind your products. I know that isn't very low road, but it is hard to come down to "her" level. I'll keep thinking....

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You could have a small display card explaining that your tarts are scented all the way through--not sprayed or coated with FO. Have a tart that's cut in half so people can pick it up and smell it...no oil coating, but perfectly scented.

Emphasize handcrafting...professionally made with safety AND quality in mind. Superior products, not a FLASH in the pan...ready for a FLASH-OFF of scent or flash point fire.

Edited by evergreen
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Wow, and I thought having to deal with the Scentsy competition at shows was difficult. This lady is a real charm!

Hope you get the spot and she gets sued.


That's the reason I am doing only adjudicated shows now....I think it's an oxymoron when it's called a "craft show" and there Avon ladies, jewelry sellers at what should be a "craft" show

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I think that this Con Artist will be outed in the end!

I once had a sign next to my wraping area ...

What you are Getting?

Quality scent - Top to Bottom!

Poured with Pride & Guaranteed

Net wax weight & my contact info

is on every candle.

I've seen them come and go in the last 15 years ... but have never seen another one put their guarantee in writing.

I think this is a great idea. Should really get to her, cause she knows what she shared with you.

GOOD LUCK with your show and please let us know how it goes.

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Maybe if you have a nicely framed list of things "sleazy" candle ladies might try to pull:

Beware of:

Chandlers who claim to use more than the recommended amount of fo load. This can lead to seepage of oils from candle, fires, etc.

Chandlers who spritz their candles, tissue, packing supplies with fo in order to fool the buyers into thinking the candles are truly superior in fragrance.

Chandlers who only scent the top protion of candles and don't scent the entire candle.

Oily feeling/appearing candles/tarts are usually not fully scented, but more likely spritzed with fo in order to trick consumers into thinking the products are overloaded with fo.

Use everything she told you she does and print it out as a warning. Give references from candle suppliers regarding fo load and warnings. Frame a copy to display at your table and print fliers to hand out to your customers with links to candle supplier web sites.

On a different page, list all of the key selling points about your products, company, ethics and guarantee.

I like to slum every now and again and take the low road when someone truly desrves it. I wouldn't mention any names or make any references as to whom you are speaking of. Once customers are educated, her advertising gimmicks will be brought to light.

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