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Giant Cupcake

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I found this mold at a Dollar General for $8.00. A lot cheaper than the others being sold. I haven't had time to work with the bottom and the top to find a way to glue the two pieces together and then frost. So, I frosted the bottom part just like I do my regular size cupcakes. I make a lot of different bakery candles, but this one looks good enough to eat. It's for my sister's birthday.


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Thanks all. Now if I can figure out a way to glue the top and bottom together, that would be even bigger. The box says it would be 12 inches tall. Now that's a cupcake. I bought this because my 50th Class Reunion is coming up in two years and I'm going to make them for the class members in the class colors and put a 5 and 0 candle on top of the icing.

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Thanks all. Now if I can figure out a way to glue the top and bottom together, it will be even bigger. The box says the finished cupcake will be 12 inches tall. Now that's a cupcake. I bought this because my 50th Class Reunion is coming up in two years and I want to make them for the class members in the school colors and put a 5 and 0 candle on top of the icing.

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I took the one I made for my sister with me to the gym before going on to the store I have candles in. I left it behind the desk while I was exercising. The girls there fell in love with it. One girl bought the one for my sister. So I have to pour another one for her. And three other girls ordered one each. So I have a busy week getting them all poured. I never thought this size cupcake would take off the way it has. Especially when I told them how much they are. Guess I'm going to be going back to Dollar General and buy more molds while they still have them.

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Super cute! How many pounds of wax?

I wonder if you poured the top layer (icing) of the candles first waited until they were finished and then poured the bottom and before the wax was totally firm maybe using a heat gun to heat the top of the wax and smoosh it on...does that make sense? or am I not making the words connect correctly?

I am sure you have to poke relief holes in that bad boy. I would work on some timing with relief holes, heat gunning and how much of the wax was solid. I bet you could get that top to stay attached.

Edited by tlc26
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Your cupcake turned out fantastic! :yay:

I am thinking on similar lines with tlc26. Take melted wax (make sure it is not to hot to avoid melting the cupcake base) and pour just enough on the cupcake base. Then place the cupcake topper onto the cupcake base. Once the wax hardens, your cupcake should stay together.

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So far, the people who have bought the giant cupcake said they aren't burning them. Just for looks and a novelty. I have burned my regular size cupcake and the sprinkles just melted with the frosting. Once I get past the rush of the holidays, I'll try the suggestions you all gave me to adhere the top and bottle of this two-piece silicone mold. If I get one to work, I'll post a picture.

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