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Aromatherapy - Blood Pressure

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So I'm really fascinated with aromatherapy. (Been into herbal supplements for years and my nick name is "the witch doctor" cuz I like to put together herbals for athletic activities.) (Nothing on the WADA ban list.)

Anyway, I have high BP and lately the meds are not doing much of a job. I came home the other day and was 208/110 and that was with my irbesart.


Seems that the great internet (Thanks Al Gore!) is filled with aromatherapy suggestions for lowering the BP.

Top of the list is Clary Sage (not regular sage), Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Lemon, Orange, Melissa, Rose, Geranium, Hibiscus, rosewood, neroli (yeah, a bazillion dollars a dram) and some debate about Chamomile and Hyssop.

Anyone try a candle with this swill in it?

I just made one with Clary Sage, Bulgarian Lavender and Ylang Ylang. Used 20ml in 6 oz wax (seems like I might have used too much). Wax was mostly feathering palm and paraffin with a pinch of VB and 5 percent beeswax.

It is in a 3" wide mouth cup size (8 water oz, 6 wax oz) mason with a CD-14 wick.

Its burning nice. Smell is slightly medicinal but the extra lavender kept it from being too awful. Dunno if it will work.

Any formulas out there for lowering BP?

I'm pretty sure that the process of making the candle did a lot to lower my BP. :)

The HT is OK, but I think a bit of Rose would make it absolutely delightful.

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Other then taking conventional drugs you might want to try cutting out as much sodium as possible from your diet, reduce stress, get a natural diuretic and or start drinking more water (has the same effect as a diuretic)...exercise, exercise, exercise....and see your doctor, those numbers are scary! :shocked2:

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So mix something else up.

I'm not a big fan on this, particularly since I don't think it would work to burn the stuff and I don't play doctor, unlicensed doc or not ... except on myself.

What's in Valerie Wormwood's book are massage oils for hypertension based on a combination of oils you list with a strong suggestion one develops a better diet.

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If overweight loose some weight.

Hypertension needs to be treated not something to ignore, risks of kidney damage, stroke, heart attack very real. Your doctor should prescribe more medication to take your blood pressure to an acceptable level if you continue to be some hypertensive. I hope they are monitoring it reguarly.

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Yeah, I'm fine tonight, and added some lemon and orange to the pool. Not sure that was the right thing to do. Seemed a bit stimulating.

I do low sodium and exercise, sometimes on a weekend I'll do a century ride on the bike. 100 miles requires electrolytes and nutrition during the ride and I absolutely have to take in salt or the legs cramp like crazy. So its a mixed bag.

I did go back on the diuretic this morning. If I have one flaw, it is not enough water during the day. Doc is coming back from vacation and I'll go see him. I'm down to 138/86 tonight after burning the candle for 3 hours.

So, about the candle, it really does have a disaster of a top to it when dry, but when the pool forms, I find myself taking in long deep breaths and enjoying the evening.

I realize the EO's are for massage or direct application to the skin. They seem to have some value in the air.

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Yeah, I'm fine tonight, and added some lemon and orange to the pool. Not sure that was the right thing to do. Seemed a bit stimulating.

I realize the EO's are for massage or direct application to the skin. They seem to have some value in the air.

Citrus oils tend to be uplifting and stimulating.

Actually diffusing EO's in the air is ok and as beneficial. They make diffusors for just that. My massage therapist diffuses hers with a unit in her massage room. Smells delightful. I have a diffusor I bought a few years back. You could also mix your EO with some sweet almond oil or water and burn it in a tart burner. Forget what the ratio is on eo/oil-water. You'd have to look that up :)

Still....with BP like yours....standard meds may be the only thing to help.

Welcome to craftserver :)

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"I do low sodium and exercise, sometimes on a weekend I'll do a century ride on the bike. 100 miles requires electrolytes and nutrition during the ride and I absolutely have to take in salt or the legs cramp like crazy. So its a mixed bag."

I'm doing a Metric Century this October and a Century in December, I can only handle a few of those a year, can't imagine doing them on a regular basis...lol :rolleyes2 But you definitly need to stay hydrated for those types of rides!

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Clary Sage is the main ingredient of one of the swills I made and I agree, it has an affect. I wouldn't describe it as a high, but certainly I did notice that it altered my attitude towards the "who cares, nothing bothers me" side of things. Reminded me of when I took zyban to quit smoking (and it worked).

I plan on reducing the ratio of Clary Sage and increasing the Ylang Ylang and Lavender ratios. Neroli is supposed to be good but the price is pretty high.

As for burning this in the candle, I suppose that what goes in the wick is pretty much destroyed, but the EO's that evaporate from the pool are clearly beneficial as something inhaled. I have a 3" pool going on one of those wide mouth mason jars.

This is probably a $10 candle with a total of 6 ounces of material to burn. Not what you would expect to buy in the store.

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  • 2 weeks later...

EricofAZ, this is just my take on the BP deal. I've been an ER/ICU nurse for some 18 years, blood pressure runs in my family. I am overweight, but my parents weren't, and neither is my sister and 2 of my brothers who also have hypertension.

I have seen plenty of young, fit-as-a fiddle patients who have malignant hypertension, and it almost always can be traced to genetics. There are, however, things you can do to help control it: reduce your intake of salt, use "natural" diuretics, regular, moderate exercise (no need for anything strenuous), lower your stress levels, get adequate sleep, watch your diet, consider biofeedback, meditation, but do NOT stop taking medication without consulting with your health provider. Don't take baths or showers that are too hot, don't jump from a very hot place to a cold one (you know how some people like to sit in a sauna and then jump into frigid waters); you may end up with coronary spasms that could spell BIG trouble!

I have been on a beta blockers for at least 4 years now (it's metoprolol succinate, aka "Toprol"). Take 25mg twice a day; it's controlling it adequately. Don't take anything that will make your pressure drop quickly, especially if you've had high BP for a while. Take an aspirin once a day, and eat more garlic. Ask your doctor to check your potassium, magnesium and calcium levels; sometimes BP problems are caused or exacerbated by abnormal values.

Personally, I do not believe that aromatherapy candles will lower your BP directly, but they may do so indirectly, by helping you relax, so give them a try. Regarding clary sage, I have read that for many people it will actually cause an increase in BP; I've never used it, so I cannot speak from personal experience. Well, better finish this little novel I just wrote... sorry for the long post!

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Yeah, I think if anyone had a magic wand, they would be rich beyond their dreams.

On the sage, I've read that regular sage increases BP but Clary Sage is shy of the offensive ingredient and has the opposite effect of lowering BP.

I'm sure its just the process of making the candle that is relaxing, but I sure do enjoy a deep breath when that swill of Ylang Ylang, Lavender and Clary Sage is pooled.

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I have had very high blood pressure just like you. My bottom number was alway over 100! Top once was 285, they would not let me leave the clinic!

My last doctor visit was excellent, I have cut back on salt, increased my fiber intake, eat only wheat breads and noodles. Walk 5 miles a day and dont miss! Lost 30 lbs. My BP now is 125/70! Dr. cut back half of my medicines! She said 20 more lbs and I can eliminate the BP pills.

I also lost my stressful job in January, I think that might of had something to do with it. I luv my new relaxed new life of candle making and basket weaving!

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