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A long time testing but now I'm there!

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My name is Anu Green and I have spent a year developing a natural range of scented candles. I didn't expect the process to be so difficult but now hope I can offer some help to any start-up struggling to get candles just right. I not only created the candles but had to design the brand message and the packaging to set myself apart from this competitive marketplace.

You can do it to! anugreen.com

My range includes:

Rosemary & Juniper

Lime, Basil & Mandarin

Frankincense & Myrrh

Lavender & Lemon

Juniper & Lemongrass

May Chang


Mandarin, Clove & Cinnamon

My candles are handmade and use soy wax (much cleaner burn than others) and are made with pure essential oils. When I started I found it very difficult to get the information I needed and ended up experimenting with over 50 different wicks. Anyway enough ramblings.

I am looking forward to learning more and helping out where I can.

Very best wishes,

Anu Green


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:yay:Looks great! Love your containers. It's great that you want to help beginners and others who wish to start a business also. There's so much to learn! Everyone on this site is so eager to help others and can't wait til I'm able to help others too! Good luck!

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Hi Anu Green,

Great website!

I would concider myself a beginner and would love to learn from you! What type of soy wax and wicks are you using? So far I have only tried 100% soy wax and not completely pleased with the wicking ...too much mushrooming for my liking.

Looking forward to chatting with you!


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I agree with Anita1 & Candybee but I'm waiting for the link where you can purchase the "ebook" to obtain all that knowledge she has gained in a year.

I will say the product and the site look great however fat chance I'll be getting that price for my candles anytime soon. The pound is equal to $1.55. If I did my conversion correctly that's just under $38.00/candle.

Edited by safetysue
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I agree with Anita1 & Candybee but I'm waiting for the link where you can purchase the "ebook" to obtain all that knowledge she has gained in a year.

I will say the product and the site look great however fat chance I'll be getting that price for my candles anytime soon. The pound is equal to $1.55. If I did my conversion correctly that's just under $38.00/candle.

I missed that one about the ebook. How much knowledge does one have making candles for one year?!!! There are folks here that share knowledge for free that have been making candles for years, many over 10 yrs.:rolleyes2

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Absolutely beautiful site. Very professional looking. I noticed you only offer EO's. Have a question for you. Did you try fragrance oils and found them unacceptable or no scent throw in your particular soy wax or are you choosing them for the aromatherapy benefits? I've got a good amount of EO's here for bath and body/spa line, but wanted to steer away from using them in my soy. For one reason is the cost. And two, I wanted a greater variety in selections.

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