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What to mix possibly with sugared spruce and Key lime question


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What is your absolute favorite, non-fuel smelling, strong-throwing key lime pie/cupcake, etc. scent?

OK, I LOVE sugared spruce, but don't know if it will sell well alone, so was wondering what to try with it. I've tried cinnamon, orange and cranberry already. Any other suggestions? The good thing is, if it doesn't sell, I'll burn them ALL for myself--LOL! Thanks everybody!

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What is your absolute favorite, non-fuel smelling, strong-throwing key lime pie/cupcake, etc. scent?

My favorite Lime scent is Frosted Lime Cupcake from NG. I do have to warn you though....When I was making this in candles, it smelled horrible! I almost trashed the candles b/c it smelled like baby throw-up so bad! Luckily, I waited until the next day and was very worried but I lit one. That stinky smell was gone! I have no idea why it smelled like that while pouring but it is fine now. I burn candles and melt melts in that scent all the time. It is very strong, 1 tart smells up my entire house!

I've never smelled sugared spruce, but I too would think some type of cranberry or orange, maybe even a pomegranate would go with spruce.

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Oh maybe some plum, maybe some mint (peppermint before spearmint, but try them both), maybe some oakmoss, maybe a mix of some heavy florals (gardenia and rose come to mind) and a rose and plum combo is stuck in my head too. And then maybe some herbals with sage or some basil might work well.

Key lime ... any citrus stuff, but herbals might be good too, maybe even some woods. Something like chilies and spicy ones might make a good tex-mex thing or south of the border thing. Maybe combne with buttercream ... maybe a little coconut and sandalwood and key lime might produce something too ... hard to say. Mesquite and lime would be good too ... different, but possibly good ... oh and there's mango or mandarin to think about too

I'm guessing you're in for a lot of Q-tip testing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love Brambleberry's and WSP, but they were pricey, so I went on a hunt to find one like theirs, but more affordable and I found it from Aztec. Smells the same to my nose--it's strong and more affordable.

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