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My bath bomb display/smaller booth

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I totally forgot to share pics of this when some of you asked after the bath bomb mold co-op - this is the bath bomb display DH built for me (we actually have to and generally use two at each show but this show was only 8x3' so I didnt have enough room for all my products or both bath bomb displays)


we might be landing another wholesale account soon at a candy store! :yay: She loved the bath bomb cupcakes and wanted them in the shop, then asked if she could buy one of the displays and we actually give them free along with a large enough order and a contract so... I'm hoping they catch on. for wholesale the bath bombs are shrink wrapped but for this show we had them unwrapped and had people put any two in a baggie that was labeled with ingredients and all that good stuff.

. I was wondering how people would react, its very "Lush" of me, lol... and they LOVED it. Kids liked picking their own scents, I even got a big order a week or so later from a woman who had been at the show and said her daughter now refuses to bathe without one, lol.


Heres the wide shot of the whole booth... It was my first time not having 10x10 to work with.. so normally I would have one more shelf and three tables total, the soaps on the shelf didnt work at ALL.. they tipped over a few times and just didnt catch peoples eye like they do in elevated trays. I also didnt have enough storage with just one table... it was hard trying to re-stock constantly having to pull my tubs out from under the table while people were walking around... and I tried to keep it simple by only bringing masons but I think tumblers and square libby's would have sold better with this particular crowd.. but it was my first time at this show so you live and learn! I did end up making a nice profit and made lots of contacts so I'm happy with that... but I also learned what does and does not work with such a small space.

Overall, it was an interesting experience doing a show like this- im not sure its right for me, but we didnt lose money and we did have people asking if we will be back, so I might do the holiday show and judge future decisions off that... I do know now I need more space though, or to cut a product, like scrubs. So much to consider, but I wanted to share with you guys!

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Your displays are adorable!! However, are you advertising that your products are pthalate free? 'Cause if you are someone spelled it wrong on your banner. :sad2:

I know :( my mom works for a large construction company and their sign maker made them for me.. he also spelled etsy

ESTY!!! lol. I have a new sign now :)

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wow, those bath bombs are beautiful, i love the colors!! great idea to let people pick any two. i can see how that would be a big hit with kids as well as adults.

you did a really good job with such a small space, everything looks great!! love the displays for the bombs. lucky you with a handy hubby.

Edited by dogmom1
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