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do customers really care??


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I have been asked if the wicks I use are metal or cotton. I only make soy candles so I have never used zinic anyway. I do find that most of the people that have asked have been those that either have health concerns or just more natural type people(for lack of a better discription). These are the people that usually only burn beeswax candles, prefer unscented or no dye added B&B products, like essential oils rather than fragrance oils...

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My feeling is that they care because they want what's currently fashionable. Maybe they read in a magazine about a certain actress using a particular type of candle. If they really cared about it on a personal level, not just to follow the trend, they'd educate themselves on how to tell the difference between a zinc and cotton core wick. The average person, when shown a random candle, could not tell you what sort of wick it has.

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In my nine years of candlemaking I've only had two people ask if I use a metal core wick (that was when all the lead hype was going on) and one other person mentioned the mushrooming, claiming it didn't "look nice" while burning. Otherwise, most people just assumed mushrooming was part of the candle after burning Yankme and dollar store candles. The other day at my open house, I actually had someone ask about the gel candle exploding rumor. Haven't been asked that in quite some time!

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Important facts to know:

99% of statistics are made up on the spot.

Most people buy candles based on how they look (packaging/label) and how they smell.

You can rattle on about scent throw, wick composition, soy vs. panda fat wax or whatever.. they just don't care. They want something that looks good and matches their decor, and when they open the lid, they want to like the way it smells.

Techno geeks can rattle on about all the latest features in their TV, but all most people care about is can I watch my shows on it? Does it look clear? Ok, i'll take it.. and in the case of men, there's the added question, "Do you make it in a 100" jumbo screen?"

Computers are the same way.. there is a small segment that will ask for all the technical B.S., but most people just ask, "Can I get on the internet with it? Will it run my bookkeeping software? Yea? I'll take it."

Specifics really only matter to the people making the stuff and that segment of folks who like to think they're "informed".

Did you know that big leauge department store brands spend twice as much on marketing than they do actually making the stuff they put in the bottle? It's all about making the packaging look good,and making it smell great when the customer pops open the lid and takes a wiff.. because 70% of new customers buying decisions are based on how they feel about the packaging and the scent.. 20% are infulenced by TV/Magazine advertisments for the products, and 10% by whats actually in the bottle.

My advice to anyone bringing a product to market is to make a product that YOU feel good about (because it's way easier to sell something you believe in yourself) then make it look fantastic! Put a cool label on it, make the product LOOK as good as it is, and you can't go wrong.

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i do agree with that, but i thought i was just proud of my label..

but i tell you the 3 wholesale accounts said they loved my labels and presention before even opening the lid.. those statistics makes me feel good.

I guess i should stop rattling on about mushrooms and cotton, zinc , scent throw, to my customers cuz they really dont know what i am talking and probably dont care...

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The only thing I am asked is: "ARE THEY SOY"?

When I get some frosting I want to take a defense and they just look and say"They still burn the same?Yes.So they don't care about what they look like.It is the highly fragranced candles they go for or just that certain scent.


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