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Has anyone tried gold canyon candles?


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Was wondering if anyone has tried them and how good they are? I had someone selling these at the booth next to mine at yesterday's craft show. In a way they weren't really in direct competition with me as they were selling 16 oz jars while mine were 8 oz jars and votives, but still can't help wondering if I could have done better without them right next to me.

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I was a rep for GC for about a year. Their candles are great! When they went up on the pricing is when I decided to start making my own. I had considered making candles before but when I came across GC through a friend, I decided to become a rep. The pricing wasn't bad and the candles were great, but the pricing went up drastically and now the rep details have changed alot so I am happy that I now make my own.

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I've never owned one myself, but my cousin is a GC freak!! Last time I was at her house she had one in each room, and man those suckers were a'throwin'-they smelled GREAT!!

Big reason why I came home and started investigating making my OWN GREAT candles! ;)

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  • 4 months later...

what makes them so great? Is it the double wicks? I never had a problem with mine burning out, it did start to smoke a bit after it got really low. but, god, they are good. I just hate the way they're distributed and only get them from my mom as gifts. Not sure who sells them to her.

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Oh God! I had a lady come into my shop and try to sell me those things. I told her that since I already sell Yankees I didn't plan on adding another line. She told me if I tried them I might want to switch and offered to give me a sample. Well, since she was buying stuff in my shop I felt like I couldn't be rude and at least acted like I would be willing to give them a try.

What she brought for me to try was a large jar that had been burned down to about 1" from the bottom of the jar. That jar was so black with soot I couldn't believe it. I'd never seen anything like it. Of course I never bothered lighting the thing. The thing that I found so ridiculous was the fact that she didn't have enough sense to at least try and clean up the jar before she gave it to me. What kind of impression did she think that would make?

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What she brought for me to try was a large jar that had been burned down to about 1" from the bottom of the jar. That jar was so black with soot I couldn't believe it.

I wonder if some people are so used to the soot that they don't notice it anymore. Even if it was clean, I'm not sure I would like to receive a sample that isn't a whole candle though. Of course, it's probably hard for GC distributors to give away whole candles as samples, since they're so big and probably cost them quite a bit each.
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I too used to be a demonstrator for them and then a retailer when I finally opened my shop. They are great candles, with excellent scent throw both hot and cold, but when they did their revamping, increased pricing and got the new ceo I knew I was done. I am down to my last 3 cases of them and will be glad to be done with them. I found other companies that are small business that have just as great a candle without the exhorbant pricing!! One right here on these boards <wavin to TS!!>

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They are Really really big here, duh, I live in their hometown.

They are good smelling candles, way better than Yankee.

I am not a candle maker, I dabble in it only because I want a specific scent for my own use. More into bath and body.

I know they have a wax blend, and its rather soft feeling.

I may be totally wrong, but it seems like they put petroleum jelly into it.

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I too used to be a demonstrator for them and then a retailer when I finally opened my shop. They are great candles, with excellent scent throw both hot and cold, but when they did their revamping, increased pricing and got the new ceo I knew I was done. I am down to my last 3 cases of them and will be glad to be done with them. I found other companies that are small business that have just as great a candle without the exhorbant pricing!! One right here on these boards <wavin to TS!!>

Gold what? :shocked2:

LOL!! You are too cute. Thank you for shout out hon.

I think someone gave me one as a gift in an exchange at work- a new girl.

She didn't know I made candles. But the thought was nice of her.

I don't think I even burned it. I should hunt it up and see if it's ALL that.

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Well this I know for a fact.... Terri's Clean Cotton is a dead on match scent throw and all... I am using an 8oz tin on my warmer in my living/dining room and when I came in tonight from work I could smell it at the back door.... it rocks! Her Creme Brule ran me out of my office it was strong!! Customers today thought I was cooking in my back room! lol

She may not be as big as GCC but she can throw with the big boys! lol

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They are really big here also. They good container candles I know a few people that buy and burn them I have been to there homes when they where burning.

Now there Pillar candles are another story I have seen 2 burning so far and was not impressed. The pillars I saw left a shell that was over an inch thick and had almost no scent throw.

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I like their container candles, I just hate how expensive they are.

You know what I LOVE? Their samples. They have these little tins, I think they're deep 4 oz tins, each individually labeled, and they sit in that soft smooshy material (what is that stuff?) inside cutouts for the tins, I think it's a very nice presentation. I've been looking for a similar layout, but can't find it outside of actually becoming a rep and buying the sample set.

A few of my friends are reps, so I've gotten to see the whole sales process, and it seems hard. I lived in Phoenix for three years, so they were everywhere...everyone on every corner sold them.

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I think the samples are only for show. I've seen them set up and I think it is pretty awesome the way they have all the candles set up - it's like a little mini shelf with all the candles on it. I've actually showed DH and he was thinking about doing something like that for me too, but we decided no more shows - we're gonna concentrate on the store for now.

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so I did some research - apparently they use "food grade paraffin" which may account for the soft/smooshyness. It also may account for why my cat tried to eat some of it. I'm glad he didn't get sick.

I just wish I could find someone around here who made candles as good or better! Hook me up!

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The tins they used to have the demonstrator candles in are no more... now they are using the little plastic take out food containers and no wicks. Lots of demo-ers were a bit upset about that that I know because now they cant melt on a melter. I just sold my whole batch of them that I had. I stocked them when I could get my hands on them as they are perfect for taking when you travel... just enough to burn a night or two in a hotel and I have lots of customers that used them when they went out of town. My BIL and SIL kept them in their camper to use when they would go camping. I think they were about 1oz as I have 4oz tins and they are much smaller than that.

Epheme I found some candles here on the board with the same if not more scent throw... I am deffinitely bringing Terris line into my store... check her out!

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*gasp* I can't believe it! I guess I can, the setup looked expensive, and then the price it would have been to buy it couldn't have covered their cost to make it. Or so is my opinion. Well, huh. It can't look nearly as classy.

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