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Suggestions for easiest canopy to put up


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Looking for suggestions on the easiest canopy to put up. After using the search feature I did read some good reviews about the caravan canopy but it didnt specify how easy it was to assemble.

Im looking to do my first craft fair (not until the summer) and I will probably be doing it by myself. DH works nights and sleeps days and I dont think my son would want to go with me lol.

So I need a canopy that I can put up by myself. Any suggestions?


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I have a Caravan Canopy that I use at my farmers market. My husband also can't help me because of his work and my son is busy a lot of Saturdays so I have to do it myself. This canopy is easy and fast to put up! I do suggest to practice before you take it out the first time to use it. The one thing that I will say is that the Velcro on the sidewalls are crap and the zippers broke in no time! I had my husband put grommets where the velcro is and I bungee cord them on the frame. That works a lot better then the velcro!

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I have an EZ up and it has always been hard to put up. I can do it by myself but it is NOT easy. There is usually someone at each show that helps me. I bought a First Up from Wal-Mart as a backup and used it at my last outdoor show. All I can say is WOW. That was the easiest thing to put up. Not near as sturdy as the EZ up but who cares at this point. I wasn';t worn out from struggling to get the canopy up before the show even started.

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I have an ez-up too and almost always put it up myself. One of the best things I ever did was invest in sand bags. I just hook 2 of them to one leg then I can work my way around the other 3 sides to get them stretched out and in place. Only takes a few minutes from start to finish and I don't have to worry about it going flying if a wind whips up during set up.

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I use 2 ez-ups at my outdoor shows... I wouldn't own anything else. I've tried other canopy products in the past and by far this brand stands up the best, for many uses, over time. I bought both of these tents 6 years ago and they're still going strong.

I'm 55,, and can pop, weight down.. and pound anchors in myself with this unit. I really like them,, used and new parts are easy to find for them.


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Mine is the commercial version (Enterprise II) rather than just an inexpensive one from Walmart, etc so the "workings" of it are pretty heavy duty. I have helped other vendors with theirs and have noticed a difference in how easy some go up in compared to others. I was lucky enough to pick mine up inexpensively on Craigslist but I WILL be spending the $$ to get another quality one when the time comes to replace it. The person I purchased it from had used it for 2 years, I have had it for 4 and use it for many outdoor shows in the summer/fall as well as when we go camping a few times a year so we can have shade for the kids and a place to sit outside if it rains so it gets a lot of use. I just need to respray it with the waterproofing sprays every few years and I am good to go. I have been under this tent in the pouring rain more than a few times and not had an issue as long as it had been sprayed well.

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