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Customer Service

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I was just thinking about some posts I've recently read about customer service, good and bad. I got to thinking because there is one company that I mainly purchase my supplies from but when they make a mistake I always get a response of we will make a note of it in your account and next time you place an order, put a comment in the comment box and we will send it out. This kind of irks me because though I don't need it right away, I feel it is wrong because in the end I end up paying for the shipping on the item twice. I've dealt with other companies that will apologize and then send the replacement out right away at no cost.

So, what are the things you look for in getting good customer service, or what are our pet peeves?

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Hey that's weired...that happened to me yesterday. I received an order from an online art supply store, 1 out 2 of the items was missing. I called and the lady and she said I will give you a credit for the missing item. Then charge you for it again to ship...I cancelled the order. I will shop with another art supplies company. Besides charging me for the shipping again for their mistake, too many mistakes happen when they doing a credit and re-charging.


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I look for good communication and a willingness to help. And friendly voices or friendly emails. my pet peeves are short or half answers... or when they treat you like an idiot for asking a question.

I am about to drop over 1000.00 at a local supplier so I have been asking questions off and on. I asked on Wednesday if they could tell me what size their glass rollerballs are so I could start working on labels... and all they did was then ask me what I wanted the label to look like.... that irritated me beyond belief. All they had to do was look up the specs on their own product (since its not on the website :rolleyes2) and tell me how tall it is and how big around it is. The same supplier kindof rudely replied to an email about a week ago too so I am almost irritated enough not to place the order with them anymore... but its too tempting not to have to pay shipping charges. We'll see how they are when I actually show up to get my order!

I love when companies have good customer service.. I am so much more willing to order when thats the case! Both Peaks and Candle Science have been so easy to ask questions and so nice to communicate with, they have my business for life.

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Communication! I love when they send an email acknowledging the order and another letting me know it shipped. If they error, I expect an apology. It is mind boggling to me how many customer service reps do not knwo this word and how much power it contains. I appreciate it when they promptly handle any errors. I prefer immediate correction or refund so I can move on. I love suppliers that take a moment to answer questions I have about a product. If they are busy, they can let me know they will get to it asap and get back to me; but at least answer the questions (I had an inquiry several months ago and they never answered my emails...so I dropped them). No handling fees on top of shipping...and actual shipping rates. I wish all suppliers had shipping systems that brought up shipping costs for different methods when you place an order, so you can decide which you prefer.

All this to me is top of the line customer service! Am I asking too much? That's a big paragraph...LOL!


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A company that stands behind what they sell and corrects their errors and admits they made a mistake....perfect example....wrong scent was in my order....I sent an email and the correct scent was shipped out the next day without a mention of me sending the other one back and I got an apology!

When DH and I opened our businesses the main thing we believed in was customer service. We said if we can't provide a good product with courteous and timely service we don't even need to open the doors. We treat our customers the same way we want to be treated when the shoe is on the other foot. We must be doing something right cause that was 18+ years ago and we're still going strong.

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Definitely communication and I can't stand liars.

I ordered 10 samples of which a couple I needed to fill an order. I get my sample and the two that I needed were replaced with some other scents that I did not order.

When I questioned the company about the order the response was, "We tried to reach you by email and called with no answer, so we sent you something else."

I looked back on my invoice to make sure that my email and phone # were correct, yep. I had no emails, double checked the spam and no phone call on the caller ID from them.

Wow, so just randomly send what ever you want if you can't fill the order and don't let me know, then lie about trying to contact us?? It's a business phone with caller ID and voice messaging...

At least offer to send the correct ones when they come in....

However, I also called a company to ask if they had 1 oz of a certain scent in stock and they offered to send it to me for free!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

what is with companies these days? my entire career (20+ yrs) has been customer service oriented even though i was an office manager and kept "behind the scenes". it seems as though in the last 10yrs or so, no one wants to be responsible for anything and the onus is on you. seriously, people are human and they screw up, how hard is it to admit that? apparently it's really tough. i had an experience with a fragrance company just around christmas that really chapped my a**! i won't name names but i can tell you she'll never get another dime of my money....

i ordered several sniffys, like 20, all different flavors because i've never tried this co. before....well, one of the items happened to be a bottle that was not a sniffy size. it was a 3oz. because i figured that i probably would like this one. i had some foreboding when i place the order because of that one item. needless to say, it arrived and everything was there but they were all sniffy sizes... i didn't get my 3oz bottle that i paid for! go figure.

i sent the email and she said she would send the correct one out. no prob, i could see how the mistake could be made....all the rest were sample sizes etc etc. ..... so i wait.... and wait... finally i email that it's been 2 weeks, where's my 3oz. that i've already paid you for???

she tells me that according to her tracking number (UPSP, hate'em!) it's been delivered over a week before! she emails me the number and sure enough she sent it and they show it delivered but it wasn't. well you can believe the rash i put on my mail lady and the post master at the office... i'm serious, that afternoon i was standing at the end of my driveway waiting. hemmin and hawin, the post office swears it's been delivered. :mad:

ok, i figure i'm out my $4. i send her an email just to let her know what is happening and that i basically got nowhere with USPS and that probably one of my neighbors has the stupid thing and it will turn up. she of course, can't do anything for me because it shows delivered and it wasn't insured. ok, i'm mad but that's what happens, whatever...well lo and behold, i get an email from her about a week later.... it was returned TO HER, ADDRESS UNKNOWN!

she gave me the address that she shipped it to, which was 1 digit off from my address... then had the audacity to ask me what i thought the problem was and that she wouldn't be able to ship again unless i gave her the correct information! OMG i was seeing red!

i told her that i had provided her with the correct info and if she was looking for an answer she needed to ASK HER SHIPPING DEPT! i was pretty terse. well, she responded that they actually did send it to the correct house number but then blamed USPS for returning numerous packages during the holidays...she would send it again.

the end of this story....when the package finally arrived, i removed the label and lookie there... it was the original label with the wrong address on it! can you imagine???

moral of the story: if you are gonna lie to your customers, at least cover your rear when you do! people aren't as stupid as you might like them to be.

besides that she lost several hundred dollars worth of business that i have thrown to another company that does know how to provide customer service.

sorry for the rant but i feel better now! :rolleyes2

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Just came from Dollar Tree. Gal spilled my change all over; but didn't help pick up or apologize. :angry2:

Why do they always put the bills in your hand and add the change on top of that? When I first started working at McD's, I was taught to do it the other way around so the change wouldn't roll off. I also was taught to count back the change. Say you owe $4.45 and you gave them a $5 bill. They would count back a nickle ".50, .75, $5". I still do that at shows. It's a double check for me and them.


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I also was taught to count back the change. Say you owe $4.45 and you gave them a $5 bill. They would count back a nickle ".50, .75, $5". I still do that at shows. It's a double check for me and them.


That's because they can't count!! They read what the register says and give you that amount back..

I love it when you give them the pocket change after they plug in the total. It really screws them all up and they can't figure out in their head how much change you get back... :rolleyes2

Very sad...:sad2:

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That's because they can't count!! They read what the register says and give you that amount back..

I love it when you give them the pocket change after they plug in the total. It really screws them all up and they can't figure out in their head how much change you get back... :rolleyes2

Very sad...:sad2:

my husband gets really tickled pink doin that exact same thing! :laugh2:

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They cannot count is so true. We had a young cashier the other day , who could not make change , she could not figure it out , my dh had to tell her what the change would be , it wasn't like he gave her a $100.00 bill ,God help them because school isn't.

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Just came from Dollar Tree. Gal spilled my change all over; but didn't help pick up or apologize. :angry2:

Why do they always put the bills in your hand and add the change on top of that? When I first started working at McD's, I was taught to do it the other way around so the change wouldn't roll off. I also was taught to count back the change. Say you owe $4.45 and you gave them a $5 bill. They would count back a nickle ".50, .75, $5". I still do that at shows. It's a double check for me and them.


At the clinic I work at we've hired younger people 18-25 who we discovered had no idea how to count back the change. They were used to the register telling them how much the change was and they just grabbed it and handed it to them. Our system does not do that, so they have to figure it out themselves. It was a mess and the drawer was always off at the end of the night. We've learned to check that out our new hires know how to count back change.

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My pet peeve is placing a order on line it says in stock, never hear anything from the company, couple weeks later I email them and they reply oh it's out of stock it will be in by the 23rd of the month, time goes by it's Feb. ok email again, am totally ignored no response. I then decide to call of course it goes directly to voice mail so leave my name and number never get a call back. So then I file a complaint with Paypal since they have already received their money and 2 minutes after doing that low and behold I get a email.....still on backorder....they claim if they don't get the product in within a week they will refund me my money plus when the product comes in they will still send me the product no charge....yeah I will believe that when I see it :P

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