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Are these FO's old??


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I spend a decent chunk of change and ordered some FO from the classifieds and when they arrived today I was disappointed. They are all dark in color and smell 'off'... some smell like vinegar, and some smell like thick old lady perfume. Not a single one in the bunch smells good. I have always ordered new FO and am a noob so I don't really know the characteristics of old/improperly stored oils.

Did I get ripped off? :sad2:

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Sounds like old oil to me! I had that happen to me on this board as well. Now I am very careful; if the listing does not specifically state the age of the oils or that they are "new" I will not purchase without asking the age first. I will say that while all of the oils I bought were obviously very aged (some of the packaging I know predates oils I have that are 5+ years old) a few of them did still smell great. There is a difference between selling old oil, and old SKUNKY oil! Throw them in the trash, guys! :tiptoe:

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Sounds like some may have turned and thats why they smell off. That does sound like they are old. Did you ask about the condition before you bought them? That can tell you alot about the oils by how someone stores them and when they were purchased.

I have oils that are 4 years old that smell as good as the day I bought them. I have on one occasion experienced an FO that smelled off or sour after I had it for a year but it is very faint. Most FOs keep well if stored properly.

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There is a difference between selling old oil, and old SKUNKY oil! Throw them in the trash, guys! :tiptoe:

In case that wasn't clear, that was a shout-out to the people selling skunky oils. Not the poor folks unlucky enough to buy them! Sorry you had to have that experience. :(

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Unfortunately, yes, I bought them off here. I was skeptical but bought them based on seller's abundance of positive feedback. Even the labels look old and the bottles are covered in dust. Lesson learned I guess. Is it typical to express disappointment to the seller in cases like this???

Thanks for helping a (naive) newbie out! :smiley2:

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I did answer your pm's I believe it may have been rude of you to jump right out and make a post such as this before you checked your return pm's. You actually bought a few of the oils that I can pin down a bought date on as the ICS samples were bought brand new by me. I also absolutely refute your claim of off smelling and skunky oils. I personally smelled each bottle before I weighed it and everyone smelled just fine. I know how to store oils properly and know when they smell off and would never put anything like that up for sale. Just because an oil is thick or dark does not mean a thing. I sell brand new fragrances and every oil has it's own characteristics some are thick or dark brand new from the cannister. As a newbie maybe you should know what you are looking for before slandering someone due to your own inexperience. As I stated in the pm to you if you want a refund just send the oils back in the condition you received them. That is unless you were hoping for something for nothing with your complaints. As I also stated yours is the only complaint of oil quality that I have received and many ladies on here who are not newbies have ordered more than once from my ad and been very happy.


Edited by gloworm
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Well she posted on my ad so I wouldn't say she didn't name names and I am not going to hide out and have people think I am guilty of what she says because they can read her post on the ad and know exactly who she is refering to. She could at least have waited till she read my pm to her before posting in several places here. This could have and should have been taken care of in pms. This is what feedback is for also.

Edited by gloworm
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I felt compelled to weigh in here... because I too bought FO's from this particular seller/thread and all four bottles arrived today in great condition.. none smell off or old to me. I'm sorry OP thinks she was wronged but the FO's I received all smelled great , I have already soaped with two of them and they were perfectly fine, and I know my FO's.. I havent been on CS for very long but I've been soaping for 10 years.

Some of the labels are handwritten but that doesnt change whats inside the bottle, and some FOs are naturally darker and thicker than others.... Again, sorry you feel the way you do about your transaction but I do think it was a bit wrong to call her out like this before giving her a chance to respond via private message.

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I did not "slander" anyone-- I made no mention of a name whatsoever. I simply asked those who are more 'experienced' for their opinions regarding the age of the oils. I have brand new bottles of some of these exact same oils that smell and look noticeably different.

As a newbie maybe you should know what you are looking for before slandering someone due to your own inexperience.
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Well, you did post on her classy. We could probably figure it out.

I did not "slander" anyone-- I made no mention of a name whatsoever. I simply asked those who are more 'experienced' for their opinions regarding the age of the oils. I have brand new bottles of some of these exact same oils that smell and look noticeably different.
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Having purchased oils from gloworm in the past plus having met her in person more than once (have I mentioned that she is perfectly charming? :yes: Well in case I haven't--she IS! LOL) I find it very hard to believe she would sell you skunky oils. Perhaps they are older and have darkened? Also, how have you stored them? I made the very bad mistake of storing a bunch of my oils in a plastic tote with a very tightly sealed lid. After a while of hanging out in a sealed container, some of the lighter oils had that "candle shoppe" smell. You know--the scent of a blueberry muffin sitting in a flower garden with a cinnamon bun in the fresh rain? :laugh2: THAT smell! Have you stored your oils in a sealed tote? Just trying to brainstorm to determine what might be the culprit. Either way, I hope you ladies can resolve your issues amicably and in private.

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I have oils that vary from almost clear to a dark almost coffee color... all new from the suppliers.

I also have bought new oils that smelled "off" ... nothing like the name would suggest. After sniffing literally hundreds & hundreds of oils, I've learned first hand not to judge an oil based on how it smells Out Of the Bottle (OOB). The only true test is getting it into the wax, letting it cure, and then lighting the wick. Also I have to smell anything with cinnamon or patchouli last. If I smell them first everything afterwards will smell either very light or rancid.

As far as variations in the oil ... the same fragrance name from one supplier may not have been manufactured by the same company that made it for another supplier. If it did come from the same supplier and smells differently the simplest explanation is that it may have been re-formulated by the manufacturer ... and you have one of the old and also one of the new formulas; one with pthalates and the other pthalate-free. Or maybe the supplier changed manufacturers like reported here: http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=75083&highlight=oob

Another possibility? The formulation was wrongly mixed by the manufacturer. Here's a link to one report: http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87379&highlight=oob

Not all forum members are here 24/7. It can take a while for everyone to comment on a thread so you can get some different opinions. Hope this information helps.

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I have seen many suppliers come to their own defence on this board and "throw-out" SLANDER.


I personally think that sellers should not be allowed in certain area's of a message board, due to the fact that we should be able to have the freedom to voice our opinions on products, sellers, etc,..without the "scare" that they just might "show-up" and things could get "heated".

Ashleylynn8888, don't you feel bad, you were just "voicing" your opinion about the products you have purchased,..we ALL as buyers, have had a complaint about something we have bought, or a seller. You did nothing wrong. I have done just as you have before. It all in the business.

And, don't let the newbie part bother you,..you may be a newbie, but you obviously know what fragrance oils SHOULD smell like.


Edited by leisa2003
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I think that this problem should have been taken care of through email or pm's, it definately doesn't need to be here unless there was no response from the seller. Personally I know Glo would never sell something she wouldn't use herself and even if a FO bottle has dust on it does not make it unusable! She also has a right to defend herself as a candle maker, not a supplier. These weren't her oils, they were from other suppliers. I have also not seen Glo post to a thread where someone didn't like her oils, she has enough class to know she can't please everyone!!

OOB reviews, sniffs, whatever are totally useless and NEVER a good judge of how a FO will perform. I have an 8 yr old buttercreme that I don't use very often that was thick and VERY dark when I bought it and it stills performs great in my candles.

What happened to the days when chandlers could think, search and experiment on their own!! It just seems it's a gimmie now world and some forgot how to use the brain God gave them. :confused:

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Again, I was not trying to offend/call-out anyone... which is why I didn't mention any names. I was simply asking for opinions on the age of these oils... not the seller! I find it strange that before it was brought to anyone's attention who the seller was, everyone said that the oils sounded like they are probably old; and now that they know who the seller was they are all offering reasons for their aged qualities. I never said they smelled 'skunky' I said they smell 'off'.

Just because I'm a newbie to this board does not mean I don't have the right to post my opinions or questions without getting browbeaten

(or that I 'forgot how to use the brain God gave me'). Were you not all newbies here once too?

Lets move on...

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