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Do you buy the same products that you make???


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Do you ever buy other peoples hand made items to see how they feel/look and stuff like that. I am thinking about making the bath bombs with the tutoral that is coming up, but have never used a bath bomb in my life. So, I wouldn't know the first clue on if it was a good one or not. So, I was thinking about buying some and give them a try.

If you do, do you buy them from Artfire and etsy? How do you determine if it is going to be a good one or not?


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hi =o)

when I was starting out in 2001, etsy wasn't around :sad2: I did buy products from Whole Foods (Wild Oats back then), the Body Shop and also TJ Maxx and Ross...mostly TJM for cheap...

now when I buy on etsy, I buy from the shops that have full ingredient disclosure and that don't make any claims

when I started making cp soap, I bought from lots of other soapmakers because I wanted to learn what they meant by slip & glide...I wanted to know what combinations of oils created what feels and lathers...I wanted to know what a scrubby bar felt like compared to a salt bar, etc

Imho, research is ok as long as its truly to learn and not to copy :smiley2:

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all the time! Mostly at shows though, because despite the fact that I have an online shop.. I hate paying shipping, LOL!! I am also a Lush-a-holic. I LOVE LUSH.. its a sickness. I could spend a thousand dollars in that shop, lol.

I buy lots of candles too.. because I'm still learning on those and I really love to see what other people do and find the best, so I can learn and try to be better.

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I like to try out others stuff too. But mostly I have just bought soap and I get them at shows because I do a lot of shows. I also like to know how different oils and butters in soap feel on my skin and I sometimes get ideas for what I would like to try.... or not try.

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I do buy other people's stuff to check it out but I also buy from people who've I've gotten to know through the message boards I go on and it's not to compare but because I like to contribute to their success. I feel it is more important to support small businesses than large companies who have become commericalized. Since becoming a small business owner, it has become more important to me to support these types of businesses since I know what goes into them.

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Too bad you didn’t get in on the swap...They had a bath bomb swap. That is a perfect way to try new things and ideas. The bath Fizzies are a personal preference. If you like more fizz, Oils or suds. And of course what scent is pleasing to your palette. You will know it’s good when you sigh in the bath... Ö¿Ö

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Too bad you didn’t get in on the swap...They had a bath bomb swap. That is a perfect way to try new things and ideas. The bath Fizzies are a personal preference. If you like more fizz, Oils or suds. And of course what scent is pleasing to your palette. You will know it’s good when you sigh in the bath... Ö¿Ö

I saw that swap too, but at the time, bomb R&D was near the bottom of the list. With your tutoral, I decided to move it to my next item. Maybe another swap will come up soon, or maybe I would be able to host one myself. I would have to look to see what the requirements are or if I would be able to handle it without participtating in one before hand.

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Yes-at one time I thought I would try my hand at b & b but it did not work out so well. I did buy from quite a few people to see what bombs are "supposed" to be like and I liked them all but one stood out above all the rest,even better than the big guys like Lush. I found her on another board and it linked me to her etsy shop. Her company name is KBShimmer, I hope this is ok to post this about her but I must say these are the prettiest,well made,deliciously scented bombs I have EVER used and she has a customer for life with me:yay:

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