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A question for Everyone!:)

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Hi All!

I am just curious as to what is your all's favorite part of candle making, soap making, bath and body products? Do you like the making of the product itself, packaging it all for selling? The setting up and doing craft shows? Coming up with ideas for new products? Or any other part I missed? I know the actual selling is the best by far, but I think my favorite part is the packaging it when I get it all made, looks so nice and like ya really got something done!! Can't wait to hear your responses!! Have a great night!



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I enjoy creating interesting projects, especially if the project is challenging, tedious & difficult. I hate selling but I love it when my bank balance goes UP...:tongue2: I really enjoy burning my candles the most. It makes me feel good when I light one and enjoy it all the way to the bitter end - something I had rarely experienced until I began making my own. :)

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I love making candle tins. I can pour all day and not get bored. I love pouring these tins for fundraisers because they are for a GOOD purpose.

This Thanksgiving Holiday, I took the time to burn candles in every room and am just amazed; I make such a lovely product. I did stop and "smell the roses." Carole

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I love how when I make either soap or candles the whole house smells yummy! I also feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when I have my craft show tables all set up. Everything looks so fresh and clean and smells so good customers come to smell all the soap and candles and end up getting candlenose. Thats a good feeling for me!

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Getting fos in the mail. It's just like Christmas all year long. My favorite thing is to go down to the lab and open the cooling box and see that all the candles are perfect with no wet spots or blemishes. That's a rare event to have 100% success. It gives me goose bumps just talking about it.


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