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ideas for craft shows

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Does anyone know a good way to keep your candles from melting at craft shows this time of year. I'm thinkig of doing one, and I thought that maybe a cooler with no ice would help. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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No one seems concerned about that.Customers see a slight melt on the top but they know it is sweating from the heat.They buy anyway.Not alot of my candles do that.Some scents do but so few I don't worry. The candles need to be out and displayed and not in a cooler.

People don't mind the frosting either.They know enough about soy candles to know they frost in different temps

Some shows I do it has been almost 90 degrees,One gets down to 50 degrees


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Do you have a tent? I just keep rotating my items and try to keep them in the shade the best I can during the show. This seems to help more than anything.

This and spend some extra to run some electricity to your tent ... maybe some fans in front of a block of ice ... maybe not too.

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Do you have a tent? I just keep rotating my items and try to keep them in the shade the best I can during the show. This seems to help more than anything.

If you don't have a tent it is worth it to invest in one. You don't have to think about them melting as much. We've been in the 90's here a lot lately. Since I have a tent i don't have to worry bout the candles, they don't melt or even get sweaty.

If your show isn't big enough for a canopy, then get an garden umbrella. The kind they have outside cafe's.

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I just did an outdoor show yesterday and it was over 100 degrees here. I was sooo worried about my clamshell melts melting, but they did just fine. We were in a shady spot, and had a tent, and while the melts did start to get the tiniest bit soft (looked like they had wet spots) they were no where near melting and didn't seep. No need for the million ice packs I took (actually they made matters worse as they caused condensation on some of the packages.) I would recommend packing in a ice chest if you have melts, but no ice required! My 4 ounce candles did just fine!

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I placed my candles in their container cartons in coolers and put blue ice packs around the cartons to keep them cool. I took one of each out for display and then once sold replaced with a new one out of the cooler. Even still, a few of them at the end of the day had that sweated top look and I was able to sell most of them. HTH.

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Does anyone know a good way to keep your candles from melting at craft shows this time of year. I'm thinkig of doing one, and I thought that maybe a cooler with no ice would help. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Make beeswax candles!!!! :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: Mine have survived temps of 112 and look wonderful! (Sorry, don't mean to gloat)

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I tried doing my first farmers market and the sun faded some of the candles. That was a problem:(

For now, I am going to stick with indoor craft shows until I think of a way to prevent fading.

I am buying the UV protector with my next candle order and see if that helps. But I don't know if that will prevent fading when exposed to the suns strong rays. You probably get uv rays even when in the shade. we were only in direct sunlight for 30-45min and then we pushed our table back in the shade.:mad:

The candles started melting a little and I switched them out. BUt I didn't realize I was then exposing another candle and causing it to fade too.

Does anyone else use the UV protecter?

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