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Got this PM on Mr. Missy's FOs


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"All his oils at this time are only available until they are sold out..then they don't restock..How do I know this?? This morning after the email about the policy change to the $175 min..and 50 new scents..I went to his website..where I didn't see clove spice..the one of 51 scents that I was waiting to come in from the sample sale...so I called him and he told me that they sold out..so I asked when it would be restocked..and he said never...let me tell you how I work....I buy "distressed" oils in quantity and when they are gone...so everything on the website are like closeout scents....which I never buy and then I let him know how I worked and this isn't how I roll....so this morning, he told me he'd refund my money....after a lengthy discussion..which I don't really think he will just by talking to hime...this afternoon, my samples arrived and I would say 1/2 of them smelled pretty good..the others were nasty or didn't smell at all like they were suppose to..for instance...velvet violets (I'm a violet lover) smells like carnation..and blue tamarind smells like cat pee...I could go on and on about my day today to you...but I read your post about suppliers discountinuing oils..and I am TOTALLY with you on that one....and when I saw that, I just had to let you know before you got too excited over his oils...I mentioned that he needs to let his customers all know that "that's the way he works"...or he will have really upset people, just like me but it didn't seeme to phase him and I think he's looking for the customer that makes candles and sells them just to make a profit and doesn't really have pride in what they make...he suggested his oils in the 25 pound size for me to buy for craft shows and even he'd make my candles for me..which isn't what I do at all.....I wondered about skin safely on these as I also make soap but he wasn't sure and told me to go by the rule of no cinnamon....so I can't even make b&b out of these.....I'm just very frustrated now and sorry I'm rambling on."

OK, that's the PM I received. The burgundy highlighted area is NOT what I said, but possibly someone else.

Anyway, what do you all think about this?

I've read the other posts about the $150 min, etc... and I guess I'm done with them...won't do that with any FO supplier actually.



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OMG!!!!:shocked2: If this is so,....

Shit is gonna hit the fan now!!!

He just raped us without us knowing!

And he has this on his website....

To Keep Our Prices Lower......

We now have a minimum total order of $150.00. This is to ensure our lower pricing, and to keep the same great products coming to you in the future. we are constantly updating our pages with new fragrances and products every day! So...Check back often and Thank You for shopping at Mr. Missy's Candles.

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Wow...I'm just...wow. I'm so glad I did not place an order.

I would never order from a company that charges a high minimum like that anyway.

Just what are distressed oils?

And to be quite honest...I've seen him posting his site on other boards over the last several weeks...pretending to be a customer who discovered this great source for FO's. He just rubbed me the wrong way by doing that.

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I got the email about the min. and emailed him back, stating he just lost a customer...I do like about 6 of his FO's that I tested...but a $150 min. I'm outta there....I don't run out of ALL of these FO's at the same time. ??????

This is total BS, no matter who says what.

Actually, after I placed my very first order, he, Dan, called me at work and talked for 30+ mins. about him and his ex and his new biz.....whatever..... I tested and reordered, just received those FO's today. That'll be the last.

I'm a "change" person myself....can't ever just "sit still long enough" to be happy, but to go from no min. to a $150 min. is total BS.

Oh, well, chalk it up to another experience in 8 yrs. of candlemaking.

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"distressed oils" and "recycled wax" (from another thread) ~ sounds like a really questionable supplier to me

Yep, full of BS if you ask me. I, personally speaking for myself, of course, think he's high on ENERGY drinks and cigs, when I spoke to him.

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I had a feeling the oils were discontinued ones the mfg.was getting rid of...that's the only way he could sell them for those prices.

A leopard doesn't change his spots and Dan is the same as he always was. This one will shut down faster than Cape Coral!

He must think chandlers are really stupid to not see thru his ways.

Hay....where's Sassy Q about all this!

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Oh, I'm reading Shelby. I think you really just want to rub people's noses in what you portrayed as "helping" them. Well, you won't mine. I happen to LOVE all the oils I got from him, closeout, one of a kind, or whatever. Like I said all along, if one could pick up some FOs at a lower cost, they were quality and good and worked for your applications, so WHAT? What the heck is wrong with saving money when you can? I tried them along with a lot of other people and they worked for a lot of us. There is NOTHING he has that I can not live without, but I did save a little money AND picked up some great scents to boot. I sell these at craft shows/flea markets for 5 bucks an ounce, and can sell a LOT of them, so off a 7.95 bottle of oil I have the potential to make 80 bucks, less the cost of the bottles. That's a HUGE profit for me. When they are gone, they are gone. I'm not sorry one bit, much to your disappointment I bet. Oh, and just so you know, I buy more from JS than probably any one supplier, so where is your beef???

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Well..i was one of the suckered ones..

I only bought 1 lb of powdered sugar, and 44 1 oz. size for $1.00,,,

But I don't think I will even test the 1oz. size..it takes to much time and it cost to even test...

But he is the real loser...I don't think he can even begin to recover from this...if he is really selling distressed oils..and didn't tell anyone before hand...

It is a different story if that was the way he was doing business and was up front with it..

I am not sorry for buying the powdered sugar....carol k says it is awsome in our 415 soy wax...

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Dan certainly hasn't changed. This is a man with no scruples about him. It is nothing new for him to pull this bullshit. I have been in this business long enough to see Missy go from great supplier to bottom of the barrel. Cape Coral was a joke from the get go and now Mr. Missy's? Good God Dan, if you are going to open a brand new business at least be wise enough to change your name! Or better yet, stop trying to capitalizing on your ex wife's name. I am sure Missy is real thrilled to have her name attached to yet another of your failures.

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<Edited to remove anything about selling venues that distract from the topic>

I have purchased closeouts before, but I knew up front that they were closeouts. I also trusted the sources of the reviews for these oils. BCN/BCS has had some fantastic closeouts and when I get a good one, I sell it as a special fragrance or selection; but at least I know up front the risk of not getting it again. I also agree that testing is too time consuming and costly to have to repeat when you have to replace an oil.

I am just glad I had not ordered yet. His way of doing business may be his way, but if I did my business that way, I would lose my customers and be OUT of business.

Glad I know now but I am so sorry to all those who got screwed!!

Heh, maybe that was why there were never any descriptions??

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I must say I was taken aback when he called me and went on about his ex wife...and another supplier currently in business. Not at all professional. Anyone with any business sense knows you don't ream another business or person...and you don't discuss your personal life.

However, he did mention that the oils were closeouts, one of a kinds. I did stock up on one fragrance that performed well in my wax and I really liked the fragrance. However, I must say that sadly the others I tried were of poor quality.

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I have to agree, off topic. This thread is about how mrmissy has deceived all of us that have bought his oils. We were lead to believe the oils were going to be there when we needed them again, not distressed/closeout oils never to be seen again. I don't care how you put it is deceptive/dishonest & it's a downright rotten thing to do to people.

It would have been honest to have stated this on the website & not to have screwed people out of their hard earned money.

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Being a very small business and trying our hardest to add new scents every season, I would be FURIOUS if I found out that I had purchased, tested, listed on my brochure, advertised, etc. a new scent just to find out that I can't get it anymore. I cannot afford that and that is exactly why I do not buy "known" closeouts.

If this was my only job, I MAY feel differently - it may be fun to have scents that are "limited" - but I don't have the time nor the resources to do that. It is deceiving and just plain wrong.

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Just wanted anyone & everyone to know that pm was from me. Today I'm throwing away 51 sample bottles and a pound of hemp wax and washing my hands of Mr. Missys. As I will never know if any of these are skin safe and my business is based on long time customers...not "distressed" customers, he's not the company for me. I hope those of you who continue to use him make lots of profit as that's what he claims to be there for. And for those of you, that are like me, and depend on quality non-"distressed" oils.....I hope my loss is a gain and you benefitted from me pm'ing candlelady about what I found out from MR. Missy. I just had to share what I knew as I think it's wrong to not be upfront about your products.

I'm off to have a great day and get back to my business of making quality products.


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They aren't going to give me a refund, I honestly never expected one..he's all talk and bull...he never even called me back to discuss the fact that any of these are skin safe. I'm cutting my losses & moving on.

As far as craig's list....what a joke....things that make you go grrrr..LOL

Candy :)

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Candy, by the looks of this thread, the only one making "lots of profits" is sassyQ, everyone else seems disgruntled. Glad it worked out for somebody on this board, at least Dan has one customer left. :laugh2:

Sorry sassyQ, nothing personal against you. It just seems obvious to me that Dan failed Business 101.

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Nothing personal? I think if it was "nothing personal" you would not have named me for your example. I guess I am the only one that shops outlet malls, and closeouts, and sales, and such too? You cannot tell me if a purse you absolutely adored cost 350.00 and then in a different store you saw the same exact purse discontinued and on sale for 25 bucks you wouldn't buy it? You all just want someone to argue with or gang up on. You may still do it, but I won't be around to read it. If they can delete posts that matter and let baiting trash like this stay, then this is not the board for me.

Now back to your regularly scheduled show----- I have money to make!!!:P

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Nothing personal? I think if it was "nothing personal" you would not have named me for your example. I guess I am the only one that shops outlet malls, and closeouts, and sales, and such too? You cannot tell me if a purse you absolutely adored cost 350.00 and then in a different store you saw the same exact purse discontinued and on sale for 25 bucks you wouldn't buy it? You all just want someone to argue with or gang up on. You may still do it, but I won't be around to read it. If they can delete posts that matter and let baiting trash like this stay, then this is not the board for me.

Now back to your regularly scheduled show----- I have money to make!!!:P

A purse is ALOT different then supplies we use to make our products for our customers. If I choose to buy a closeout sale purse, thats for me, I'm not going to sell it off to my customer as if it weren't a "cheaper" purse.

Mr.Missy sold products to all of us that he wasn't honest about, which was the QUALITY of his oils. Many of us were new customer's that believed they were good QUALITY oils that wouldn't been discontinued if we wanted to order time & time again.

Glad atleast most of us understand this!!!!

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Nothing personal? I think if it was "nothing personal" you would not have named me for your example. I guess I am the only one that shops outlet malls, and closeouts, and sales, and such too? You cannot tell me if a purse you absolutely adored cost 350.00 and then in a different store you saw the same exact purse discontinued and on sale for 25 bucks you wouldn't buy it? You all just want someone to argue with or gang up on. You may still do it, but I won't be around to read it. If they can delete posts that matter and let baiting trash like this stay, then this is not the board for me.

Now back to your regularly scheduled show----- I have money to make!!!:P

Seems like you are taking this very personal. The purpose of this thread was to inform people of the business tactics and misleading practices of this supplier. From what I have read, you are the only one that is happy with them. That is not picking on you, but stating a fact.

If you are able to use Mr. Missy and incorporate his line into your business then that is great. But don't be nasty to others who cannot or choose not to do so.

The man is dishonest, misleading and does not know how to do business in my opinion. You don't have to agree with our opinions, but stop acting like you are being picked on!!

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My point is that Dan needs to learn how to run a reputable candle business. So far, based on this thread, the only thing that he has accomplished is to lose the trust and respect of those who were his customers, that is, with the exception of one.

sassyQ clearly stated her position in her first post, I simply reiterated it to make my point. Again ... nothing personal; not my intention at all.

Oh yeah, and for not :read: ... I don't think so! ;)

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I am going to renig on my comment about not being a customer of Mr. Missy's. Why you ask?

After giving thought to what others have said and in speaking to Pat several times in the past week or two and have found that Mr. Missy's is trying to drum up business....Yes, the back and forth on the min. and the various inconsistent wordings on various pages is annoying to say the least. Hopefully, they will get it straightened out eventually.

However, the comment in the PM I originally posted about is misleading. It's hard to follow a persons train of thought when there are bunches of ......... in between comments. Where does one thought start and end? I spoke to Pat, and these FO's they are selling are not distressed, they are overruns from the mfg. 100% undiluted FO's and in my opinion are wonderful oils (at least the 8 or so I've tested). If they are distressed, where's the proof? Some may say it smells like cat *$, but that's one persons opinion and should be brought to the attention of the supplier. I know that we have all had bad FO's come our way and maybe an FO that was labeled incorrectly (I've had both issues numerous times), but we let them know and give them the opportunity to correct it ~ or do we just say "to hell with them" and never order again? Probably not. I sure don't 'cause I'd have very few suppliers to deal with.

Seems Dan's past left a bad taste in some's mouths, but it doesn't have to be that way for all of us and not now. If one has a bad experience, let others know. I think I have personally learned in this particular case, if you have a gripe, a question or otherwise, call them. And, I'm sure they will work with you on any issue you have ~ just ask.

I am getting repeat orders for MM scents as we speak. My testers loved them, I love them and my regular customers love them. That's gotta count for something....right?

It is not my intention to belittle anyone, or say that your concerns are not valid, all I'm saying is try the FO's and make your own informed opinion.

Thanks and have a great day.

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