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This weekends show!


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Looks like lots of people had shows, off to read those posts in a bit.

My day and a 1/2 show was great - 4 hours Friday night, 6 hours Saturday. Set up in an old Victorian home with 12 other vendors. It was a different venue for me - this was an 'indie' show - clothes designers, outstanding jewelry, felted hats, a girl who writes childrens books, and the hostess who had flowered lampshades and cigar box purses (actually, she's been doing those for 8 years and had an article in a mag showing a pic of Brittany Spears, who bought one and started the craz)

Anyway, it was a pretty expensive fair for me, but I did 7x fee/gas/expenses and had another record day on Friday night (and only in 4 hours!), so I was very happy. Ya'll be proud of me, I actually sold some candles! My 2" lavender pillar pairs went right away, sold out.

Also sold out in Energy, Cranberry Creek, Winter Rose in soaps. Also sold out of sisal bags and wooden soap decks. No one was interested in the clothespin sachets.

I was on her built in buffet.


The lavender that did so well


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Very elegant as per usual, Robin.

Congrats on your show. I am very surprised in that kind of setting that no one bought those Lavender clothespins. They are so cute! Perhaps giving one as a thank you gift for a 35.00 or more purchase might get someone to actually try them and then buy more. I do this myself with smaller, new items and it works like a dream.

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Fabulous Robin!! Rob's doing today's show by himself so till I hear from him, we've got no report. Yesterday we did over 4x our booth fee, but it would have been a better figure if we didn't have to have two booth spaces lol! But we made more money there than we did last year, which is always a bonus! So I should hush.

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