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Need help with Pillars,,,,,,

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Hi Everyone!!! I have been doing pillars now for about a year,,,I just now have been having some problems with the screw and the wick. I put my wick in and leave about 1 inch and I try to put the screw in next to the wick and I do not screw it in to far as usual but now they have been coming out with the wicks almost cut off,,,what am I doing wrong???? I use IGI-4625 and I use peak pre-blend pillar mp145 with a 24 ply flatbraid in 3" diameter pillars,,,,This is what I have used all along and now having these issues with the wick,,,,,HELP!?:cry2:

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I cannot tell you why this is happening, but here a couple of possible solutions. Maybe heat your mold near the wick hole before inserting the screw. This cold weather might shrink the mold just enough. Would not take much shrinkage to cause this. If that does not work, maybe use a slightly smaller screw.

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I hated those screws and stopped using them a long time ago. I had the same problem with them totally ruining the wick. I switched to wick pins, and have never looked back.....

If, however, you prefer to wick while pouring, I've used the knot method with success. Just tie a knot in the wick before you thread it through the wick hole, then pull it tight against the hole, making sure you cover it well with sealer. When you go to unmold the candle, just remove the sealer, untie the knot, and slip the candle out of the mold!

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I've had the same problem from time to time. I think what happens is the screw threads are cutting the wick when screwing it into the mold. What I've begun to do, and it hasn't happened since, is double wrapthe wick around the screw, and leave the screw loose, then cover it with sealer or a magnet. They also sell little black plugs that work like the screw would to fill in the hole. I've never tried the tape.

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I only use wick pins also for my pillars. I also work with the 4625 wax. I can't imagine messing around with the wicks and screws, etc. And sometimes I just drop the pins into the mold and make 'em that way. Gives 'em alittle dip on the top of the candles...just something different...I'll put a pinch of glitter in my wax after the dye and scent..stir and pour. The glitter falls to the bottom..which ends up being the top and they turn out so cool. Glitter in the burn pool. I just bought some wick stick 'ems and put on the bottom of the mold over the hole for when I put the wick pins inside.

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I want to say thank you all for your suggestions and I am going to try ALL of them,,,,Ill let ya know how it comes out,,,I just want to say that I love you guys,,,,I feel so happy when I am here with my candle family!! Oh okay sorry I got mushy:laugh2:

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