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How do these business cards look??? More Added


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Been having a heck of a time coming up with a business card that reflects my business name. Let me know if either of these does it for ya.

*** Just to clear things up a bit, the pic of the candles is NOT mine, just a reference to see if I am getting the right idea or not. I am planning on using the company digital camera, but couldnt today because of the snow storm causing everything to close for the day. I just want to see if I am in the right ballpark! Believe me, I wouldnt like it if someone used my work on their business cards...lol

Lets hope I do this right.......lol

Ok, Ive added two more cards for you to critique....please be honest with all of them. Let me know what you do and dont like about them. Thanks!





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I think I'd tone down the purple to a muted shade of lavender. This one to me looks to bright. But hey, could be my monitor too?

I can see using both. How about if you have more of a country display on one table with your cards in front..and then on the other side of the table where its a cleaner feel, you put the purple over there?

People can grab it when they're looking that the stuff they themselves really like.

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I like the Bear and the Girl/Tea... Very Nostalgic and inviting !!!:grin2:

I agree with her, those were the 2 that I had picked. If your company name is scentimental gifts....thats what those 2 remind me of. Days gone by....things like that. I see candles, potpurri, soap, unigues gifts....ect.

The lavender one is nice but too purple for me...maybe mute it down a bit. I guess it really depends on what market you are trying to hit. If your country, homey type of thing the bear/girl/tea will work. If your going upscale go for the candle.

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While the purple one is nice, it doesn't say nostalgia to me, and that's the idea I get behind your name. I really like the teddy bear one ... the parasol, the bear, it all reminds me of sentimental items a person would keep and I think it goes well with your name. :smiley2:

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I'm not a bear person, so that didn't do it for me. I'm not a good one to say though - I see *so* many bears that it's common to me, but it might not be common to your customers - they might be more intrigued by it.

I liked the girl/tea one - seemed to match your name more. The purple one was more formal cuz of the frosted jars, though it would have a completely different look with your own pics.

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Two suggestions.

1) Email or E-mail. It's not E-Mail. Generally it's Email and it looks better than a hypen would.

2) Hotmail email addresses are not to be placed on business cards, letterhead, business letters or lables. I learned this in a business course at school. If you need an email address, make a free one somewhere else.


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