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My UPS driver usually always arrives around 5:30 p.m. but I expect him to be much later now that the holiday season is in fully swing. I don't know him by name, but he is a dear. My front walkway is very long, curvy and uphill all the way, yet he always delivers my packages up to the front porch where they are high and dry.

I don't know if it's mandatory for the UPS driver to get a signature any longer, especially since everything is done electronically. If you track your package online, it usually indicates "delivered" and where it was dropped off ("front porch" or something to that effect). I have a friend who is a UPS driver and I wouldn't trade my job for hers any day. They may aggravate us but they work hard for their money, believe me.

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I'm on the tail end of the UPS route in my neighborhood and always get my packages late. They're just dropped on the porch which is ok cause my porch is vine covered & the packages are really out of sight from the street.

I was into breeding seahorses a few years ago and would have the little critters shipped over-night early AM delivery. I made sure the Drivers knew what they were delivering and got great service from them. More times than I can count, the driver would ask if I could open the box so he could see the seahorses. If I was expecting an order on a day that I had to be at the office, I'd have the package shipped there and that driver also went out of his way to handle with care. One day he stopped in the office & introduced the driver that was going to fill in for him on his vacation - he told the driver 'in no uncertain term' how delicate and important my packages were -- especially in the Phoenix heat.

maybe we should all make a nice X-mas candle for our UPS driver :)

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Pam My UPS guy is getting a nice basket from me. He has hefted around countless lbs. for me. I know it his job but he goes overboard by putting in my truck or if he sees me at my house he will drop ship there and take into house for me. His favorite scent is pine anything.:yay:

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Came home from work one afternoon,And in my driveway there sat four cases of wax,and the fo I ordered along with it.The porch is about six feet from the driveway.I was PO.:mad: I had to hurry and lug it in the house,and hide it before my husband got home.LOL Normally my UPS guy thows my stuff on the porch,yes I mean throws it.My mother seen him do it.


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First I order something from lonestar and the package looked like it had be dropped and then kick the shit out of it and there was glass in the order.

Then today I get up from trying to put my dd down for a nap and I go to check the mail and I have a package about half way across my porch. It looked like they just threw it from the bottom step and it landed in the middle.

No door bell ring or knock or nothing!

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I was on the porch, And mind you I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia,,,he sets the 62LB box into my arms and WALKS AWAY!!!!!! I asked him Sir,,,Could you please help me get this inside the door,,he looked @ me and said NOPE got more orders to deliver!!! As if taking 20 secs out of his way to help me!!!
Ouch! This is why I never extend my arms when I know it's a heavy box. I stand there with my arms folded and instruct him to bring it inside and set it down on the floor.
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I wonder if there are regional rules - where you mentioned "they stop delivering at 7PM" Our have to keep going until they're done - if the load hasn't been allocated correctly to the different trucks (sometimes they'll reconfigure their routes), they keep on until they're done. We know our UPS guy - he had a horrible time once, didn't finish up til 10PM :(

Course maybe rural routes are different, dunno.

Actually, Robin, I think you're right. There's been a few here that says a signature is a must to get the package, I've never had to. And I believe it's a matter of safety more in the suburbs than anything, some of the neighborhoods here in KC are pretty frickin' rough. I DO know that during the Christmas rush that changes slightly, but don't hold me to that.

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My UPS lady just Drops the box on my porch and walks away. If I'm home I always hear the loud thump and she's back in the truck and pulling away before I can get to the door! She does this with jars,wax,scent or whatever I may be getting. Last week I came home and there were 2 boxes on my deck. My deck is covered but it does have a couple leaks, it was raining and it looked like she put it right where one of the wet spots were. 2 feet to the left was dry as a bone. Well I brought them in and opened them and one wasn't even mine. It was a similar address but not mine. I called UPS and told them and they wanted me to bring it in to their shipping location which is about 40 miles away! I said no way they could send their driver out to get it. I told them I would be home after 5:00 or I could set it on the deck. They said to said it on the deck and they would have the driver pick it up. 2 days later I heard a thump on the deck and quick went to the door and she had dropped off another shipment and left the one she was supposed to pick up! LOL well I called to her and she came back and I told her about the package that didn't belong to me and she said she didn't drop it off and she couldn't take it. After all this I called information and got the number of the person it was supposed to go to and called them and they came over to pick it up. What a hassle it turned out to be. Some companies act they they are the only show in town.

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