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Tester Issues - Lost and Hurt - Long Post

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kitty, even for a guy like me it saddens me to hear of your situation. Especially when you are betrayed in such a cold manner by people who you thought were your friends. When something happens to us, whether good or bad, it happens for a reason. If something like that happened to me, I would be pretty PO'd for awhile! Then, try to find out what God wants me to learn from the situation. In my case, I just recently decided to solicit orders from some of mrs. geekrunner's former co-workers at a pharmacy company. They were a nice group, but some of the women there loved to stir up trouble, and the office politics there was pretty brutal. When she left, she handed out special container candles I made (fully tested, of course and properly labeled) as gifts. It went over so well I was asked if I was selling.

I made up what I thought was a very modest offering, with price sheet and examples, and DW will pick up the orders tomorrow. I believe that your situation is a warning to me to BE CAREFUL and FULLY TEST my product before I sell to them.

I know that you will come out of this situation with your reputation intact, your health improved, and in great spirits, because you will now know who your true friends are. You don't need backstabbers like them, who apparently only wanted freebies! We here at the geekrunner home will pray fro your health and happiness! :grin2:

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This is just so high school and so stupid. Whenever "girls" act like this, I have to assume that they didn't get to be prom queen and it stays with them their entire life. I too would like to see an exploding votive. I could sell a million of them for the 4th. I think they are jealous and I am very sorry that this spreading news could be bad for you......but by giving someone who wants to do a party some of your candles is the way to go. Eliminate those @@#48&57738937395^^^%%%$ people.....they must have very low self esteem. Knowing what I know about you I am sure that you have high quality candles. They aren't high quality people. I am sorry. Life is a bitch and then you die. I hope you are at least feeling better. This kind of thing isn't good for your well being......but you know that out of this will come a lesson.....grasshopper.....it will all work our....promoise. Auntie D
Donita you have a talent for combining insight with hilarity.
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but you know that out of this will come a lesson.....grasshopper.....it will all work our....promoise. Auntie D

Thank you Auntie!! You're always the best!

Sometimes, just my JOB is like being in high school again, the last thing I wanted to deal with is this. If it weren't for the fact that I love my job so much, I'd start looking for another one, it gets THAT BAD sometimes. I'm quickly learning to vehemently dislike my co-workers, but the funny thing is, it makes me love my job all the more.

Last word I heard about my situation is that several people I KNOW I can count on were giving those girls a seriously hard time. One of them was getting razed on so hard that she asked to go home early.

Little sis said no.


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Thank you Auntie!! You're always the best!

First if you are related to Donita.. Than YOU MUST make some kick ass candles. I love her work. Must be in the blood.

I agree give the lady that wanted to have the party some samples. I think she will be surprised and want to book a party.

As for the testers... Don't worry about them.. Unforunitly in the candle business you will run into this all the time. And sometimes it will be worse than what you experienced. I do all my testing first, than I send some samples to testers. But only after it has passed my testing.

It sounds like you have alot of great friends that will be there for you and help you over come this. Just keep your head up high..

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Co- Workers from Hell are much too common. I've worked for more years than I want to admit to at several jobs and have only met and had one friend that I could completely trust not to stab me in the back. And women are the worst. DS and DH work in areas where there are a lot of women and they are always stabbing each other. (DH also worked in a factory with men for many years and problems were rare). I've often wished for 100 acres of land, one road in with only DH, D kids and a computer, and we are right in the middle of the 100 acres. The saying is kids are cruel, well so are adults. I distance myself from most people at work-I work through lunch and breaks to avoid all the gossiping and trouble making they conspire during those times. I know they think I'm different and at this stage in life I couldn't care less. I say tell those two to "Bite Me". Ignore them and their trouble making, keep giving the samples to your bosses whose offices are going to smell wonderful and those who matter will notice and the orders will come. Give the party lady a sample pack and ask her to judge for herself-if she still declines at least it is her decision not based on lies from two jealous troublemakers. I'm actually suprised that the two who took the Lovespell from you returned the samples. Why didn't they try them and decide for themselves? Chin Up!!


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First if you are related to Donita.. Than YOU MUST make some kick ass candles. I love her work. Must be in the blood...

Nope, not related by blood, just by our love of wax. I think I just got adopted, if that's the case, WOO HOO! I love getting new aunt's, they're the COOLEST!

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