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Latest pics with questions....


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Hi All....

Here are 2 pics of my latest and I need some answers please.

I have been trying to make a layered rustic (see pic) and the rustic is not even on the candle. It changes with the layers. What am I doing wrong?

I keep the mold cool but one layer warms the mold for the next layer then it don't rustic as well as the first layer. If I refrigerate the mold, the sides cool too much and pull from the side and I get leakage. (see pic)

:embarasse Please help. (Sniff...)

Soja & Linda



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Only you know what you were going for......so don't tell anyone. LOL But I know that you are trying to learn how to achieve a certain look....all I can say is to search the board. Many of us have discussed techniques. It depends on your wax. If there are additives it just will do what it will do...if you are using a straight paraffin then you can play with additives to get the look. I use 4045H for the best rustics with steric added......pour cool. Between 150 and 160. I even use the heat gun to smooth the drips I get inside of the mold.....I haven't tried the ice cube trick yet....will to that tonight.. All you your candles look nice. Donita

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Thank you all for your imput.

I am using up a case of IGI 1218 and I believe I used Universal Additive in the rustic. I'll try a water bath next and IGI 1343 next.

The burgandy chunk... My WIFE, Linda made that one! :yay: :highfive:

The red and white one, I poured some red wax in a cookie sheet and used the mold itself for a 'cookie cutter', took the cool squares and stacked them between chunks of clear wax. Poured hot and used heat gun to try to smooth the sides. Didn't work too good.

The white/blue/green one was supposed to be a marble. That failed although I like the effect.


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