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wax price decrease

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so with the price of crude oil dropping http://www.oil-price.net/

when do you think wax prices will drop back down? they probably won't right?

Ha yeah right....they already figured out we would pay the high prices sooo I dont think the manufacturers are gonna give anyone a break even if their prices drop....

Our gas prices are down to 3.35 but that is NOT low enough compared to the lower oil prices. but that is another thread...:D

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Tootie, your gas is 3.35? That was no typo? Because here it is 3.95 and we are in the same state.

I don't know if the wax suppliers will make an adjustment when they get their next truckload. I really hope so.

Not in the same state anymore....we have been in AZ since June. Tucson area has the cheapest gas in the USA.


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Actually, I do think the price will drop. It may not drop as low as we'd like, but the basic law of economics says the price can't hold. Manufacturers would love to cash in on a retail price that holds high, while the price of raw materials drop, but the current dynamics of our economy can't sustain the asking price. Suppliers are dropping like flies & a lot of buyers are either going to a hobby level or quitting altogether. Of the remaining buyers (us), there's a few that will continue to buy their favorite premium priced wax, but a larger percentage of us are buying more cautiously & switching to supplies that offer a lower price. That means fewer buyers for the higher priced waxes & the manufacturers will be forced to lower their price. That leads to the lower priced waxes dropping their price to retain customers. Candles are a 'luxery' item. As we see customers cutting corners & buying less, the manufacturers see us cutting back on our purchases. They'll have to drop prices to stay in business. Keep in mind, this logic is based on the price of oil dropping & applies to paraffin. This is one of the reasons I jumped off the 'natural soy' bandwagon. Soy isn't dropping, so even if the manufacturers sell less wax, they aren't in a bind, as long as soy is still trading high as a commodity for other uses. So you better have a real solid customer base that demands a natural candle & is willing to pay for it. I'm not an economic scholar, but this is the theory of supply & demand. BTW, I've been paying $3.43 per gallon at the pump for the last 2 wks.


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I paid $3.36 last week, and gas is going down, but not down nearly enough. I can't believe we are at the point where we are satisfied with gas being under $3.50 per gallon. If we were back to $2.50 per gallon, yeah, I'd say woo hoo!

I completely agree with you debscent!:highfive:

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I'm betting on never. In fact I'd almost bet there will continue to be increases ... and wait till OPEC gets its greedy way.

And who in hell has gas under $3.50? It's about $3.60 in my neck of the world of rip off.

I'm with you on the never.

I paid $3.47 this morning for unleaded.


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I dont think the prices are gonna drop. I know some of the suppliers just went up on paraffin wax yesterday. Soy hasnt gone up yet and i dont think it will any time soon. A case of the IGI 4636 is now $91.80!!!

btw i just pumped $3.33 last night :yay: ...wow i cant believe im happy for $3.33 :laugh2:

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