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Triple scented?? What the......

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Time and time again I run into people that ask me, "Are your candles triple scented?" I usually will respond that I can make a candle that has three different layers with three different fragrances. The response that I got yesterday was "No, no, no. These other folks that make their own candles use triple the amount of fragrance in their candles." I have heard people talk about this before, but how do you respond? We all know that wax can only hold a certain percentage of fo before it seeps and looks nasty, or becomes a fire hazard. How do I tactfully explain that triple scenting is not possible and is a marketing ploy? Or am I wrong and it IS possible to triple scent candles?

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That's just stupid marketing talk for people who sell on e-Bay. Your candles have to be "triple-scented" or the dufus buyers won't even shell out the few measly bucks they're willing to pay for a candle. Now unfortunately the customers are getting trained to use the term like it means something. I guess theoretically it means something like 9% FO but someone correct me if I'm off base there.

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Oh hell it's verbage at shows too!

Triple scented is: 1) three different scents used in three layers (I guess); and 2) three-times the amount that normally the wax would hold, so 1.5 oz of scent per pound, based on the .5 oz. per pound of wax; and 3) they burped on the candle before packaging it I suppose.

We handle it by saying that our candles are highly scented and there's really no such thing as triple scented, unless they are looking for layered candles in three different scents.

Just tell the people it's a marketing gimmick to make the buyer think they are getting more and better fragranced candles, when truth is they aren't. After all, if you base the triple scent percentage on .5 oz per pound instead of the usual 1 oz per pound, then they aren't even getting the max FO load no?

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I have noticed it as well on many websites. My understanding of this, and I could be wrong, was this. Many years ago the industry standard was about 3-4% load, so when people discovered that it held more or the manufacturers made it to where it could hold more, like 9%, people started calling them triple scented. It is just a marketing gimmick, as is the gimmick that paraffin candles are harmful to you, in order to push your soy candles.

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A couple of years ago I read about why this term was created. It seems that years ago a candle could only hold 1/2 ounce of oil pp of wax. I assume because the wax was formulated differently than it is now. Then waxes came out that could hold 1-1/2 ounces of FO per lb, so sellers began to call them triple-scented. I don't think they meant it in a bad way, but it's made it hard to explain to customers that there's only so much FO you can put in a wax before it just separates and sets at the bottom of the pot (and I've actually typed those exact words I just typed to several customers who have asked about triple scenting).

So officially it means that the candle is made with 1-1/2 ounces of FO per lb. We all know that some waxes won't hold that much FO, and doesn't even need that much to make a wonderful, strong candle.

I personally don't take offense to it, and do my best to explain what the term means, and how different waxes work. Let's face it, most people don't even know there are different types of waxes, and they think that they can just buy a wick at Michaels and stick it into any candle on the market and it'll actually burn right!


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Well my very first candle was triple scented and the house had to be fumigated.I got a call and went upstairs and had to open doors and windows it was all over the house.It was Apple Pie, a strong one anyway.It bothered me.I was told by candle people one ounce per lb. but my friend said don't make candles without triple scenting or you will not get buyers.Don't think about nothing but triple scenting.Well it is one ounce per lb and nothing else and this lady buys them now.I told her impossible and how would she know she doesn't make them.Someone else she knows does and I guess hers are triple scented.

I have never been asked if mine are triple scented.People just open the jar lid and say these smell so good. IF they ever do ask I will say"I hear people say their candles are and maybe they are but for me it is not healthy and then tell my story.I also think it could be a bigger fire hazard with all that scent and the wax can hold only so much FO.(something people don't know)Will tell them with our first triple scented candle even when we burned it had to be blown out.The scent was way to strong.

You should have seen the flame on that triple scented.To me dangerous.


I hear anything more than a ounce is a waste of FO.I believe that.

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Ok, I'm feeling better that I am not alone here! The difficulty comes in when you are trying to explain something to someone that has no idea. Last night when I was explaining to this lady that wax can only hold a certain %, I could just see that it went way over her head.. Much work to do to set the world straight on triple scenting!!!


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That's just stupid marketing talk for people who sell on e-Bay. Your candles have to be "triple-scented" or the dufus buyers won't even shell out the few measly bucks they're willing to pay for a candle. Now unfortunately the customers are getting trained to use the term like it means something. I guess theoretically it means something like 9% FO but someone correct me if I'm off base there.

I agree 100%. Its hard to believe that there are still several posters on here that use that sales tactic on their web sites. Bruce

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yes, like already mentioned...it is based on the old industry standard when the big manufacturers used .5 oz per pound...and of course that could be going on still with a lot of the mass produced candles...so "triple scented" means 1.5 oz. per pound...but the term is used solely for a marketing ploy that "mine is better"...that's it....with most candle making businesses using an increased percentage of fo in their candles..."triple scented" isn't even correct...i would never make a candle scented with 4.5 ounces of fo per pound!

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I see this term triple scented all over the place. I think a lot of them are using the term to mean highly scented, and not necessarily that they are scenting at exactly 1.5 oz per lb. It's just a marketing gimmick, like having double or triple chocolate ice cream.

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Thanks soooo much for this info.......a friend of mine that makes candles told me to triple the FO that I put in my candles because thats what she did! She has great smelling candles but they are not that STRONG! I think she was sitting me up for failure.:mad: I am so glad I have been reading every word on here!

Right now I am waiting for UPS to bring my candle making stuff:D

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You heard the same thing I did from a friend.Must triple scent.Someone she knew did.Well I saw a candle that was made by the person she knew and the whole jar was black.Couldn't see the inside.I am happy with how I do mine and customers are too.Just made 50 candles and doing some tarts later.

Just got 2 more orders.One lady has a list of tarts she wants.Also candles for the holidays and gift giving.It is amazing. I don't really get out much to sell but for shows and it really picked up this year.I am trying to get into more things this year.


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Ok, Im putting on my flak jacket :tiptoe I AM one of the candle makers who's label say "triple scented" and I will tell explain why....before I was educated by the history of past wax % amts I did believe my candles were "triple scented" believing that I was using the maximum amt of FO that this wax would hold-therefore, triple scented. I grew as a candle maker & became much smarter (sometimes not even using close to this amt in my candles) I switched my labels to "strongly fragranced" & do you know what? -I watched my sales drop significantly. I also got tired of being asked "if they were triple scented"-trying to explain the whole make-up of this term and blah, blah blah and then watching them put the candle back :undecided If asked, I do explain exactly why they are labeled this way but it seems the customer doesn't really care as long as they think they are getting more for their money. Shame on me? Maybe, but money is money & I have put alot of time, effort & money into making the best candle I possibly can. If triple scented is what they want then thats what it will say. Im ready for my beating now:D

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What a great line!! I'm gonna use that one!!

I have to just comment on why I've used it.....

I don't sell my candles - yet, but I've been a candle-holic for years, and spent hundreds, if not thousands, on inferior candles. I decided to make my own, for spiritual reasons, as the commercial ones were just not fitting the bill!!! Anyway, a friend of mine - also a candle-holic - has been drooling over my candles since I started making a few months ago. Obviously I share, and she asked me one time If I could triple scent??? I asked her what she meant by that and she replied that it meant putting extra fragrance in so that it will smell extra good!!!! I explained to her that wax can only hold a certain amount of fragrance oil, and that is that...... We call my candles "maximum scented"!!! :grin2:

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Obviously I share, and she asked me one time If I could triple scent??? I asked her what she meant by that and she replied that it meant putting extra fragrance in so that it will smell extra good!!!! I explained to her that wax can only hold a certain amount of fragrance oil, and that is that...... We call my candles "maximum scented"!!! :grin2:
Well yeah, but the wax only holds 3 or 4% fragrance by itself and you use an additive to put in more. So you're already past the maximum the wax can hold and probably below the maximun of what you can achieve. Don't worry, I won't tell your friend.
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