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customer said candle stop smelling


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and she wants me to refund the money. I told her to bring it back so i can take a look at it but she has not. Now she is giving me a bad name and telling some friends about her candle not smelling anymore. I told her to let the candle burn to a certain melt pool and that also, if she is liting it all the time her nose could of gotten used to it. what should i do?!

btw, i used birthday cake, 1.5 oz per lb with 4630. i have not had any other complaints.

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I don't think there's much more you can do. If she refuses to let you have a look at the candle, there's no way to tell what she's doing to it. If you know any of these friends, mention to them that you tried to fix it, tried to get information but she refused and you can't remedy something you can't see. I may even explain (depending on the person) that, while you'd like to give out money and product for free, it's tough times to do so, without anything to go on, and that other companies allow returns and refunds but only if the original product is brought back, and you have made that offer. (I mean seriously, if you bought something from Wal-Mart and it was defective, would you just walk up to the counter and demand some money back? Shouldn't be any different with the "little guys" either.)

I only use 1oz pp of b-day cake from WSP in the same wax, and mine are doing just great. Always makes me want to bake a cake!

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Just tell her to bring it back and you will certainly give her her money back. Let her know that you definitely do not want her to be a dissatisfied customer. I would test one that is from the same batch and see what happens. Most likely, it is her nose. Tell her you are trying to figure it out and ask her if she asked anyone else if they could smell it when they walked in the house.

Here's a true story. I used to make candles at home. I ordered pizza one night and when the delivery guy came to the door, I could smell how delicious the pizza smelled when he was standing there. He says, "Hmmm, it smells good". I thought to myself, you just drove over here with it and you couldnt' smell it then. What happened was, I could smell the pizza and all he could smell was my house.

Here at the store, I cannot smell what the front of the store smells like, but everyone that walks through that door, comments on how good the store smells. I have to be honest and tell them, I have no clue what your smelling, but I think it's everything mixed together.

Good Luck

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i know! i would like for her to go buy a candle from wal mart and tell wal mart to give her her money back because she cant smell it, without returning the candle. i havent had any complaints from anyone else who bought she same candle from the same batch.

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Guest jurnalynn

i know this isn't the same but i had a customer when i was bartending say he gave me a 50 dollar bill and i didn't have one in my drawer he honestly thought he had given it to me, it was a family business and my mom said just give him the change from the 50 she would rather lose the 50 dollar bill then lose him as a customer.....i think thats how you have to look at things sometimes giving her a new candle or her money back might be the best thing in a business sense for you to do this way she might quit bad mouthing you and might even buy another one from you again someday

i can't smell my own products anymore but when we do a show people always say how good it smells in our tent

by the way the guy found his 50 and returned the money to me he wasn't really out to get me he thought he was right.........lol


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Or if that happens - this person could start telling all her friends how she schemed a free candle, and they might try it too. Then they'll get ticked someone got something they didn't and still have badmouthing. I see your point, but I've got no faith in humanity anymore, so I look at the negatives.

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I find it hard to believe that the FO type, amount and wax didn't turn out to be a good candle. If she isn't letting you check it out for yourself to see what the problem is, then I would forget it. Lies always come back and pay their comeuppence. You can take that to the bank!

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thanks for the supports. i told her i would be more then happy to check out her candle and refund her money if she wanted. even though im pretty sure the candle is fine :angry2: . but hey, if shes not going to let me see the candle, then why should i even believe her.

yea, im just telling people that i offered to help her but she didnt want my help. :P

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I've got two people in my office who both bought a 5oz lemongrass container. One loves it and has since bought another because she burned it out. The other can't smell it at all...I had her bring it in so i could test it out, handed it off to a tester person and said let me know.

The candle was fine, it burned well and smelled great. I believe some people just have trouble smelling some scents.

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Possibly she started using her AC. I find it more difficult to smell my candles when AC is running. Here we've only had a run it a few times this year and I noticed the difference. My sister-in-law just built a new tall ceiling house and they have AC for their first time ever. She said suddenly she's not smelling my candles lately in the new house as much as she used to and they were always really strong to her before. Just a thought.

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