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Name for b&b supplies business


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as I know you are very creative in creating names I turn to you with my question: as I am planning to open a small shop for special natural and plant based b&b supplies (those that are not available in Europe or Germany so far) I am looking for a nice name. my canlde business I called Seasons so I'd like to have something containing this in the name, but any other suggestions are very much appreciated!!

Thank you!!


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I don't think it would make too many problems using an English name as we are surrounded by English anyway (just think of music) :smiley2:

...oh, and no - I won't translate it! Only keep it the way it is.

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Thank you all so far - there are many I like!!!:yay:

If you have more ideas - keep posting them, okay?

The winner will receive...well, what?? Is there something from here you'd like to have (except our fabulous Bavarian beer or some of our fabulous sausages or bread or....)?

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Watch it with the 4/Four Seasons - it's also a hotel chain. Don't know if it's US only, or if it's international.

Seasonal Sensations/Scentsations

Scented Season

Seasons Smell Goods

Smell of Season

Season Gifts (hey, sometimes simple works!)

Speaking of simple, maybe Season Simplicity, or Simply Seasons

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I like the endless seasons!

But guess what? I really have thought about getting a completely new business name! I know this is not very wise if many people know you, but as I am doing only wholesale accounts and I still don't have too many of them it wouldn't be such a tragedy.

Besides I got an offer for my domain and I really could use the money for some important things (I'd sell it for € 950, the person offered me € 800, so far - let's see what he will do) .

Well, I don't have to sell, but I am thinking about it. Really, it would be like a new beginning (which I intend to make - there are several decisions I had to make).

What do you think? Need some objective opinions, please!

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