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1960-1970's Musk

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Anyone remember the name of a sweet musk that came in a 1 oz or 1/2 oz brown bottle and had a plastic applicator type cap (like merthiolate does) that was very popular in the late 60's and early 70's? I can usually remember the old stuff, just not what I ate for breakfast...need to dupe this scent if possible for a class reunion.

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It was Coty Wild Musk, found a pic...they actually still have the stuff on some websites, the oil is still in the brown 1/2 oz bottle with the stick applicator!

I loved that stuff...I want to get some now. LOL! It remind me of the bottle iodine came in with the little white stick applicator. Thanks for taking me back to the 70s. LOL! :yay:

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Ahhh memories I have been trying to find a musk perfume that I bought that was in a small bottle back in the 70's too with the woman symbol with the circle and arrow..I keep thinking it was made by dana..It was my absolute fav....darn memory...:mad:

My hubs sometimes still wears the Jovan Musk....:drool:

Hugs Mags

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Maggie May that one was called woman don't remember who made thaat one but I love musk but coty Wild is my fav I still have it in the spray now i want to go find me that little brown bottle again MEMORIES:laugh2:

They still make it apparently, it's available all over online, even Ebay. They have both the cologne and the perfume oil. It is still relatively cheap too!! Oh what a fun reunion this will be!

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Maggie May that one was called woman don't remember who made thaat one but I love musk but coty Wild is my fav I still have it in the spray now i want to go find me that little brown bottle again MEMORIES:laugh2:

OMG really :yay: it was called WOMAN....I gotta do a search to see if they have the original bottle and it is what I remember it looked like..That was such a long time ago;) :embarasse Thanks girls ya made my day....

Oh I found this site too about perfumes it was very very interesting..check it out..it was way too cool...


Ahhh memories..

off to check out Woman:laugh2: :laugh2:

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I really like the musks but my fav they no longer make is Bonne Bell Skin Musk....I have a botlle of oil that I just covet.....Scent Works has a vintage musk FO that reminds of the long ago years but cant tell you if it is the same as the Coty as I do not have it to compare....


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The very best perfume I ever had was a musk that I got for graduation in ....sigh....1974. (be kind) It had such a heavy, sweet smell...I loved it! I still have the bottle, but I threw away the box and I have no idea what the name of the musk is. I'd pay good money to find this same perfume now.


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Oh my, now you're talking . I loved all of those scents. I still have my old bottles (pack rat). There was another one called Biddles oil of musk,it had a cork top and the whole thing was dipped in wax (sealed). you had to pull the little wire around the cork to open it-very cool. wearing those scents was considered a rite of passage back then, once I hit 6th grade, no more Sweet Honesty for me :grin2:

BWC, I will check into your bottle and see if I can find the name of your mystery perfume for you

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The very best perfume I ever had was a musk that I got for graduation in ....sigh....1974. (be kind) It had such a heavy, sweet smell...I loved it! I still have the bottle, but I threw away the box and I have no idea what the name of the musk is. I'd pay good money to find this same perfume now.

I think by the title of this thread, only us "seasoned" folk will be lookin here...you're younger than me, I graduated several years ahead of you so don't feel old! Your bottle looks familiar, I'll think about it also and see what we can come up with.

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