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Rocket Pop Soapies

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How yummo is this?:drool:

I found an Ice Pop mold at the Dollar Tree (am going to have to go back for another) and thought they looked like rocket pops.. So I poured em up in Black Cherry in Red, White and Blue. First in Clear, then in White, and I like the way they came out with the white better.


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Wow does that bring back memories or what????!!!! I remember thirty plus summers ago hearing the Ice Cream truck coming down 26th to Humboldt in north Minneapolis where we lived. I could hear the music a block away and went running with my quarter from Grandpa! lol I always got a Bomb Pop! mmmmm I can taste it now! lol

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I make those also (I think I have some pics. in the gallery somewhere ;) ) and they are always a big hit in the summer time!

I like the creamy look of yours!

How funny I do MINE in black cherry (bomb) also!! :D

Oh, and I got my molds at Wallyworld! ;)

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Had to take a peek at the pier1 stuff, those are adorable. My local pier1 didn't have them the other day, just a bunch of soaps on discount. I would love to find other ice-cream/pop molds like the one I have. Would love to offer a multi pack like that.

I like a few of their fragrances, but cringe thinking about the lotion they carry. One of my girlfriends ONLY uses their stuff, guess I need to introduce her to mine and see what she thinks.

Michi, my black cherry is the bomb type too, I love how it smells the whole house up in such a yummy way

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I use Nature's Garden's Black Cherry Bomb... soo much goodness!!!

This is the mold, Brat. I really need to pick up a couple more now, I cracked the top whacking it on my table, was trying to bust out the last one and must have caught it just right. Hubby thought I hurt myself cause i screamed "DAMMIT" from out in the back room after making a loud crack sound with it, I knew it cracked right away.


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Guest jurnalynn

i really like the soaps that look like icecream i think they are cute but i just wonder if my 4 and five year old would try tasting them........lol i have a freezer full of rocket pop look just like your soap it just might temp them...with a little help from the 9 year old......lol


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Guest jurnalynn

i have a question about when and how u put the sticks in.........and how to remove from the molds

thank you


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