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Big oops maybe


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I just realized I didn't add one of my oils to my soap batch I made yesterday. So far it looks fine, but potentially what can this mean? I've never done this before. The amount left out was 5.46 (13%) out of a 42 ounce recipe. I knew things went too smoothly yesterday:angry2:

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Carrie, do I need to add other ingredients to it to make it less lye heavy when I rebatch it? This was my first recipe using transparent soap chunks. How will this work if I rebatch the whole thing since part of the soap will be glycerin and part cp. Does that matter? It turned out so pretty too. I can't believe I screwed it up:cry2:

Also is it possible to get a rebatched recipe the consistency that can be poured?

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Where do you get turkey roasting bags? It also gets tricky because I took some of the recipe out to make chunks of another color. How would I account for the amount I took out for the chunks? Does that make sense? They are a way different color now so I couldn't throw them back in.

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I'd suppose it would depend on what exact item was left out.

When you are baking a cake... you can leave out the pinch of salt and be fine, but if you forget the eggs... :tiptoe:

You supposed wrong. You can't leave out an ingredient like that in soap or your soap becomes lye heavy which means it will burn your skin. Not good and not a good selling point. Peeps tend to get a bit upset if you scar them for life.

Soap and cakes 2 totally different things. Sorry, but you shouldn't give advice if you don't know what you are talking about.

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Big oops - no maybe about it. But many of us have done that.

If you left out an ingredient you can rebatch and add exactly that ingredient back in. Doesn't matter which oil was left out (it's really not eggs vs baking soda), what matters is that some oil was left out. Rebatch with the missing oil in the exact amount that should have been in there in the first place.

Or throw it away and begin again.

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CHEESE AND RICE.... It was a metaphor. :tiptoe:

please understand... a newbie comes here, reads your post and doesn't have to read any further because as far as that newbie knows, hey... it's all right. It won't occur to a single soul that it's a metaphor. All that newbie hears is 'it's only a pinch of salt'. And then, because us newbies are notorious for having lye-heavy soap anyway, someone gets badly burned. I have to agree with Meredith. Please don't muddy any waters with metaphors when it comes to something dangerous like lye heavy soap.

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CHEESE AND RICE.... It was a metaphor. :tiptoe:

WTH OS? I would not call that a metaphor. I'd call it giving advice about something you know nothing about - metaphor or not. I'd call it talking out the wrong end. Wrong advice when making soap and B&B items can result in someone getting hurt which can result in a lawsuit. If you want to learn to soap, then great, learn to soap. But until you do, its best to stick to giving advice in areas you have some knowledge about.

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Sad, Very sad. And very scary. The same holds true of candles. I simply don't understand the concept of giving advice on something about which nothing is known. Especially, especially in a learning environment.

It can take a long time to gain enough experience to be able to give reliable and valid advice, no matter what the subject. When we're dealing with fire and lye, one's time is much better spent learning the craft than it is merely talking about it.

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I'd suppose it would depend on what exact item was left out.

When you are baking a cake... you can leave out the pinch of salt and be fine, but if you forget the eggs... :tiptoe:

Noooo, see what you've done? You may have confused all the newbies.:mad: ....ya know newbies have no common sense and they don't :read: Ahhh wth don't fool around with them! go make some soap so you will know what you're Talking about. Shhhh, If that ain't the blind leading the blind:rolleyes2

You will lead all the noobs into a ditch!:mad: 'Cause, I ATS!

:tiptoe: :tiptoe:

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Well Sliver, I don't think he is smart enough to get it, I have only read a few of his post, but it's really easy to see that he has no clue and just likes to see his post count go up, and of course LOVES to cry wolf about being bashed, Which is getting old.

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You are totally right.... post counts is where the money is! I just deposited a huge amount of posts in my bank account today, and the teller was shocked!

Why do you act this way? Do you think it's cute or something? You post ALOT about nothing just to stir up crap. You are offering NOTHING to this board except your self-induced drama. You will probably say that I am offering nothing to the original post and you are right BECAUSE I DON'T MAKE SOAP!!!

I've been on this board for 4 years now and by far you are in the top 3 most annoying people. Keep striving, you may reach no. 1.

Please, just grow up and act like a mature man.

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Where do you get turkey roasting bags? It also gets tricky because I took some of the recipe out to make chunks of another color. How would I account for the amount I took out for the chunks? Does that make sense? They are a way different color now so I couldn't throw them back in.

Not sure what you mean. Did you simply re-size the recipe to allow room for the chunks? That would be the correct way. How would you get the chunks out? If you did resize, let's say it was a 3# batch and you resized to 2.5# to leave room for the chunks, you will now have a 2.5# batch if you don't include them.

The only thing to add would be the missing oil and WEAR GLOVES when grating the lye heavy soap.


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IMHO I'd throw that batch out. I don't see how you could take the M&P chunks out, so you will have to melt them down with the CP soap in order to rebatch. If you do decide to rebatch, you may end up with a funky looking soap, but who knows, it may end up being a great soap!! :cool2:

Oversoyed stay to threads you know, or think you know something about, which sure isn't soaping. Metaphors or not, your idiotic babbling on a subject you know absolutely nothing about could hurt someone if they took your advice!! :mad:

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I would imagine you can still grate of chop up the soap, add the missing oil and it will still saponify, even with the other chunks in it. Nope, it won't be pretty, but likely still usable. Some of those ugly rebatches feel oh so good! you may need to add extra fragrance at the end.

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