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Anyone burned Maddison Avenue Candles or used supplies from Soy candle Supplies??

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I'm trying to get some input about Maddison Avenue Candles. They are a pretty successful company and offer soy candles at a fairly high price....reading their testimonials it seems they have a TON of happy customers.

I was really excited when they came out with supplies to make exact duplicates for their candles. They claim to use CB advanced. I ordered everything from them (FO's, jars, wicks and the wax) I am not having much luck with the FO throw:cry2:. I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience with this company if any of you have actually burned one of their candles???

Their FO's are kinda expensive but I thought it would be worth it if the product was good....I am a bit disappointed and not very confident about putting it in my current line:undecided.

Thanks so much!!!

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I have not burned one, but have smelled them at one of their retail stores.

They were selling 16oz Jars for $18.00. (I didn't want to pay $18.00 to test one:tongue2:

The cold throw was excellent and they had some very unique scents.

If you bought supplies Madison, I would call and ask them about the scent throw issues. They may be willing to help...:cool2:

Sorry I am no help , but I will be watching this thread as I was looking at their oils and am very interested if anyone has had luck with them.

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Thanks for replying! I just contacted them about my issue. They were great about getting back with me right away. They can't figure it out just yet but have asked some others about my particular issue and I am waiting for them to get back with me.

I am mostly concerned with the CB advanced wax. It seems a lot of people have had trouble with this wax......so its surprising that they supposedly use it and have such a successful company.

I asked them if this was the same wax they use for their candle line and did not get a response, however on their page they do claim that is the CB advanced wax.

What wax do you use??

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Glad to hear they were helpful.

Madison may be selling candle supplies, but I really doubt they would give the buyers their secret formulas.. They are probably just giving you guidelines and you will have to keep tweaking the formula to make it your own.

Remember, what works for one, does not always work for others.

You asked what waxes I use..

I use C-3 , 415 and testing the 464 again .

(Working on the seepage issues that I have had with the 464.)

HTH - Happy Testing...:cool2:

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I have purchased a few their candles and they are your average CB Adv candle. Scent throw gets better after a some cure time and they get frost lines when burned. They smell good but I never had a run-you-out-of-the-house strong candle of few I tried.

It looks like they are just reselling Millcreek b&b bases with a hefty price hike on the supplies website. It makes me skeptical that their scents could be the same also but renamed and priced up a bit, who knows? I do know someone who ordered something off their supply site and got ripped on the shipping. They paid 3 times the going shipping rate and never got a response as to why.

If you are using their same wax and scents then you are probably getting a similar result to what they sell. I truly believe you can make a better candle just finding the wax you like best and testing some scents from a few companies. All have good and bad, high and low prices. You may find some winners at great prices. Be unique!

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CBA takes a lot of testing to get the fragrance throw right. Not all fragrances throw in CBA. The only way to know is through thorough testing.

I have to reiterate that no candle company is going to give away their secrets on how they make their candles. A company may give you general information but not enough to make a candle like theirs.

I don't know why you would want to make a candle like a large company that produces them on an assembly line.

A lot of candle makers here on this board can make candles much better than some of these large companies.

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Thank you all very much for your input. I have been making candles now since August 2006. I just want to make the best product possible for my customers. If something is working well for a company I am always open to trying it out myself.

As we all know it's quite difficult to find the BEST when your working with a small budget.:undecided I purchased a sampler kit from Candles and Supplies....it's every soy wax on the market....so I've been working hard with testing.

I did hear from Soy Candle Suppliers. They told that I was heating the wax to high and that I should try to heat only to 155 and add FO at 145. This is not what NGI's site says nor is this what SCS's website instructions say....so now I'm even more confused.

Thanks again! This site has been very very helpful.:D

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Yep! That is what I have found too..I used CBA and I was playing around one day and heated to 155-160 and added fo's at 140 and I got great results...still do it and still great results.I love this wax.I am still testing scents but by next year I should have a full line with this wax.:cheesy2: I use CD wicks also.HTH!


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It's great to hear that this is working well for someone else. I will try that tonight. It's a shame that that wax has gone up so much in price.......the suppliers here in my area only carry golden brands:undecidedI will be paying around 65 a case plus another 20 or so in shipping!!! It's all worth it as long as it sells well and can compete with the other company's.

Thanks again for the info!!:D

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the only experience I've had with Maddison Avenue Candles is that they stole very large chunks of my website - word for word and pasted it on their website as their own.

I did contact them and they HAVE changed it somewhat but there are still massive chunks of text that I personally wrote for our website which is still sitting on theirs. This seriously pissed me off as a lot of the text on our site took ages to reasearch and write, so for this company to just waltz in, copy and paste it onto their own website and then have the NERVE to put a copyright symbol on their page - it's just a joke.

I will never purchase from this company as I would NEVER do business with a company who so openly stole the hard work of others - even if their FO was amazing.

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Oh my gosh.....that is terrible!! I actually had someone do that to me as well. They copied and pasted my fragrances and my exact wording onto their page.

The saddest part was this person was a friend and she didn't understand why she shouldn't do that. We spend hours upon end trying to get our stuff just right and someone else just comes along and does a little click click. :angry2:

The site for SCS is soycandlesuppliers.com and the site where I bought the wax sampler kit is candleandsupplies.com

Soy Candle Suppliers hasn't raised their prices on the wax yet.....but candles and supplies raised theirs almost 20 bucks:shocked2:


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I just received an email from one of my wholesale accounts that also carries Maddison Avenue Candles Tealights and she informed me that she liked mine better buecause of the scent throw (hot & cold) and she also told me that my tealights burn longer and the flame is just right.

I use CBA and love it. I have found that scents like Angel Wings does not have a good hot throw, but has a great cold throw. I have also found that a 3 to 5 day cure time really helps the scent throw. I also use LX wicks. Can't remember who said it, but heating the wax to 150/155 and adding the FO at 140/145 is a BIG help. I also pour around 125/130 depending on what the inside temp is. Hope this helps.:wink2:

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OMG Natty I remember when you posted that one!! I looked into the company and pm'd you their phone number. I guess they feel safe about doing it because you're in the UK. Unbelievable!!! The nerve of people. If their stuff is so good, you'd think they'd try and be original. :(

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Guest WhoMe?
the only experience I've had with Maddison Avenue Candles is that they stole very large chunks of my website - word for word and pasted it on their website as their own.

I did contact them and they HAVE changed it somewhat but there are still massive chunks of text that I personally wrote for our website which is still sitting on theirs. This seriously pissed me off as a lot of the text on our site took ages to reasearch and write, so for this company to just waltz in, copy and paste it onto their own website and then have the NERVE to put a copyright symbol on their page - it's just a joke.

I will never purchase from this company as I would NEVER do business with a company who so openly stole the hard work of others - even if their FO was amazing.

She (I say she, because it is not as big of a company as "she" makes them out to be) stole one of my product photos and graphically painted on top of it to use it for herself. Looks like she cannot do much of anything for herself on the website, if she cannot take her own photos or write her own text. Once I let her know that the photo must come down immediately, she emailed back apologizing and removed it.

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OMG Natty I remember when you posted that one!! I looked into the company and pm'd you their phone number. I guess they feel safe about doing it because you're in the UK. Unbelievable!!! The nerve of people. If their stuff is so good, you'd think they'd try and be original. :(

Wasn't that the lady called Ikae from "Just Like Me Creations"? She actually stole my WHOLE website - just cut and pasted the whole lot into her own and despite me emailing her - she is still working away on it - it's still even got my company name in some of the text where she hasn't even noticed it yet.

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